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Everything posted by sp8s

  1. sp8s

    My rights

    to late lol Got a phone call at 8:45 am saying car was finished and ready to pick up. $350 later a car with a second hand fuel pump thats mobile. At least its on the road again. Lesson learned: Dont be a soft c*ck and do the work myself (after I get the scanning software)
  2. Ok if you have read my other post about my lil bma troubles you will get the gist of where I am coming from. With the trouble I have had do I have the right to tell the workshop to put my car back together and then get it picked up (towed home) I am just sick of being dicked around by these people and it has been a week of no car. Sorry if its a silly question.
  3. sp8s

    ITB M42

    Looks a nice setup But like Carroll Shelby said "There aint no substitute for cubic inch's"
  4. sp8s

    Fuel pump

    Thanks Glenn Will keep that in mind when I go back on Monday. I got a feeling that the person (I wont call him a mechanic) was not very happy working on my car because he told the supplier that my car was an "old" BMW. The supplier asked if it was an E30 and he said yeah one of those old things. Yup its true I was told straight from the workshop foreman Dont know if I can really trust anyone that works there. Will really be interesting on Monday coz if it aint fixed its being towed home so I can fix. Well I am pretty handy with a spanner
  5. sp8s

    Fuel pump

    I would have if I wasn't told it was a simple cam sensor and as I dont have the scanning gear to check it I trusted the company that was called out by road "side rescue". But now I know. Will be getting some sort of scanning software very soon. May still be a chance as the "new" fuel pump is in Invercargill so dont know if its the right one yet. If its still wrong I will be getting the car towed home and do it myself. Mate I think Timaru is becoming the BMW 318Ti capital of New Zealand. I have seen at least a dozen of them in town and all of them different.The worst thing is the brand new fuel pump was in the shop 3 hours after ordering. Of course it went back
  6. Saw them testing one of these on Aussie Top Gear. They ran it beside a M3 and were most impressed Looks good to me as well Wish I had 66k
  7. [/begin rant] Last Monday on my way to work my car had a couple of times where it cut out but picked up again. Thought that was strange but hey its still going so went to work. Just before I finished for the night I went to move car from round back of factory to the front so I had less distance to walk when work finished. Car wouldn't start. Shite I thought. Remembered I had road side assistance so rang them and they sent someone around to check it out. Now being a BMW he needed a scanner to see what the problem was so arranged for them to get it towed to their workshop to scan and replace the sensor as he thought that was what was wrong. Tuesday. I rang and was told it was the petrol pump and a new one was ordered. Cost $500 but could get a second hand one for $199. Ok so it will be going next day yeah? Wednesday. Did a personal appearance this time to make sure car was going to be ready for me to go to work. No wrong pump !!!!!!!! Not enough information sent to company that had the pump. What a joke. Thursday. Another visit to the shop to see what was going on and guess what, Nothing, that's what. Was told they have ordered another pump and will be there in the morning so I will have car back for the weekend. Today. Went down for another visit. The pump is in Invercargill (sent from Christchurch) - Car is in Timaru - No use to me down there. Cant get till Monday. Jeez I cant tell you how disappointed I am with this company. Last time I used this company they stuffed me around as well. Last time I took the car for a scan to see why the idle was rough. Was told it was the oxy sensor and need a new one. Ok I thought they know what they are doing so yeah order and fit. It still idled rough after fitting the sensor. Took it somewhere else and within 2 minutes was told its the crankcase valve. Yeah it was and the car idled nice after fitting. Now I am stuck with no car for a week, luckily I have use of the Wife's car but it is putting her out cos she works as well. She has had to get a ride to work so I can use her car. Now its the weekend, have heaps to do and the Wife needs her car for work leaving me with no way to get out to do the things I had organised. [/end rant] What have I learned. Get scanning software and cables etc and do it myself.
  8. The design is OK just change the name
  9. You wont regret getting a Ti. They are absolutely wonders to drive. Dont worry too much about that gasket thing as they are easy job to replace. Shame my one died on me yesterday. In the shop now, they reckon its either the cam or crank sensor has sh*t itself. Thank goodness for roadside rescue haha. Am wondering what the sensors are worth though.
  10. sp8s

    My New Toy

    Like your name for the old lappy Acer Expire 1640
  11. sp8s

    e36 318is parts

    Price on gearbox driveshaft etc dont need motor
  12. sp8s

    My New Toy

    Only need a cooler, get one herehttp://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/accessories/96b3/
  13. Google is your friend "e36 v8 conversion" "e36ls1" etc Build post http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/conversions-hybrids/1125667-yet-another-bmw-e-36-lsx-conversion.html
  14. Sounds silly but try a gardening shop
  15. lolCongrats Guys Deserved
  16. Here is one experience of mine. Sold an engine to a guy because he had blown his. Later found out how he did it. V8's dont like 8000 RPM's Loaded engine onto his trailer and waved goodbye. 4 hours later he was back on my doorstep saying engine was a dud. Now I know this was a good engine because I had been using it. Thought hello this guy is trying it on with me. Checked engine number and found it to be different to the one I had sold. I told him this and he was adamant this was the same engine. Asked to see receipt I gave him and (haha) pointed out on the receipt I had written the engine number of the engine I had sold him. Offered to call the Police if he wanted to take this any further. He drove off rather quickly after that. The point: Cover your ass when dealing with people no matter how honest and trust worthy they seen/look.
  17. Looks like some one really into their 100E prefects
  18. If you dont want to be flamed then dont post on other forums then put a link on your Sig to it. I am a newbie to BMW's and really value the knowledge that people here have. I will really need said knowledge when I get the cash together to modify my compact. Plus the Members who have the parts. I dont want any Mod to resign they do a fantastic job ( I am a Mod on a couple of warez sites so know how hard it is) This really is one of the best Forums out there which is why I joined. I haven't even joined the Ti forum yet as I get most of the advice from here. Peace out Guys
  19. Get a Gmail account. I got over 7 gig of room.
  20. sp8s

    E46 330i manual

    Looks like some one attacked it with a softball bat.
  21. Burn to disk - courier
  22. wouldn't mind them myself but Im broke
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