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Everything posted by bravo

  1. bravo

    Ruined E36?

    This has been hanging around up here for about six months, and this is the first time it has been stationary so I could take a pic. Sorry they aren't the best as the lighting is bad. Not liking the bonnet scoop or rear wing or wheels.
  2. Anyone got a pic of some E36 needles I can copy?
  3. Cheap buggers!, oh well, thats what I was gonna do - good old modelling paint!!!
  4. Those look cool - I like the check light being replaced with the ///M logo - very cool. OK, I think I have made the decision to go white dials. Will think some more about the needles, and will let everyone know how things are progressing - don't hold your breath may take a month or so to find the right dials. Cheers.
  5. Andy - yeah, cool idea. BMPOWER - not sure if I am cool enough for those
  6. Cheers man, i know the place you mean. I'll give them a call on Monday - they are around 70 pounds in the UK, so I would be looking at well over $200 to go that way - way too much for that kind of mod.
  7. bravo

    2.7 Build

    My local paper plus gets it in for me specially for $17 (the benefits of living in a small town and knowing the owner - it is $20 at whitcoulls in auckland I think). Whitcoulls and Paper plus are usually at least a month behind the current issue though (with the odd exception, but who cares) I have also on occaison got it delivered directly from the publishers - A & S publishing in the UK - they charge 6.50 pounds including delivery which takes about two weeks. On my VISA this works out to be about $18 including VISA charges and bank charges for the currency change but obviously the exact amount changes depending on the exchange rate. Click here for A&S's online shop - you can also buy back issues for the same price.
  8. Cheers, yeah, knew how the sensor worked, but not as in depth. Wonder how that could be related to radio reception. Coincidence, or could the shorting out be creating an electric field? Wouldn't have thought so, can't see how. Coincidence maybe? Thanks anyway.
  9. Hi, this is a question from another forum: Noone has answered it for ages, and I have been curiously waiting for an answer just for my own knowledge - anyone here know?
  10. CD and tape head cleaner is usually isopropyl and water - but they only sell it in 15ml bottles - cost a bit to buy enough to make some "honey" chemists have it in bulk and in a pure form. it is also found in rubbing alcohol at about 70% (although ethanol can be used as a substitute). Skin swabs in hospitals are often isopropyl swabs as it is also a disinfectant. CD wipes have isopropyl in them too. Check out this link - CD Cleaner it is a page on a website devoted to dangerous products. it lists Radio Shack CD Cleaner as having 55% isopropyl and 45% water.
  11. bravo

    333 turbo pics

    Can't say I like the interior with the exception of the customised instrument dials. Don't like chromes either, but love the kit, engine, plate, etc, so yeah - jealous 4 sure.
  12. Try DickSmiths. See...
  13. Yeah isopropyl will work - commonly known as CD cleaner Also as said, any white spirit - meths will work, so will lighter fluid (you know the liquid one you buy for zippo lighters) or even kerosene. Test it on a small area first to make sure there is no adverse effect - don't use in direct sunlight, and use some elbow grease (ie put some muscle in it). Use a lint free, non-scratch cloth so you don't damage the paint work by putting "swirls" etc in it.
  14. bravo


    Diesels are only just starting to gain popularity, but are still quite sparse - we have really crap sulphur-laden diesel over here, but the govt has made an edict to get the sulphur count down, and it is already lower than it was a year ago.
  15. Honda Civics are realliy reliable Honda Accords - not going to get a good one for the money IMO Honda Prelude - yep, good. Honda integra - good. Honda CRX - don't crash one. Nissan Skyline - you can get a 2L one non-turbo, and will be a good car Nissan Sentra Hatch Nissan Pulsar - good cars Nissan primera - Also good Mitsi Diamantes are known for trouble. Watch out for older mitsi autos, and cambellts on these tend to go when they are supposed to, so don't skimp on replacing it if it is due. Mitsi Lancer (non GSR, or GSR but non-evo) are really economical, and just get a manual and it'll go for yonks. Mitsi Galant - see Diamante. Toyota Corolla - Awesome wee cars with great economy and go forever. Get an FXGT with the 1.6/1.8 4AGE engine - quick little car with cool exhaust note that is eceonmical, cheap to fix and will go forever. Toyota Levin - a levin is a corolla, just only some of the corolla coupes and sedans are called levins. Same engines as FXGT, so = good. Toyota Starlet - cheap, and can be quick. Just don't crash one - I was a passenger in one, I know. Ford Laser - the older ones are Mazda 323's as ford and mazda built them together. Popular, but getting long in the tooth now. mini - they made the old shape up to '92 I think, so you can get ones with lower miles only a few years old. These are crazily fast and cheap to run for their size. My sister has one, and I love driving it, esp. on gravel roads. :mosh: :mosh: :mosh: BMW e30 318 :mosh: Audi 100 Audi 80 Holden gemini Those'll do for a start
  16. bravo


    yep, may I present to you one 1983 323i Baur Convertible, 2 owners, original engine. But you're right, not alot around. Talking about models not seen often, does anyone know if any of the South African 333i's were brought into NZ? Wouldn't mind having a drive just to compare. Sorry, a bit OT.
  17. Reckon! That's whats going in my car (when the f**kin installer finally comes round to put it in). D3800 with battery backup (an extra $100 over the one without if I remember properly) is 5 star, without is 4 star. AVS are a bit pricey for what they are, but as such have more "toys" and gizmos, but the quality, or amount of protection is no more for your money. Mongoose have a long reputation. I had one in my work truck from the time it was new in '96 until it was sold last year, and was a good alarm - not many false alarms, worked as it should etc - car wasn't stolen so I can only guess it was doing its job. Uniden are OK, but are definately the "budget" line - go the dynatron.
  18. Sorry if you've seen this before, but I only just stumbled accross it. Painful. click this
  19. bravo

    bmw 3201 for sale

    Plus they discount it to $10 all the time.I sold the Navara through there - my 2 $18 ads in the local paper got just one response, and he was an anal dreamer. My $10 trademe classified got four or five local hits even way up here in the wops, and evetually sold after the second relist to a guy in Ohaewai (even further out in the Northland "Never,Never") Good advice IMHO. Pics, Patience, and Price are what will sell it here, so not trying to discourage you - the more people who advertise on the forums the better, its just that the members here have a very good idea of the cars value, so you will have to be prepared to take a price hit from your 7 grand.
  20. Yeah, a bit embarrasing. I did use a bit of wood under the jack and a chock. The problem was I was on a slight slope, and the chock pressed into the ground and it simply rolled backwards just enough to overbalance the jack. No damage to car at all except I had to clean the dirt and grass off the brake disc. Even the jack fell away and didn't hit the car - lucky I guess. My fault really, not the jacks - should have named the post when dumb f**ks get skooled. I am usually really careful about using my trolley jack and stands, and on a flat surface - just got a bit complacent as I only made a last minute decision to try and source a brake squeal and so did the job with the tools I had in the boot, and where the car was. As it was I had to go and get my hydraulic jack and stands anyway to rescue the car. I also failed to fix the squeal - I think it might be brake dust or something as the pads are not very worn, and no stones or anything. Any ideas on how to fix? I read somoewhere to drive the car backwards with the brakes on until they heat up a bit ti clean any dust off. Hah, hadn't noticed - not as bad as the fat dude reflected in the tailight of the Alpina touring on page 39, Sept TBMW. Shouldn't make fun, the cars prob his - lucky son of a bitch.
  21. Wow, mine took a few seconds - kick, wigigle, wiggle, pull, done! Then a file to tidy up. Forget the angle grinder if you have a tricky one - get an oxy-acetalene baby, yeah!
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