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Everything posted by Carl

  1. A word of warning for those intending to do the Z3 shift lever conversion who have the sheet metal shift console (early pre-FL models only). There's an additional step necessary to make the lever fit that's not detailed anywhere i've seen. The sheet metal console requires the use of fitting upper and lower nylon cups onto the shift lever from both top and bottom. Since the original lever is a two piece setup this is easy but as the Z3 lever is a two piece that's moulded together using rubber it's not so easy as it's damned near impossible to separate the two pieces. You need to separate the lever in order to get the upper nylon cup, spring, and spacer on. The only way you can separe the lever without damaging it is to heat the bugger up till the rubber is near smoking - but not melting - so as to melt the glue holding the rubber in place but not melting the rubber. Once you get this right the buggers will separate. Cheers.
  2. What kind of dumb ass doesn't know how to lock a door
  3. Carl

    Glovebox torch

    There's a guy trying to sell them on Trademe, get one off him.
  4. Abby, go to BNT (Brake and Transmission) and just buy a new Clutch Slave, it's only $30...if you want to do a little bit more for less then get the Slave Repair Kit for something like $15 or less. That'll fix you up
  5. Carl

    Wind down

    Here's some interesting sites... www.collegehumour.com www.porn-bread.com www.carstuckgirls.com
  6. Carl

    Wind down

    insane in the membrane. . . I love xmas, that's when no one comes to work, the traffic is light in the morning, there's heaps of babes running around at lunch time, office parties, corporate functions... :beer:
  7. Carl

    Cell Phones

    I already have a bluetooth phone??? Can't you read???What use is bluetooth anyway, i've only used it for sharing contacts and playing multi player games, buts that's about it. USB is much easier for file transfers than bluetooth since not everyone has bluetooth capable devices such as PC's...or didn't you think about that angle, no, I don't think you did. *I pity the fool* that doesn't think, before he speaks, before he makes a fool of himself.
  8. Carl

    My new CAI

    Use heat reflective tape - talk to Tim about his ideas on it
  9. Carl

    Cell Phones

    Forgot to say...If you didn't know, SE phones allow you to create macros or shortcuts. I've set one up so that it speeds up the sms process to a couple of button clicks. Mmmm, half the reason for my next upgrade...I already have the USB cable for my current SE so it's just a matter of upgrading...
  10. Carl

    Cell Phones

    Paper? A week to fall to bits? Man, don't be so stupid and naive, i've seen nokia phones looking like they've been dropped from aeroplanes, it'll all comes down to how you look after your phone.Right now i've got a Sony Ericson and it's the best damn phone i've ever had, beats the nokia phones i've played with hands down. My phone has survived an hour in the bottom of my spa pool (Tim can confirm this) and it's still working perfectly. How many phones have you seen survive submersion in water??? It's also been dropped from the 6th floor of my office staircase and bounced all the way to the 2nd floor, still works perfectly, and after 2.5 years it still has over 8 days battery life. Plus for a phone that's been around for 3 years it's can still do everything that the new phones can do, including WAP porn and Vodafone LIVE! plus email, bluetooth, and PXT. I was looking at the K700 or the T630 for my next purchase so no vote from me sorry since I haven't played with any of these.
  11. Carl

    photoshop help

    Sparkle, use the selection tool and outine the area you want to work with, what you do next is up to you: You can start to draw, colour, whatever, and it will only affect the area that is encircled (or entrapezoided)...you can work on the exterior of that selection by inverting the selection from the toolbar. The other option is after selecting the piece you can copy it to a new layer then lock the layers and work on the particular layer you want then merge the layers after your done.
  12. Good old finger compression testblows your finger out = high compression
  13. Carl

    My M Coupe

    Excellent first post, welcome to the site Dunners, i've been there, that's all i've got to say about it
  14. Agreed, Schintzer don't do with engines what Hartge or Aplina do May I point out that that car has Hartge alloys - probably the exact same ones that Ian has, perfect fakes - surprises me that that car doesn't have Hartge badges on it too
  15. Carl

    Audi RS4

    That's just stupid, what use is that in NZ where we're not allowed to go over 100kph legally except for track racing, and who here can afford to get one just for that purpose?And in terms of speed, 200kph in an E30 is infinately more scarey than 200kph in a RSn
  16. About bloody time Quite fitting really, 9 months is like the whole tri-mester natal thing, a new baby is born :mosh:
  17. Spigot bearing is what the BMW centre called it. It took me a while to work that one out aswell as I had to explain where it was and what it did before they found the name and part number.If you don't have one then your gearbox input shaft will be a little sloppy and will you will fast wear out your g/box alot faster than you should. The bearings are all the same on the 6cyl engines so I would assume that there's one type for all of the 4cyl engines. If you ring BNT and ask for a clutch replacement kit it will come with a clutch disc and pressure plate. If not BNT then go to a BMW centre.
  18. Kiwi535, grab tje Fujifilm S7000, may only have a 6x opt instead of the 10x but it's by far a seriously wicked camera and you'll never need a 10x zoom for a start. I got the S602Z which is the predecesor of the S7000, SLR styled 6MP with full manual controls...no complaints, and you've all seen my photos on here Using an SLR digital camera is by far the most usable camera, if you've got money to burn go for the Cannon EOS range, interchangeable SLR lenses on digital cameras :thumb: :thumb:
  19. Short diff = fast acceleration = uneconomical Long diff = slower acceleration = economical 4.11 is quite short given that it's at the shorter end of the scale although with the 318 it wouldn't be hell. As an indication, using a Getrag 260 gbox with the 6cyl: 4.64 = very short diff, top end = 195kph 4.45 = quite short, top end = 205kph 3.73 = middle-ish diff, top end = 250kph* 3.45 = long, top end = 285kph* 3.25 = very long diff, top end = 305 kph* 2.92 = extremely long diff, top end = 320kph* *theoretical, would be impossible due to the E30's having the aerodynamics of a brick. I can say though that the 4.45 did redline in 5th at 205 kph
  20. Duct tape will solve your problem, just tape up every pipe neatly and tape over the radiator cap aswell as over the engine, that'll fix it :thumb: Seriously though, listen to what Abby says, most problems are so generic, so chances are your viscous clutch thingee needs replacing and that'll sort ya out. Then you're plain sailing and can come join us for our mega meet
  21. I agree with Grant on the g/box, weeping (not leeking) is most likely going to be worn seals which isn't a mission to fix. It also could simply be a case of overfilled transmission oil or the wrong type (ie, ATF instead of MTF). Coupling cracking is a simple change ge it driveshaft coupling or steering coupling, they're both DIY's. As for high km's, that's probably the genuine milage which is all good cause at last you know it ain't tampered with and E30 engines last for donkey's years. I've got a 1990 E30 that's clocked 100,600k's as of this weekend but I doubt that as the true milage...if it were true milage then at least i'd know whether or not it needs a new cam belt
  22. Carl

    1985 2DR 325i

    That's a mint looking ride, nice and clean, how a bimmer should look. Have fun playing with it. Oh yeah, and welcome to the site
  23. 4.11 is arse if you want economy, but for a 318 that should be sort of mid to short. As an indication of diff sizes, the tallest ratio I know of is a 2.92, the shortest ratio I know of is a 4.64. The shorter the diff ratio the faster the acceleration but the lower the top speed will be. I'm using a 3.25 at the mo which is extremely eceonomical, my swing-o-meter says I do 13 km/l when doing 2200 rpm @ 100kph. In contrast, when I had a 4.45 ratio the lyingbastard-o-meter said I did 9km/l while doing 3200 rpm @ 100kph. Your diff choice should be your favourite balance of acceleration vs. economy/cruising. I like a touring kind of cruising diff, but the 3.25 is still a little too long. It was fun with the 4.45 though!!!!one!!!111!!!
  24. Sorted, Tane and I are going to do this conversion over the xmas break, if anyone else in Welly wants to do this at the same time then let us know and we can all do it together and then afterwards we can sing Cumbuya while sitting naked around an open fire while the missus brews us a pot o tea.
  25. Then you stick on the gearbox, hook up the shift lever mechanism, then attach the drivershaft
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