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About dr_kahu

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 11/26/1985

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    Palmerston North
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    Computers, Music, Studying!

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  1. This time next year, I want to move on from my current E61 525i, but I am unsure which route to take. I don't mind staying with the E6x, albeit LCI this time, and prefer to stay in the N52, but up to 530i. I've owned a couple of M54/N52 E6x's and I like them. In terms of its usage, I walk to work every day and every now and then go on 3hr road trips. 3 days of the week it's a grocery getter and a school runner. The school and groceries are a 1 min drive to either one. Probably already sounds like overkill to have anything other than a runabout, but I like nice things lol So by deduction, my baseline is 530i LCI, but, I am curious to know the state of 535d's in this country (I understand the rarity), particularly with tuning options. I do not have any personal experience with the M57s, only read a lot about them from UK owners. Besides that the other route is F1x, but I don't know anything at all about those, and wouldn't mind some pointers on those too. I am also not looking at e9x/f3x.
  2. Thumbs up for LCI. Been looking for one myself. ?
  3. Thanks! Good to know there's an active branch for the lower NI these days - Mean! I'm prolly too slow for y'all but I know a lil bit about E46 and E60/1 headlights if that floats anybody's boat instead lol
  4. Been a while since I've been on but up until recently been using the waewae express but since got a e61 525. Not many pics but sure to get some better ones at some point.
  5. Hey man, I haven't had an e90 but have a little experience with depos on an e46. Generally depos are 'ok' but yes there is likely going to be condensation buildup. Thid is due to the build quality of the seals. Also the light cutoff is generally crap. It should be plug and play and I am taking a guess that the angel eyes replace the e90s normal DRLs (I could be wrong) and I would be initially inclined to think that it would throw errors if they are LED but they may have mitigated against that these days. I had a look on umnitzas website to see if they had clipon ones but they don't appear to specifically for the e90. Two last things. First, pairing the yellow of the halogen low beams with white led rings look odd. Up to you how you'd feel about it but just something to consider. You can get 'white' halogen bulbs but you lose output. Second, and most importantly, ensure they can be used in RHD cars. Some depos have a cutoff switch which reverses the pattern but would be useless without. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
  6. Alright which one of you was it lmao. Bit stink though.
  7. Yeah I think where you get stung with Youshop is on very small items because they have a minimum shipping price of 15 bux or something but I haven't used any other companies to make a full comparison on if that's a good or bad price.
  8. I had the same thing with my 2nd key (pre lci e60, diamond key). I wasn't able to find any diy solution beyond cutting it open and replacing the battery :/ I haven't looked any further into it but am hoping someone may know something as well?
  9. It had bad parents (to say the least, leave it at that) anyway! I think the options for you are plastidip, Spraypainters, shadowline tape/vinyl, and i think genuine shadowline trim. I'm not sure how well plastidip goes with oxidized things but if there's no answer online it wont hurt the pocket too much to do a small test.
  10. Yep the 'gap'/peel off thing works fine. If you go too close you run the risk of peeling it in a place that you legit want it.
  11. Jacking the thread but do wear sensors need to be replaced aswell or is it again more of a covenience/while-im-at-it type of thing?
  12. I had the same headlight issue. Mine were halogens though. it needed a new bulb and I needed to readjust the seating on it as id stuck in angel eyes at the time
  13. Yeah ok dumb question incoming but what pronounces the issue more when people went up a size?
  14. When I think about it, the only thing I can genuinely hate on in that auction is the use of capslock. Does remind me of something from GTA:SA though, which has its novelty points...
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