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Everything posted by byza213

  1. byza213

    cheap e36 318i

    bump pics are up top^^
  2. any one de tinted a car themselves? what about the rear window with the de misters. Should i just leave it to the pros?
  3. byza213

    My e30 Progress

    very nice! i dig it!!
  4. make em silver again !! congrats for doing something different and not caring about negative comments
  5. byza213


    hes a member here !
  6. im interested in some adjustables also , i think there was a guy on trademe seling some d2 for 800
  7. looking sharp man , i like it
  8. four door rears seats wont fit tourings right??
  9. i dont like , runs and hides
  10. looking real good , i need a e28 in my life
  11. i like it , its pretty unique/ but agree on all red tails
  12. are those lm reps if so it made that car look a whole lot better lol http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-395712056.htm
  13. byza213

    cheap e36 318i

    bump will take 800 ,car in east auckland
  14. yea man just read up on this , i think its running rich , which could be a variety of things causing this.!
  15. anyone know whats causes my exhaust fume to start staining a little on my rear bumper?
  16. byza213


    the guy with the diamante needs to see this thread, this car looks clean as hell and i dont think owner clearly cares about opinions , how it should be!
  17. byza213


    i think he has taste if you saw some of this others like the 6 series, the Rusty car he started "modding " so there was no turning back!
  18. byza213


    i saw this last night and came ! so clean and classy!
  19. sick dude , you going hard on the 30 nicee!
  20. good on your son mr2s are addictive.. nice car though , i like the wheels also would look good on a touring
  21. byza213


    this one seems nice non M though , think the guys a member here! http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-392445492.htm
  22. another ! http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-390115798.htm
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