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Everything posted by international

  1. international

    PM Chooses BM

    Congrats man...sounds like business is going to be good for you as well with all these extra BMWs on the road
  2. international

    PM Chooses BM

    Should have done a drive-by with paint ball!
  3. international

    PM Chooses BM

    I really dont see a real issue behind having a larger number of BMW fleet as government cars. Sure they are "expensive" but I believe that through the process of using common sense and a very basic knowledge of engines, the 3.0L Diesel is bound to have lower running costs than the current V8 Fords. Lower fuel costs, more economical engine, more lavish ride...what more can you ask for? I was just talking to my father about this topic over dinner today, he himself being in the mix of New Zealand's media mentioned that the Ford consumes around 11L per 100Km where as the new BMWs would only use up a mere 8.5L per 100Km however, the government target was somewhere around 6L per 100Km. I cannot be 100% sure about those figures, at least that was what I was told... We really aint a very rich nation, however, the investments on these BMW not only upgrade New Zealand's profile as a country aware of the importance of these VIPs by using BMW instead of Ford to give them rides...surely enough the differences are clear. It is quite clear the the BMW offers a far better interior than the inferior Fords for good reasons too so remember its not money wasted... The selective use of Diesel over Petrol is another obvious sign that the running costs were taken into factor to lower the running costs. Given the potential on Bio-Diesel fuel...these BMWs have more future than those Fords without a doubt. 3.0L should be more than enough in terms of power, just remember this aint your everday ride, nor is it a racer as long as it can drive over 99Km/h and under 101Km/h, Ill be happy, unlike those Fords that go well over 100Km/h because someone wanted to go watch the footie *cough *cough *Helen...Clark... anyways you got my point. I believe this is by far one of the best choices the government has made for a very very long time, I cannot remember the last good decision that was made for the benefits of everday people... The Greenies can go and give themselves a big slap on their face if they are going to complain about the exhaust gas of Diesel cars and those who do complain on the fact that these are BMWs, not Ford or Holden are just V8 nutters who are scared that their V8 heritige could be replaced by BMWs. Very true, I believe since New Zealand and Australia have been a long standing V8 countries for many generations based on Holdens and Fords. Fears of them being replaced by the far superior BMWs is eminent if those V8s dont stop burning fuel like a bloke guzzling beer at the pub...
  4. bro, Im waiting for your SLABed 7 series ...
  5. This is one SICK as 5...one of the best E39 I have seen...a SLAB for sure lol...
  6. around 2K~ which part of Auckland are you? try the Yellow Pages mate...
  7. BMW M5 and M3 for sure...no doubt about it...Hold on...those cars are still considered "sports car" or "super car"?
  8. stop giving Diablo the wrong impressions lol....
  9. Right...I remember the conversation we had that night at BS meeting bro? hahaha you and your 7 series dreams are just closer....
  10. Thanks guys...thats all I really needed to know...thanks very much
  11. I think we should start forcing members to purchase BS stickers...with their usernames below it hahaha...
  12. international

    My 740i

    Even I am feeling sad to see it go, my dad had a 740i...seriously awesome car...
  13. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=125421276 Right, so I saw this M3 on Trademe, looked like the deal, awesome interior, even lower Ks than my 1997 E36... Impressed by it, I was confused by the terms used "Evo". Is this "Evo" different to other E36 M3s? I had a look on Wikipedia, but still seems to be quite vague. Another question is in regards to the 3.2L engine. Many people, including Wikipedia mention that the 3.0L is less problematic. What are the complications with the 3.2L? Might need some experienced insights from some real BMW nutters... Chur~
  14. My mum owned my BMW... The Z4 was owned by someone who traded it for a 350Z which was foolish...pior to the trade she was working at a well known company, wont say the name...
  15. thats cheeky from his point of view lol
  16. Second set suit cars with a darker colour, but not black...suits well on my Red E36...
  17. Reminded me of Hondata...the NZ company that really made VTEC the big thing in the states...Just goes to show, theres a lot more in the software than what many people may have originally thought... This is a definity a bang for buck upgrade...
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