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Everything posted by Mike.Gayner

  1. You must work with some real retards TBH.PS: Bitching about how people are judging you from the car you drive, then going on to do the same thing, makes you a retard also. Where do you work so I can avoid it?
  2. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems extraordinarily expensive for an E34. Are the wagons particularly rare?
  3. I would be extremely skeptical of the benefits of this.
  4. Totally agree - why are you people getting so sensitive over such a non-issue? As for "tall poppy syndrome", I don't think very many New Zealander's are jealous of your 10+ year old BMW to be honest.
  5. I doubt it - the mens rea in this case is, in my view, quite obvious - he set out perhaps not to kill, but with wreckless disregard for life and his actions constitute murder.
  6. Auto sales are optimistically looking at declines of 10-20%, but BMW and other makers in the luxury market are likely looking at far larger declines. This article interested me enough to take a look at BMW's latest annual results (2008), which are not promising. BMWs gross margin is low and declining, and they took a huge hit in 2008. To say they "could lose money" in 2009 is an understatement to say the least - the economic climate has shifted dramatically since year end 2008, and losses this year are likely to be very large. The only reason a company like BMW doesn't release earnings guidance is when the result is going to be extremely poor. Concerningly, their balance sheet is not particularly strong either, with negative working capital. Combined with precarious cashflows and it's actually a surprisingly fickle company. I guess I always pictured BMW as such a powerful entity that I wouldn't expect their financials to be in such poor shape. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, though, as the market values them highly with a PE ratio of almost 50. I would look seriously at shorting their stock if I were in the market.
  7. His charge should be upgraded to murder shortly. Very sad story of all-too-typical aggression shown on the roads by certain members of society.
  8. Sorry, from now on I'll only express my opinion if it's the same as everyone else's.
  9. It looks a lot like your car to me, bar the camo.
  10. Settle, dont get you knickers twisted. The stretched tyre fad may have come from Germany, I dont know, but it's definitely a fad that's been adopted by retards who dont have to live with such restrictions. As for "in your face" being a matter of preference - well not really. Calling them pig ugly is a matter of preference, but most of the wheels in this thread are designed to garner attention, which to me is a little obnoxious.
  11. Suddenly I feel like the only one in this forum who detests ridiculously, absurdly in-your-face wheels, and the only one who can't wait for th beastly "stretched tyres" fad to pass.
  12. Yeah, no I'm afraid not. I'm talking about REAL horsepower, not boy-racer "nah bro it's been on the dyno" horsepower. There's no way you're getting 500hp out of this engine with "light mods", and if you're dumb enough to try without internal work, you deserve a connecting rod in the face when it explodes.
  13. Yip, my bad, shoulda read more carefully. Though why you would chose thia wagon for a 500hp car is beyond me.
  14. The guy who said this is 500hp is fkn dreaming to be honest. Unless there's some seriously big mods not listed, there's no way this car is worth anywhere close to 500hp.
  15. Just as it's the responder's prerogative to offer his opinion in a discussion forum. At the end of the day, it's the market that determines the vehicle's worth, not some comment made by some guy on this forum. Nor should you.Personally, I don't know anything about these cars - both of the listings seem absurdly overprices to me, but obviously I'm not that market this vehicle is aimed at. When (if) either of these cars sells, that is when we'll have a good idea of the value. Personally, when I see what else there is in this price range, I can't see either of them selling, particularly in a recession, where fewer people have this kind of money lying around or available through finance. Then again, some collector might come along and see the 850CSI as a "must have" piece. In that case, it's quite obvious which one will sell first.
  16. Of course they're not going to remit a fine on the basis of clerical errors, that's ridiculous. Again, be sensible - look at things that will materially alter the facts of the case. The fact that the cop spelled the name of the street wrong or put the wrong date isn't substantial enough to have a fine remitted. And as it shouldn't be, as you wouldn't be held to the same standard for mistakes you make under the Contractual Mistakes Act, which prevents arbitrary errors being held to a standard persuasive to a court of law.
  17. Unfortunately for you, your opinion means exactly nothing when the law is clear on the issue. I agree that the rule is moronic, but that the officer didn't decide to exercise discretion hardly warrants a complaint.
  18. I don't see on what grounds you're proposing to complain. You've already conceded you knew the plate was illegal, so what's the problem here? That he didn't give you the fine on the spot? Is that material? Does it change any of the facts of this case?
  19. Eh, a little puerile for my tastes really. It's funny how every time someone disagrees with something childish and insensitive, that person is being "PC". The reality is that what he said was idiotic and unnecessary, and that has nothing to do with political correctness. TBH that whole clip was unnervingly juvenile, but I've come to expect the lowest class of television from morning broadcasts.
  20. Mike.Gayner

    Beach Hop

    Hell yes I'll be there. Much more my scene than what seems to be a strong boy-racer-type bias on this forum.
  21. Nah not really any food, and non-smokers. It was mostly sand (ex-summer, lots of beach going), and ass-tonnes of dust. I don't know where all that dust comes from, but there was HEAPS of it. And dust turns into sticky crud in little tight spots, which is where you need to get out the tooth pick and stiff brush. Apex - I wouldn't touch Armourall if I were you. I absolutely can't stand that greasy, shiny look, and it attracts dust and crap extremely quickly.
  22. Heh, the Peugeot belong to my mum - I did the work at my parents place because they've got more space than I do.
  23. No, just obsessive about keeping my cars clean. I eventually couldn't stand seeing her car looking like that. I only intended to give it a wash and vacuum, but wound up going the whole hog.Areas like door jambs are often overlooked - you see them every time you get in and out of the car, and cleaning them really changes the way the car feels. It's a bit like shining your tyres - you may not explicitly notice it, but it can make a big difference to how your car is perceived.
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