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_BRS_ last won the day on May 5 2024

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209 Excellent

About _BRS_

  • Rank
    5th Gear
  • Birthday 12/20/1987

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Blair S
  • Location
    New Plymouth
  • Car
    E30 Touring

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  1. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Easter Cruise a couple of weeks back. Holding onto the last of the summer sun!
  2. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    I believe so, check their channel! His car was in Auckland and flew down to New Plymouth.
  3. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    A couple of months ago I jumped at a chance opportunity to catch up with Nathan from “Those Car Dudes” on YouTube. It was a perfect summers evening in New Plymouth for a spontaneous photoshoot, the results were unreal!
  4. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Went to a local Hardpark and managed to take out First Place Euro. Also a local charity car show where I took out Best European, was pretty cool being alongside my Dad with his 1936 Ford 3 Window Coupe where he took out Presidents Choice that day. Daniels 335i is one tough E91 family wagon too!
  5. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Haven’t updated this in a bit so time for a photo dump! Car is a bit of a garage queen but does get driven occasionally. You know it goes well when you hop out shaking with the adrenaline! Summer Cruising: Winter “cool cars and coffee”
  6. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Cheers mate, was a very long and slow process, but I never let go of the end goal and vision! It was definitely all worth it and so rewarding.
  7. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    A small meet up and cruise last weekend with some local fellow BMW enthusiasts.
  8. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Cheers! Have owned the plate for nearly 12 years now, ran it on my old 4 door also.
  9. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Went for a nice little cruise around the coast a couple of weekends ago, stopped off in Oakura to snap these pics. Just got a fresh WOF this week, so good to go for another 6 months. Same old story, need to drive it more!
  10. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Nice little evening cruise last Friday along the rural countryside. Need to get it out and enjoy it more!
  11. @project_calypso Hopefully will be updated more regularly over summer and beyond! Full build stories are located there also.
  12. Awesome, can't wait to see the progress! Such a badass combination!
  13. _BRS_

    Snow/Foam Cannons

    Karcher K3 and PA Italy snow foam lance from UCC does the trick for me. Like you, i wanted one for years and finally got one about 3 months ago. Best investment ever.
  14. Have you tried getting in contact with Le Mans Auto Fabrics in Wellington? Thats where i sourced my 2 types of e30 fabric from.
  15. _BRS_

    [ E30 ] VERSION 2

    Thanks! No sorry, the kit didn't come with any stickers on the booster, it was just stated as a reconditioned miniature one, all freshly painted black.
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