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Posts posted by twisted

  1. not that i am aware.....prolly related to throttle position and surrounding environs.....

    Nope, Definitely not. My Job is testing software, and i have applied the same kind of analysis to this and there is definitely an issue here that is random in nature.

    My first thought was clogged cats, clogging/unclogging but then i crawled under and no cats!

    Only pattern that seems to be prevalent is that the car will be well warm when it starts doing it.

    I'm confused tbh! :P

  2. Hey all.

    Sometimes my exhaust is a lot louder than other times on my 540. My Legacy has a butterfly valve arrangement in the rear can that activates at certain revs, giving it a deeper sound; and am thinking that my 540 must have something similar that must be playing up?

    The 540 has no cats from factory (two small bmw branded mufflers where cats would be) and has had the center muffler replaced with resonators. Normally it sounds quite muted, but other times it has a real V8 bark.

    anyone have any ideas?

  3. Looks awesome! Really tidy

    Absolutely amazing day for a shoot too. Love it how you can see 'the mountain' in the background

    Yeah, I was stoked when i looked outside and realised I had my camera with me! lol

    Yup, If i had an decent SLR, you could make out those mountains quite well. And the Ferry sailing between us. :)

  4. I heel-toe downshift everywhere.

    Brake > blip barrrrrrrrrr > blip barrrrrrrrrr > pull into carpark at mall.

    +1 Well, in the Legacy anyway.

    I also have to go down through each gear sequentially, regardless.

    pulling up to lights from 50km/h: 4-3-2-1, heel/toe/rev matching. Everytime!

  5. 3 car length gap?

    most people in Wellington merge into another lane even if there's less than 1 car length space for them to go into LOL (and then they wonder why I'm beeping at them and cranking the full beams)

    You Must live in a different Wellington than I do. Because in the Wellington where I am, NO ONE KEEPS LEFT!!

    Grrrrr!! just the thought of it makes me spit bile.

  6. I am absolutely OCD about keeping left on highways/motorways. Even if there's only a three car length gap, and no one behind me, and i'm doing 10km/h faster than the traffic in that lane, i'll still move in to it!!

    I will NOT follow b-trains. I ensure that I'm either in front of them, or a number of cars behind! (its all those stones they kick up!)

    If i've just produced some dodgy driving, and get a lil anxious about it, then i'll tap the steering wheel and turn the stereo up and down, and also change the track lots heh.

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