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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. tend to get snapped up pretty quick. I was looking for 6 months before i got mine.. dont even like them really but i needed them for transporting stuff. Dont recall seeing any since either
  2. as far as i know they are the same anyway, but if they are different it will be 325i specs.
  3. ^Well i do own a caravan...... hahaha. So noone has experience with 200/500/700 series Volvos? Am going to look at her tomorrow, and will probably do a deal if it checks off okay. ...either that or its more BimmerSport incest..
  4. you may be onto something here actually haha
  5. You know its a turboed 2.3L Twin cam right? even if it is a 4pot auto. lol ..but it is the same auto as E30
  6. Having not test driven but looked at facts on paper, they arent thhaaat bad. It has a better power to weight ratio than, for example, 320i, which in itself is more than adequate for a DD. they dont weigh any more or less than any other same size wagon, and probably include vans in that too. they are only a smidge over 1.4tonne, and thats including 3 rows of seating, generous fuel tank, full electrics etc. Height offered by a van is not a priority so much as the floor area, and i like wagons more than vans. i just feel safer in them. So that leaves SUVs which im sure are no better on fuel than the Volvo, nor any easier to get stuff in our out of. Therefore, in my book, the only thing going against the Volvo is parts pricing, but with the reputation Volvo has for reliabilty from this era, i really dont think thats going to hurt the wallet too much. After all, im used to BMW pricing!
  7. as i said, its a matter of opinion. you either love the box styling to the likes of Volvo and Lada Tourings or you dont. Im one that does
  8. ^ahhh excellent! does BimmerSport pricing apply to non-BMW parts?
  9. lol i didnt meant to say you were. just saying water doesnt like them. you should be able to dry those areas too though. thats the added benifit of removable grills and tails and why you can open and close doors to get into the joins. should have done that after washing the car, or let it sit for a while to drain itself. Lol @ weight. 20grams if that?
  10. I assume you dried the car off throughly and did not install these in the rain, and left the car for a few hours before getting them wet? in my experience with decals you have to make sure water does not touch them or they come off by the end of the week. havent applied to paint before, but to glass thats definately the case. Are you going to do them again?
  11. ^ that was sooooooooo last week
  12. first and third are facelift. middle is pre-facelift
  13. what are parts costs compared to BMW parts? Are they generally reliable?
  14. Lol at Volvo-hate. My top three cars i wanted to buy when getting my first car was an E30 Touring, a Lada 2104 Touring, or a Volvo Touring. ended up with 3x E30 sedans, and the Lada. Ive never aspired to own a car that everyone drives. Id rather pay more and have a less common car.. the more questionable the styling, the more i like it ha Awaiting Volvo love
  15. Hey guys. Need a car to use till i get the E30 finished, and also have a new job lined up that requires a wagon/van/ute. Have found a nice Volvo wagon on trademe. (Aware 'nice' is a matter of opinion haha). http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=294746975 except for being an automatic, this one ticks all the right boxes for me: Euro (if a wagon), RWD, Wagon/Van or Ute, around $1500 and manual. While a work vehicle, i do still want to enjoy the car in regard to looks and the experience If any one has owned a Volvo like this (or the equivelent sedans etc), is a Volvo specialist or whatever, what are the trouble areas i should look at when i go to check out the car? what milage to things like turbos need to be rebuilt and diffs pack up and that sort of big ticket stuff happen? have heard Volvo engines will go for hundreds of thousands of miles. Also, out of interest, whats aftermarket coverage support like in regard to suspension? might give it a drop and maybe some wheels later down the track. Doesnt really factor into my decision to buy or not, just interested
  16. bump. anything considered. must have warrent and rego would ideally be a wagon/van/ute with canopy will go over 1k for the right vehicle
  17. Nothing to add here really Schnitzer all the way. So these are type 3s huh? always thought these were the type 2. Time to brush up on ACS wheels!
  18. Surely you would be assuming perfect circles at either end to match the bolts, so would be 6.35mm. Im keen to get some of these still. regardless if they are locally made or not. im not in contact with anyone in the trade to make these up so would be relying on you guys to get some made up??
  19. still. with my excess and age its not worth the claim anyway. if its not too much more than the excess, the long term effects will probably cost more by making a claim. i learnt that a few years ago when i crashed my car. luckily its ticked over that magical 2 years.
  20. soo whats the deal with this wrap? can it be removed if you change your mind and go back to the original paintwork? i can see obvious pros for this. though id assume its only matte and semi-gloss available though huh
  21. 320i auto with a motorsport bodykit? hmmm.... hah
  22. Did you see post above you? Pass go. Collect $200
  23. well if it gets worse ill deal with it then. and no. lol. more like $10ish for 4L of any current Castrol product (obviously unused lol)
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