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Posts posted by petone

  1. This is going to be really hard to answer i think .. .cause everything is going to be very subjective ...

    haha that was kind of what i was hoping for, theres no real point to this. I just wanted to get people ideas on different bimmers. I know what you mean about E30 being "raw", i got manual steering so its even more so.

  2. I was wondering how some of the new bimmers like the E46 etc compared to the older ones like E30's, 2002's? Aside from obvbious differences like engines and gadgets and looks etc. How much of the actual handling/driving has chnaged over the past? Eg: is a E36 a big step up from a E30, or is there not much difference really?

    I only driven a E30 so can't make any comparisions but some of you other guys must have driven a few bimmers-what your favourite?

  3. Try places like repco for a close match. If you got a wierd colour or want it perfect go to somewhere like total body shop supplies. Dunno if you got them up in auckland though? They are expensive though. Cost me $50 for enough paint (alpine white) to do a sun roof, front bumber, and quarter panel. I probably used more than I had to cos I was using a spray gun for the fisrt time and wasn't exactly sure what i was doing. End result far better than any aerosol though. They can put paint in a aerosol if you want though.

  4. Thats different to the pics I've seen, I'll post the ones from MOTOR, its similar but the front is different. It looks even better :)


    Ferrari 430 Modena

    358 kW, 4.3L V8

    $400'000 (AU)

    On sale mid 2005

    Oh and F355 all the way :wub:


  5. Um yeah, i need an alarm. I Want a decent one thats insurance approved and everything. Also need to get 2 door motors. Anything else i need to know about them? Anybody know somewhere that will do a good install at a reasonable price?


  6. 500 bucks! what does that buy you? I thought stealers weren't to bad, but today i rung up about sunroof seal and they said $300! for a length of rubber!

    Do you still have the little knob or have you lost it? Glue it on if you still have it.

  7. Thats where it is on my car aswell. Can't think why i thought it was by the fuel tank-told you i'm losing it. Anyway, i think i did do it on the hoist having not realised how much simpler it would have been with the bonnet open. Maybe cos i already had the car up on the hoist doing the oil and filter and i just carried on to the filter. Oh well, you learn these things :banghead: .

    Have you fixed you car yet ryan?

  8. you did a fuel filter on a hoist? heh..

    I think i'm losing it aye, I'm all confused now. I remember it being underneath the car by the fuel tank. But I noticed today its easy to see with the bonnet up. i dunno, i think my memory playing tricks on me. Anyway, point is, its easy enough to do yourself (once you know where it is) :wacko:

  9. Fuel filters are even cheaper from repco, nothing wrong with them either. You should try and do it yourself. From memory theres only about 4 bolts/bands that you have to undo. Just put it back on in the same order you take it off. When was you filter last done? I think theres a noticable weight difference between old and new filters.

  10. You can easily get 50k when the fuel light comes on. I was wondering if they had a light for a while as well, the needle has to go past the E.

    Ryan, it sound fuel related to me. after a lot of rain my car used to run real bad, spluttering etc, it would take ages to start and sometimes when i changed gear the engine would just die, even on full throtlle to try and revive it. I sprayed electrical contact clean on the dizzy and other ignition related stuff and it hasn't done it since. Anyway thats what ignition problem is like. Seeing as your car responds to the throttle, makes me think its fuel. Also what carl said makes good sense. Fuel filter is easy enough to change, not too expensive either.

  11. Thats odd, I didn't have too much trouble getting insurance. Then again the only mods really are stereo and suspension, and it is only a 1.8. Both AMI and NAC quoted around $750 for full insurance for a 18 year old driver on full license with no previous claims. AMI wanted dual immobiliser though. and AMI excess was $700 but $1000 excess for a theft claim. The main problem with my car is that car is worth about $2500 and the stereo about $1800. Just ring again and see if you get a different operator. Or go and see them at the branch.

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