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Everything posted by Wom

  1. Wom


    What Telstra plan is that? I have 10gig monthly allowance and if I go over then I get charged for each additional 1gig block.
  2. The key to dealing with insurance company's is to stick up for yourself and if you don't like their decision, then challenge it. If they don't change their stance after the 1st challenge, then challenge them again and involve managers. If you're still not happy, then threaten to take them to the insurance ombudsman and Fair Go and that should help change their mind. I hope it doesn't have to come to that and you get your car fixed with no fuss and no cost.
  3. Wom

    WTB: Cheap Auto BMW

    doesn't have to be a bmw, but would like to try to convert as many mates as possible
  4. Wom


    lightning bolt or steps would look awesome!!
  5. Wom


    2 weeks ago I cut my long hair (been growing it for 2 years) and shaved off my usual stubble as I am about to be interviewed for some high level jobs ... gotta look respectable unfortunately Personally, I don't see why long hair and tidy trimmed stubble is offensive, but apparently in the corporate world everyone is stuck in the 1950's.
  6. Hey everyone My mate is looking for a car, he only wants to look at auto's and must be $1,700 or less. Would prefer something somewhere in the greater Wellington region, but would be willing to travel a bit further (Wairarapa or Palmy Nth) for the right car. He's only on his learners, so I'll be coming along to check out cars and I'll be doing the test drives for him. He currently has a late 80's Familia sedan (manual) that he's selling, so could possibly be used for a trade +/- cash. Cheers, Chris
  7. haha yea I'm really looking forward to trying to pry the things off when I do eventually get euro plates the left screw hole on the boot is stuffed, hence why I'm using the tape ... took 3 hours of swearing and cursing to get the screw out in the first place just so I could get the jap plate holder off lol
  8. I'm jealous, I wish I had euro plates oh and I'm a bit more bogan than you Glenn, I just used double sided foam tape to put my plates on
  9. Wom

    E36 Rear Bumper

    mine has the m-spec bumper ... want me to take some photos?
  10. spotted this M6 a mile away, damn it's a cool looking car misses commented, "omg a M badge on a M car, that makes a change" LOL
  11. Repco here ordered one in and I picked it up the next day the store here even has a display on their counter advertising cabin filters lol
  12. I would definitely be interested if it could be painted in colour 314 Hellrot Red It would be going on an E36 Coupe cheers
  13. Wom

    Metal Music Fans

    not really metal, but what about Tool and Rob Zombie?
  14. very nice looking car and damn good price too! welcome
  15. well considering I drive an auto barge with traction control ... you would think that you could very lightly apply the accelerator (ie not even 1/4 throttle) and take off normally in the wet ... not with the Direzza's ... full on wheelspinning with those things it made it very hard to take off from side roads into traffic, had to wait for huge gaps because it would be spinning up all over the place now the Bridgestone's are performing very nicely I actually have confidence driving my car in the wet again
  16. that's why I love living where you can get cable, can handle so much more "water" than telephone lines
  17. ah ok then I'm thinking contact Orcon first and see what they have to say if I had to take a guess I'd say it's the dodgy wiring that Sky has done but you want to narrow down the issue before contacting Sky ... which Orcon will be able to tell you if it's your end or something wrong with their exchange otherwise if you call Sky first, they'll just say, "nah call Orcon, something's wrong with their side of things"
  18. If you're paying for line maintenance then it should be free to get fixed (think of it as insurance for your phone line), but they will charge you if it looks like you have intentially damaged stuff. So best bet would be to give your telephone provider (does Orcon do their own, or is it through Telecom?) a call to discuss and explain what the Sky guys did and they should explain whether it's going to cost or not. If it's going to cost, then I'd suggest calling Sky and getting them to sort it out.
  19. I don't mind a bit of pop as long as it has a good beat some of Britney's later stuff is kinda alright, I particularly like her video clips LOL I only listen to it in the gf's car so then I have an excuse - "it's her cd and she wont let me change it, honest officer"
  20. Wom

    Happy Birthday Glenn

    happy birthday Glenn
  21. yea it's crazy eh, $400 to make my current govt plate a little wider to suit my car, absolute rip-off artists although, I guess it's better than $900 for a new personalised euro plate lol
  22. I'm certainly enjoying the 001's a lot more than the Direzza's I had on there before The Direzza's had absolutely rubbish wet weather performance, the 001's I actually feel safe driving in the wet
  23. Hi, I'm keen to do this ... I'm presuming that this will work just the same on a car with the motorsport upgrades? Car is a 1996 323i Coupe with factory motorsport options I don't really want to go and spend the money on the bushes and find that it doesn't fit Will it make much of a difference just doing the bushes and leaving the top mount alone?
  24. much better than blinding illegally fitted HID lights
  25. Wom

    88 MPH!

    built the same month and year I was born lol
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