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About sp8s

  • Rank
    4th Gear

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    Paul H
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  1. Some battery chargers have a system where they charge in cycles when connected to dead flat batteries. This is to stop a very high voltage going into a battery and rooting it with too high a charge. Seems to be this is what is happening here. Leave charger connected over night and check how things are in the morning..
  2. I had to do this as well a while back. Took me a few goes at it. Finally worked when I put the key really close to the mirror, just about touching.
  3. Just going to change my pants now. Think I did something
  4. Classic cover do LAID UP / STORAGE & RESTORATION COVER classiccover
  5. Tis the whole of NZ Timaru is one of the first to be done and there is not many taking up on UFB
  6. Another dickhead doing stupid shite on a public road
  7. Save yourself a heap of time and just buy this. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=45173
  8. Changed diff or gearbox or tyres take your pick Or you speedo is knackered
  9. sp8s


    Selling my personal plate. Euro size. Blue flag and fern at ends. Includes the surround/mounting backing bracket Lost my job through injury so have to give up stuff I have been keeping for the project. Cant put up pic. Got that message in the attachment panel. Pic from when selling Ti http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....mp;#entry433509 Buy around the $500 mark.
  10. Contender for giggle of the day
  11. No one would ignore your posts Alice is just too perty to miss
  12. Not quick enough to read but getting same message between page loadingsedit: This message is also just above the ad for the calendar when page has loaded. I can swipe to reveal
  13. Ford V8 very common in the states Check this out
  14. Some lucky bastard is gonna have fun
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