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deeveus last won the day on July 24 2014

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81 Excellent

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About deeveus

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 09/02/1981

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    NZ New E65 745i
  • Car 2
    NZ New E46 320d ///M

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  1. It wouldn't pull a pirate out of a whore house I know but it's still a minter
  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1010357930.htm And it's Paul's from Milland..
  3. deeveus

    E39 F/L 530i

    Picked this pile of turds up for next to nothing, NZ New Facelift so has the angel eye headlamps. I wanted the CD changer out of it, so it came with a free car virtually.. Known faults: Gearbox won't select reverse and appears to be in limp mode - i.e won't change gears Running on 5 cylinders - possible coil Dash has several lights showing Requires crank angle sensor also Speedo doesn't work Is this car worth saving or is it off to scrap? Battery has been replaced and apparently some of these faults arose afterwards.. Vehicle Identification Number WBADT62070CE60182 Type DT62 Model 530i - EUR Development Code E39 Chassis LIM Steering RL Doors 4 Engine M54 Displacement 3.00 Power 170 Drivetrain HECK Transmission AUT Color Titansilber Metallic - 354 Upholstery Standardleder/schwarz - N6SW Production Plant DINGOLFING Production Date 2000-09-06 Options 168 Eu2 Exhaust Emissions Norm Abgasnorm Eu2 204 Drive Version Export Antriebsauslegung Export 249 Multi-function For Steering Wheel Multifunktion Fuer Lenkrad 255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel Sport-lederlenkrad 261 Side Airbag For Rear Passengers Seitenairbag Fuer Fondpassagiere 302 Alarm System Alarmanlage 360 Lt/aly Wheels/star Spoke 81 Lm Raeder/sternspeiche 81 431 Interior Rr Vw Mirror W Aut Anti-d Innenspiegel,automatisch Abblendend 438 Wood Trim Edelholzausfuehrung 441 Smokers Package Raucherpaket 459 Seat Adjustm., Electr. W. Memory Sitzverstellung, Elektr.mit Memory 465 Through-load System Durchladesystem 500 Headlight Washer Sys/intensive Cleaning Scheinw.waschanl./intensivreinigung 508 Park Distance Control (pdc) Park Distance Control (pdc) 534 Automatic Air Conditioning Klimaautomatik 548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading Kilometertacho 672 Cd Changer Bmw For 6 Cds Cd Wechsler 6-fach 676 Hifi Loudspeaker System Hifi Lautsprechersystem 818 Main Battery Switch Batteriehauptschalter 825 Radio Control Oceania Radio-steuerung Ozeanien 850 Add Fuel Tank Filling For Export Zusaetzl. Tankfuellung Export 864 Overseas/dealer Directory Service Kontakt-flyer Uebersee 880 English / On-board Documentation Englisch / Bordliteratur 925 Shipping Protection Package Versandschutzpaket Standard Equipment 202 Steptronic Steptronic 520 Foglights Nebelscheinwerfer 661 Radio Bmw Business Radio Bmw Business 853 Language Version English Sprachversion Englisch Information 464 Skibag Skisack 694 Preparation For Cd Changer Cd-wechsler Vorbereitung
  4. http://tvnz.co.nz/fair-go/ebirth-electronics-video-6395749
  5. An incredibly average way to keep it. Good as a parts donor IMO being left like that.
  6. Timing chain guides, gearbox, radiator, coil packs all done so far. Went with Milland again! Cheers.
  7. VIN: WBAFB32020LN86392 I'm after a price on a waterpump for the above VIN. Can anyone help with pricing or point me in the right direction? Cheers.
  8. I'm for it. Anyone that's driven from Dunedin to Christchurch of some of the central South Island roads would have to agree. Another equally annoying problem on our roads is for light trailers limited to 90kph. Personally I think it's more dangerous than operating at 100kph with a trailer.
  9. deeveus

    It's back S22

    Yup, all that carry on with the animosity was very accurate. They left a lot of gear behind. That Lotus in that condition would be big bucks here, it was ruined.
  10. deeveus

    It's back S22

    Won't be on kiwi tv for a bit but there's heaps of places online you can obtain it.
  11. Hi Tim. Already sorted thanks mate. Got a reconditioned one for 3k.
  12. BMW wouldn't make something dangerous like that, I personally wouldn't worry at all about it. Front airbags come out a lot further than side ones which is why you don't put kids in front seats I guess.
  13. deeveus


    Hmm, I'm not sure any of my cars have door locks or not. Must try them sometime. Nothing happens here, last event front page news was someone's letterbox got bowled over, mystery unsolved. Turned out to be a hoax.
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