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Posts posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. just a thought, when I get CVs that sniff of currently unemployed, rightly or wrongly, they are safely filed in the rubbish recycling. perhaps drop the available for immediate start if you think it might help too ?

  2. I ALWAYS use FedEx. they call you within 12 hours of your parcel being picked up in Berlin/California, so you have paid your clearance before it even hits New Zealand.

    USPS is just another state owned lethargic company, that feeds into NZ Post, probably the worst freight company in NZ. UPS is marginally better (delivered by Flyways in the Wellington region, but not sure if thats nationwide), but still won't call you till it arrives at the border.

  3. late to the party here sorry. thanks for the tag Kelvin.

    I do have stickers that I had made up (and continue to get made up), they are free of charge to anyone that I sold plates to as the first few batches were of dubious sticker quality.

    I no longer sell the stickers, or the complete plates since the warning I recieved.

    I have thought of revising since the company that sent me it is no longer in business, however price won't be the $60 or so it once was.

  4. Fee to set up mine was half of that, and included transfer of not only property but other assets too. 

    Definitely worth doing, I have had so many mates burnt by ex partners, in one case a wife, 

    I don't know your personal circumstances nor do I want to, but if the reason you want to set one up is because of a relationship is about to break up, the trust offers no protection if the courts decide (rightly or wrongly) that the sole intention of setting it up was to avoid what would otherwise be your obligations. This can also extend to when completed just before entering in a relationship or if the time is right for them to move in etc, depending how good their lawyer is. It is also very important to set up any payments that flatmates and/or partners pay towards upkeep of the asset or the household (e.g. bills), as they MUST be structured correctly. 

  5. 2 hours ago, gjm said:

    I have too much time on my hands, so I've been honing my grumpy old git persona. :P

    What is it about so many (typically) younger people that means they have to swear ALL THE TIME ? It seems everything is tagged with sh!t, f*ck, c*nt... And rarely in the "good c*nt" way.

    We're pretty grown up on here but look at Facebook, Instagram, or other social media sites, and you could be forgiven for thinking everyone is about 14 and trying to prove what a tough guy they are.

    Yeah not sure, I swear almost every sentence when around mates etc, I don't even realise I'm doing it, but NEVER online, and never in a professional capacity.

  6. On 2/15/2018 at 5:34 PM, NZ BMW said:

    The IT industry is incredibly short staffed at the moment. When don’t you directly approach recruiters and organisations of a certain size and see what shakes out?

    Even a six month contract would give you some breathing space. 

    lol i dont know what IT industry you work in, but it must not be New Zealands....

  7. On 1/18/2018 at 1:25 PM, polley said:

    If your shifter breaks after cut and welding it maybe you should take some classes in welding ?

    you should take out 'you' and 'your' from your comment above, as it is obviously aimed at someone else. I have never done it this way, because I don't half ass jobs.

    Also, practical classes don't teach people any thing. experience does. anyone can get a piece of paper

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