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Everything posted by Wom

  1. Wom

    New years resolution

    I don't get why people start smoking again after having quit for more than a couple of months once you get past the initial first month, it's pretty easy from there on worst is the first week, get through that and then aim for a month get past a month and it's a piece of cake from there my boss gave up so she could have another baby, good on her for doing that but then a day after her baby was born, she started smoking again
  2. Wom

    New years resolution

    just a couple of resolutions ... pay off credit card(s) practice guitar more than just once a month lol
  3. my mate removed all the aircon from his early 80's Corona ... the aircon radiator is the same size as the normal radiator !! heavy son of a b***h too
  4. yea I hate lots of stickers too I'd suggest taking the receipt in with you just in case
  5. spotted a really tidy looking e34 while heading over Rimutaka's yesterday just before lunch time (going from Wairarapa towards Upper Hutt)
  6. what's up with the Autobots badges? have seen them on a few cars over the last month while going to work
  7. got a few dvds some car cleaning stuff a couple of books about cars guitar hero Metallica lego ... says ages 7 - 12 on the box lol, should really be just ages 7+ lots of vouchers the winning powerball ticket for tonight's draw
  8. practice maybe? damn school holidays, all the punks with nothing better to do
  9. Wom

    Merry Christmas!

    ooo yea the 207 goes great ehyou on xbox? if you are, add me - womz oh and I got guitar hero metallica and some lego ... yea I'm a big kid at heart
  10. that's good to hear if I ever change then it'll probably be AMI at the top of my list
  11. A lot of insurance premiums are going up or have gone up over the last year or so. Lots more costs due to number of claims, higher costs of claims with newer vehicles being expensive to repair, higher staffing costs etc etc. Although, I think it is rude that they reduce your cover by 1/3 yet bump up the premiums at the same time. I'd hate to imagine what the premiums would have been if the cover level was the same though. I would suggest getting some quotes elsewhere (I work in life insurance so can't help you sorry, but can give you the name of a couple of very good advisers if you want them). I've heard lots of horror stories about State (and my partner has experienced some very poor service from them), so even though they are the cheapest, I wouldn't recommend them. I heard really good things about NZI, so I got a quote from them ... they were a lot cheaper than what AA and AMI quoted me for the same cover (more than State though), and they are supposed to be really good for vehicle insurance, so I went with them. Haven't had to claim through them yet so can't comment on their claims paying ability (very important with insurance), but my adviser said his clients have never had issues with them and they have been really good to put business through to.
  12. Wom

    Merry Christmas

    merry Christmas everyone last day of work today, really looking forward to having the next 2 weeks off off to Taihape for a day trip tomorrow off to Hawera for New Years eve (mate has a farm over there, hopefully will get some paddock bashing time in ) and the rest of the 2 weeks holiday ... rest, relaxation and a fair bit of xbox lol
  13. To the driver of - http://www.carjam.co.nz/car/?plate=ekr985 - I don't appreciate people trying to prevent me from overtaking, especially when I'm clear ahead of them and the lanes are about to merge "oh no a crappy Pulsar is about to overtake my brand new beemer, better speed up"
  14. I got a Canon A560 for fairly cheap with does the trick uses AA's, but I got a set of Eneloop rechargeables for it places like Harvey Normans, d*ck Smith, etc should have some good specials going at the moment
  15. looks good mate, bet it moves along nice and quick my mate has a CA18DET in his 1980's Starlet, quick little thing lol
  16. Wom

    Metal Music Fans

    it seems that they have tried to be quite experimental with their sounds tends to chop from melodic tunes to heavy and back again I reckon it's a lot better than some of their other later albums ... but I doubt they'll ever be able to put out another Roots or Chaos AD
  17. Wom

    Metal Music Fans

    I really like Metallica's latest album, been cranking it a fair bit recently Also have been cranking out Sepultura's latest album A-Lex if you get the chance to listen to it, check out the song Sadistic Values ... some heavy stuff right there
  18. our work has a charity team that do collections every couple of weeks for various charities they usually ask us to donate clothes / food / toys / books / etc or a gold coin donation we do quite a bit for Wellington City Mission so clothes, food etc works better for them our call centre had a few guys doing the Movember thing, so I donated to them I couldn't participate this year as I had applied for some high level jobs and had an interview each week of November except for the 1st week ... I must have done something right because I landed one of the roles and got a $12,000 payrise overnight :)
  19. was setting up my mate's gf's laptop and wireless router, could hook into at least 3 neighbours connections same at home too when setting up my gf's new laptop my mate in his old place, he never paid for internet in the 18 months he lived there because his neighbour had a nice unsecured wireless connection
  20. nice looking car mate, that's some damn low km's for a '96
  21. ooo yea very important piece of info there
  22. Wom

    Quick Questions

    after trying Google with several different phrases, I've managed to find an answer 99% of the info I found was about what to do when all the green lights are out, but then this one webpage had this .... "For 1991 models onwards, every 24 months, timed from the original date of delivery, a small clock symbol, together with the word inspection will come on. For the 750i, 750iL, 850iL and M models up to September 1994, the clock symbol comes on at 12 month intervals. It is now time for your car's brake fluid to be changed. For pre-91 models and all 3 Series models excluding the current 3 Series, the clock symbol will appear every 12 months. It is now time for your car's Annual Check. The Service Interval Indicator will continue to monitor your BMW’s requirement for either an oil service or Inspection independent of the check"
  23. yep as Heath said, just get a wireless router and basically turn that into your access pointpiece of cake to set up and a lot cheaper, but if you're setting it up for the first time it may take a while to work it out I've had this set up in a number of flats with pc numbers ranging from 2 to 10 (yea we had a few geeky mates bringing their pc's around too) and have had no issues with speed, access to the internet or transfering files between computers or gaming
  24. Wom

    Boot Lip Spoiler

    lol yea that too
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