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Everything posted by BMW POWER

  1. Very nice! Welcome. Are they motorsport wheels on the car? Cant see from the pic My mate has an absolute physcho camera, She dropped it in alchohol, or ratehr alcohol dropped on it, I'll see if she still wants it fixed shall I?
  2. Subaru Wagon for a 15 year old male in Auckland? Try it! Hmmm i would say keep your E30 don't get a 5 series touring. I think you're forgetting how young you are no offense aye.

    im back

    Welcome back Grant, missed ya.
  4. From a dealership side of things, our two old service cars have high kays - high 200's and the other early 300's on the original engines (maybe reconditioned)... so thats saying soemthing at least.
  5. Wahooooooooooo! Thats very very nice, none on the forum as far as we know. Very big welcome!
  6. What the f**k do they get up to in the North Island? No wonder I wanted to come home...
  7. Hey Kid Happy Birthday Hope to see you round sometime
  8. Its sposed to be good weather in Northland all the time ? Glad your boat is ok this time Em
  9. Yep, fo sure... "Too easy too pass, too hard to excel" is the way teachers and students are feeling.. NCEA has a looong way to go. And BULLSHIT it has changed since School/6th Form/Bursary certs.. theres still a quote to fill for each percentile, too many excellences = marking schedule tightened. If Helen Clark is stupid enough to lower the voting age to 16, she should get the boot... Go Key!
  10. YESand YES Also umm Serpentine ave swinging curve into umm... sh*t.. ist near my school, drive it everyday. Also motorway out to Mosgiel

    Taming of the hoons

    ^^ But they don't hear about that kinda stuff do they?


    Haha, How many speeches am I going to hear next week about this chick.... Shes an absolute disgrace, poor excuse for a celebrity and an even more pathetic rolemodel for the 11 year olds of today..


    Lol you old people shouldnt Bebo-bash. Its not THAT bad just so long as you don't get all addicted and sh*t, its useful for soem things. Im -E-M-D-I-Z- or soemthing, [email protected]
  14. I am down south! Lol.... Yeah uh the EGG's girl ended up coming down here... Of course i won't use schools names
  15. Thanks James! (Sorry Ollie, will move it to PM... Technically he's still introducing himself... to a rather large extent... lol the ins and outs of private schools ) Yeah I had some of that info - In regards to your comment about "limited social circles".. I have been told that by my ah.. "Intergrated" mates.. there is not a huge diversity of people, and also the boarders and daygirls stick together. Your theory of Gogonon and Abju... I certainly will mention that. A freind of mine got kicked out of EGG's. Initially she was a boarder, but then her fam shifted into Aucks... just out of the zone. Guttering eh!? (Ill PM you with sum more questions Thanks)
  16. Lol ok, Thanks... Mint info on Grammar schools! I'll rephrase it. I was going to layout it out into sections, selecting one combination from the following Public vs Private Public & Intergrated vs Private (Although I know Intergrated is half and half) Public vs Intergrated vs Private Does that clear a bit up?
  17. Thanks, PM probably! I'll PM you in the next couple of days... Im just gathering a few ideas at the moment. First thing tho.. Do you thnik I should class Public & Intergrated as one vs Private or Public vs Integ. vs Private?
  18. We have excllent chicks all round! Hey I'm doing a speech on Private schools, So you wouldn't mind if is asked you a few questions sometime would you? Its just that in Dunz we only have intergrated girls schools not fully private, and Kristin is fully... so yeah.. Cheers James.
  19. The Shane Cameron? I've been so in love with boxing the last two weeks, After just finishing the power of one. Nice ride!
  20. Haha. But I been around for aaaages... Im in Otago....Otago Girls FTW!
  21. Yeah i reckon... I send around 1000 a month... Kindof seeing the pitfalls of txting. Alot of stuff gets miscommunicated.. causes problems. They are both sh*t, Because NZ isnt big enough to supply decent sh*t to, everything is kindof 2nds.
  22. Welcome to the sisterhood. Sounds liek you're a top chap... Nice 7

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    Farout why would you wanna do that...Insane
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