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Everything posted by yng_750

  1. why does he need 4 lock nuts on steel wheels
  2. doesnt seem to work at the outback or bar 101
  3. hey thought ud be interested in the trademe discussion section so i posted this link trademe goodies
  4. i started the year by jumping into a very cold pool (with others im not a random pool jumper)so i thought the year can only get better... then i got vomited on, sunburnt, punched in the mouth and hit in the shin with a cricket ball so not a good start but since then i have been able to drive some awesome central nz desert roads in an alfa with the air con on and the v6 wailing i believe you can have a sh*t year and i do believe in talking about it as long as your saying i had ash*t year but the next one is going to be better because.... my 2009 wasnt a great one but its true others have worse a close friend of mine had 2 uncles and aunty and a grandmother die with in 3 months then on fathers day his healthy mother dropped dead infront of him with seemingly no reason so sum all that up "bad days/years are only bad if your dont make an effort to overcome them
  5. worst thing ive done is left the power bar on the crank pulley then went to start the car made a good dent in the floor funniest thing ive seen someone do is install a new intercooler on their skyline a week later they were complaining of a lack of power so we pulled it out and found the rags used to stop nuts getting in it were still there blocking off half the cores
  6. just remember if you mark it as worth $100 when its worth $600 you can only expect to be paid the $100 under insurance if its damaged in transit
  7. i used S&S in tauranga fr chips in the windscreen in my 750il turned out fine there's not alot to it so its hard for them to get it wrong they just had a tool that drilled slightly into the chip then the suction cup thing you see on the ads and it injects clear resin then you wait for it to harden
  8. sorry but i have to say the e24 is miles better looking also those wheels are F'ing huge
  9. dash has no cracks but a little faded front bumper has only very light surface pitting rust boot upholstery it pretty rough rear bumper was lightly crash damaged when we got it has been straightened but no chrome on repaired areas
  10. hey guys finally got pictures uploaded not sure how big they are did it all in a rush photobucket
  11. nah iv been sticking with speed holes
  12. why are all the related videos videogames?? also my opinion isnt that the message isnt getting through its just that it doesnt stay in the front of some peoples minds when they are drinking if you are sober enough to make the decision for yourself not to drive then its your responsibility to make the decision for others who are not in a fit state of mind to make it themselves i was nearly killed in a crash where a drunk driver (at 2pm no less) crossed the centerline around a corner in a celica with 7 passengers and plowed into my car he glanced off the front right wheel and the A pillar took the full force of the impact meaning no crumple zone im very lucky to be here luckily it was raining so i was doing 60 instead of 100 he was doing 95 round a 65 posted corner in an overloaded car while drunk in the rain and i have personally seen an accident first hand where i was behind a car that was being driven by a drunk he lost it round a corner and hit a bank he survived but broke his back leg arm 2 ribs and his jaw really not worth it best case scenario you get caught and lose your license for a year worst case you run into another car and kill someones kid make sure you get home safe and everyone you are with makes the same decision
  13. CAR IN MOUNT MAUNGANUI ok due to being made redundant my father is selling a few ongoing projects details (will update when he emails me some more info) 1984 635csi in white 165k miles my father bought it 7 years ago with a blown head gasket he replaced the engine with a known runner from a 735 but couldnt get it to start would turn over and i believe had fuel but no spark he sort of gave up and its been sitting since im not going to say its a gem having sat for a while it has formed some rust mainly a hole at the bottom right corner of the rear window 1 inch by 1/2 inch approx and i think there is some under the right front guard pretty dirty as you would expect and brakes etc have rust on them so may be seized would be an ok do up project but probably more suiter for parts has a decent blue(I THINK) leather interior had a dehumidifier run inside every now and then so shouldnt be damp or mouldy from memory rear speaker covers have curled up from being in sun bolt on panels are pretty tidy with a paint job engine, auto box, diff etc should still be all good factory alloys most importantly it still has live reg (on exemption) so would be ideal if you have a dormant or damaged project etc shoot me a pm if you interested or text me 02102745013 CAR IN MOUNT MAUNGANUI
  14. yng_750


    actually one thing i see that needs attention is due to being free its flooded with dealer listings i would say put them in a different section maybe labeled "normal cars but more expensive"
  15. is it out yet havent seen the ads for a couple of days i have to admit i only listened to them because i saw dave grohl is in it
  16. just listened to the track "gunman" thought it was awesome looking forward to buying the album since i saw it advertised on the idiot box
  17. also check you actually hooked up the big lead that powers the starter a friend had the same mistake on a 328
  18. big teeth tight lips recipe for trouble
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