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Posts posted by Jamez

  1. Brakes are still not functioning perfectly and cant get new pads in time so gonna be on semi used Bendix POS.

    I have some PFC endurance pads I can bring along if you want, rears have a season left in them, fronts have a trackday or 2 left in them.

    Edit - Only a 2 more days to go, things to remember for the day are:

    -Driver Sign in will be from 8:30-9am in the big white Pavalon on the inside of the track, drivers briefing will follow shortly afer.

    -Hamptons will be open from 11am-1pm serving hot food and coffee's

    -Transponder timing will be availible for free if you have your own or $30 if you don't

    -Passengers will be allowed in cars (excludes convertibles) but will have to sign an idemnity and will have to wear helmet and overalls.

    -It will be up to the drivers to decide what group they go in but if you are faster than 1:25 you are destined for the fast group.

    -Pit Garages are availible at $75 per car from Hampton Downs. If you get yourself and 3 mates you will get your own garage otherwise you will have to share.

    -Weather is not looking to bad at this stage, will probably be like the first trackhack day last year (August 28th - Damp in morning, dry in the afternoon).

    -I am picking up the e30 today :D :D :D, I will try get some seatbelts installed for those that want a ride.

    -If all else fails you can call me on 0274596684

  2. I gather you have coilovers then.

    Seems odd you would even be running stock-ish top hats.

    Vorshlag or GC camber plates will get you some more height at the top of the strut, as I imagine you are wanting more bump travel out of the front shocks?

    The Vorshlag ones would be my pick:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Those rear shock mounts are so you can run E36 rear dampers on an E30.

    They do nothing for the ride height.

    I have coilover with some already pretty skinny top hats similar to what you have posted. I was meerly posting the pic of the rear strut as thats the concept I am after.

    I guess if I smashed the front top hats so that had a slight bow in the them instead of being dead flat I would achieve lowering the car slightly (or higher depending which way I smashed them) but I feel the structural integrity would somewhat be compromised.

  3. Hey James thanks one again for putting this together.

    What are the chances of having a "fast" sessions with less traffic for people with serious cars wanting to test what the car can do?? Even if its one session for people lapping in the -1.20 zone wanting some clear runs for timing purposes? Need four laps to get my tyres prime and then a a clean run is all!


    See you on Sunday.

    The fast group spread out rather nicely so I am sure you wont have any issues with traffic and most of the people in the fast group have serious cars as well. If you find someone in the fast group that shouldn't be there just let me know and I'll sort it out. Usually the problem is cars that should be in the fast group go out in the slow group and scare everyone shitless :lol:

  4. I've heard of people using E90 top hats on E30's, supposedily lower another 15mm.

    Mixed opinion as to whether its a good idea or not...

    Unsure about E36 top hats? Are they all similar?

    If you order some, I'll take a set too though :P

    BMW PN: 31 33 6 764 093

    My e30 can fit either e30 or e36 tophats as I have had both type on it in the past. In terms of e90 top hats I am suspecting that they will lack the camber I am after.

    edit - this is what I am after but for the front, also only looking for 1-2cm drop.

    Posted Image

  5. Maybe a stupid question but I was wondering....Can I take a bit of height out of the front top hats to lower the car 1cm or maybe 2cm?, Does anyone sell such a top hat? as I have seen something similar for rear shocks. Reason I ask is the e30 has already got the front shocks fully wound down and if I take any more out of the shock its going to lack travel.

  6. Less than a week to go, weather isn't looking too promising at this stage but a lot can change in a week. For those that are scared of a bit of wet you can text me on 0274596684 for a weather update on the day, I will be there from about 7am. I will also advise that it can be raining heavily in Auckland and Hamilton but be fine at Hampton. This has something to do with the Maori Folk Law for the area that the hills surrounding break up the clouds. Might have to take them up on that one.

    Transponder timing will be available for free for those who have transponders or $30 if you need to hire a transponder. You can share a transponder between a few cars if you want to keep costs down.

    An Ambo will be on site and I will be using a brand new BMW X3 as the tow car (such a nice car to drive)

    For those who have not prepayed yet I will be stopping prepaymetns around Wednesday.

    Don't forget your helmet and overalls.

  7. Less than 3 weeks to go and so far I have got 2 prepayments so it looks like there is going to be heaps of track time. For those who haven't been to a trackday before I would suggest this as being a great starting point as its a pretty relaxed day that you can take at your own pace.

    Passengers are free and for those with a non caged car you can take passengers round but it will be on a conditional basis.

  8. KEEN! Just finished pulling car to bits so will be there if I can put it all back together quick enough.

    It only takes 3 days to put an e30 together from scratch :P

    If anyone can bring a car that can do under 1:12 it would be much appreciated if I can follow you round at the end of the day. I know there is so much I can improve on but I need something to gauge what is quicker or slower.

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