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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Oh you know they dead! WTF? I believe i saw smoke coming off those wee tyres haha.
  2. Yeah i know Livi spun hers but so did you.
  3. Didn't ya spin your car on a motorway
  4. Glazing only really causes noise, same braking effect though.
  5. Was reading up on the kiwi team nurburgring, those civics look and sound the biz, they get tuned down the road from work. Should be a good show.
  6. Addiction gets us all! True fan haha.
  7. That's bull sh*t, the new dealership (whoever that are) should take on board that she has a swift still under warrenty with a problem, i can't understand why the old dealership still charged her for a vehicle fault?
  8. Very very cool! Nice to see a few Dakars The racing dynamics M3 was sick! Maybe Bimmersport should have an M fest haha
  9. Normal swift or sport? We have had a few sports with noisy brakes but none with this problem, as i said if the your friend isn't happy with the brakes still take it back to the dealer and request new brakes to be fitted, warrenty should cover this.
  10. Greg111

    1996 318I 4 door

    Clearly a cheap car even with the probs.
  11. That does sound a bit strange? Deglaze means to skim the surface of the discs and pads, they should of shamfered the pads as well. We havent had too many probs with swift brakes, the dealer should be replacing the brake pads and possibly the discs also if she consists with the problem.
  12. That would have been choice! Good pics.
  13. I love this car. So much win!
  14. Greg111

    E34 Picsssss

    I like. Paints absolutly mint!
  15. First time i've heard this thing, sounds just how all V8s should, very badass!
  16. Yes that's true, the amp wire in my old head unit f**ked out so i just spliced the 12V turn on wire instead.
  17. Stick with the ACS dude, far better looking wheel considering and i have the baskets on my E34.
  18. Meh............nah just jokes, good looking car, we have a stock one in at work with the simple twin cam motor, still a fine looking vehicle for there day. Nice skids .
  19. We have a few Hi and drys here in the stings as cop wagans, you kind of just learn to not speed in presence of other vehicles, you never know these days where cops are, just abide by the rules i guess as Emma said.
  20. One of the best 4 door E30s i've seen, well done.
  21. Ha the M3 touring looks mongral as! Good drifter though.
  22. Ian, i had the same prob with mine when putting in the aftermearket stereo then realised it had the factory amp which i had to power up, the blue wire on the head unit is the remote amp turn on wire, just used that one.
  23. Looking absolute tits dude! Bet it goes bloody hard.
  24. That's awsome dude, no need for the hassle.
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