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Everything posted by Jono51

  1. have a medium case , open available
  2. great stuff, welcome to the forum
  3. any local engineer can turn down something for you on the lathe, provided you have measurements
  4. firstly jack the car up turn the steering left to right , check for spring twist etc, you will most likely find a siezed tophat bearing or incorrectly fitted tophat when you had the springs fitted
  5. Welcome to the Forum, check the viscous fan, they tend to give issues
  6. welcome to the forum , whats your Location? best to check basics first
  7. Hi Vivian, you know where i am mate cheers Jon
  8. The M40 has hydraulic lifters, there is no adjustment
  9. we have fluid available can also check for leaks and remedy them for you cheers Jon 04 3801089
  10. how about putting the correct details into carjam and OEM http://www.carjam.co.nz/car/?plate=acs74o no red flags NZ new
  11. Jono51

    e36 armrest

    post mail me your phone number please
  12. Jono51

    e36 armrest

    mmm ok I'll see if i can find the email send you some pics thanks
  13. Jono51

    warped head

    skimming it will only make the headgasket surface straight , the rest of the head will still be warped including what the camshaft is in maybe someone here will chime in on a local cylinder head repairer in Auckland other than that yellow pages cheers
  14. check all the basics so is it an unknown engine, did you here it running before?? firstly start with a compression test
  15. cambelt?? chain driven to OP Oil light is a seperate issue and nothing to do with blown headgasket, no negligence as for cost, pretty much as long as a piece of string get it to a garage and quoted etc, but it might need a replacement head, you've driven on it for 150km after overheated and it's gone custard
  16. Jono51

    Semi Slicks

    have another 4 toyo R888 compound GG 205/50/15 they will be for sale once removed for $40 each SOLD PENDING PAYMENT cheers
  17. Jono51

    Semi Slicks

    I've answered this on trademe, check out Q&A cheers
  18. Jono51

    Semi Slicks

    more images and now on trademe http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...241&ed=true http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=581293072 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=581293990
  19. Jono51

    Semi Slicks

    Hi Bimmersporters before i throw these all on trademe, I'll offer them here first. maybe ideal for someone building a car, racing, track days or whatever 4x Yokohama A509 heaps of tread not much use 195/60/14 $250 momo 15x7 et 25 fitted with 205/50/15 trampio R881 GG Semi slicks $300 1 direzza 03G semi slick 205/50/15 plenty of tread $100 R888 205/50/15 GG $30 There will be more R888 ,available shortly, once I've had time to remove them can seperate tyres from rims, not a problem at all If anyone needs prices for new race rubber let me know cheers Jon 04 3801089
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