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Everything posted by sp8s

  1. Pick it up - throw over your left shoulder - buy a E36 Problem solved
  2. sp8s

    Euro Plates

    You can get plate surrounds that make your plate look like a Euro if that is the look you are looking for. Search on Trademe
  3. So want but monies tight at the moment - Bugga
  4. I remember the days when Reidrubber made kits like that for all the cars of the 70's 80's. Personally fitted heaps of them to Escorts Cortinas etc.
  5. Dont know if its been posted before but I found a link to it and thought maybe someone wants to drive a Bimmer on their phone. Game doesn't work on my phone but maybe you have one of the listed phones it plays on AND its FREE Plays on The game is available for the following Handsets: Sony Ericsson J210, J300, K300, F500, K500, K506, K508, K600, K608, K610, K700, K700, D750, K750, S700, S710, V600, V800, V802, W550, W600, W800, W810, W900, W950, Z500, Z520, Z800 Samsung A880, A900, A920, A940, A960, Z130, Z140, Z300, Z500, ZM60, ZV10, ZV30 Nokia 3155, 3155i, 6111, 6230i, 5255, 6255i, 8800, 6630, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70, N90 Siemens SXG75 Visit My Website
  6. Those orange stripes on the interior look like duct tape holding it together.
  7. Password will be on the download page.Should be "pdftown" without quote marks
  8. sp8s

    Big-end torquing

    Have built heaps of engines over the years, used NEW bolts every time and NEVER had anything come loose. Built engines over 500 hp as well and never a problem when using new bolts/studs. Never loctited any thing, PITA to pull apart anyway.
  9. sp8s

    Bardahl Oils

    Been around for years - dropped out of sight - now back Used to be pretty good stuff
  10. sp8s

    My 1971 2002 Build

    Did I miss the post where its all certified or we being a naughty boy
  11. Geez I hope that hoist dont slip
  12. sp8s

    m52 in e30

    Keep your E30 original seeing as how it is mint, its worth more that way. Pass your 328 onto me so I can do the transplant
  13. sp8s


    The Wifes boy uses Skype video and it uses heaps of bandwidth. Come close to my bandwidth every month because of it. Have to knock my downloading back at the end of every month. Checked my usage meter on Xnet and 2 hours of video equals 300mb
  14. Your file is a .amr file only playable on mobile phone unless you download a converter to convert to mp3
  15. Thats why we crush Boy Racer cars dickheads
  16. sp8s

    Weight loss

    I recently changed the seats in my Ti from the msport to normal seats and must have saved about 500 kilos. Damn those motorsport seats are heavy.
  17. IF you are up at a "christmas tree" (the lights) just creep forward until the second WHITE light shines which lets you a of leeway on your launch (staging deep) which means a better chance of not 'redlighting' and you can go on the LAST yellow. Practice Practice Practice. You WILL WIN most of your races on reaction time. I got mine down to .005 of a second. If you have someone available when practicing have them stand in front of you counting down on their fingers - like stand there with 4 fingers up then lower one at a time so you can get used to counting down in your head. IF you get what I mean here you can find your own way of doing this. Edited because of the Bourbon lol
  18. Exhaust tubing - cheap and plenty sizes available - polish/paint/chrome
  19. sp8s


    Is it not like the E36 where you have to hold the button down on the remote to close windows and sunroof after the doors are locked?
  20. So you are using Firefox (well I really hope you are) and its a bit boring, not looking the best, well how about using Firefox persona's. Thats the back ground for the tool bars (the bit up the top with all the writing on it) Go to BMW persona's Take your pick of picture/background and away you go with a personalised background on your Firefox. Pretty simple to use as well. Hey even I can use it
  21. There is no way this will fit. Thats why you should give to me.
  22. bloody rota's, ruined a nice car.
  23. Shite if I still lived in Auckland I would have worked for parts. Looks/sounds like you need some more staff.
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