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Everything posted by APT

  1. APT

    Andrews M325i

    A little while since my last post and not too much to add, Cars out of storage now our new place has been built. - New WOF and Service from P&S a few weeks ago. Here’a a couple of pics from the other day, look forward to taking it out more during summer ☀️
  2. Awesome, Good luck ! Rust would be my biggest concern with these cars now but I’m sure you’ve researched all the common fault areas.
  3. A "used" 389km NZ New M325i Tech II popped up on FB this morning for $34k My cars exact twin..Looks like it came 2 cars after on the production line as well 😎
  4. I second P&S, they would be my only choice in East Auckland. Good family run business !
  5. APT

    4X100 E30 Wheels

    Hi all, After a set of wheels for an E30, open to anything except for factory bottle caps anything oem ish if possible - no budget really Just checking if anyone's got anything hidden away they would like to sell before i throw it up on Facebook pages... Thanks, Andrew
  6. Sides and rear aren’t Tech 1, only the front kit.
  7. @leichtbau Funny you say that, when I looked at buying this car and took the initial photos the owner told me he was going to put a rotary in it. Originally the vehicle came from Northland 11+ yrs ago and in the engine bay it has a lot of aftermarket wiring and aftermarket gauges around the speedo cluster.
  8. Have this photo saved for anyone that missed out
  9. I've used Colourlock before and it works a treat. This is what I've purchased in the past: https://www.colourlockleathercare.co.nz/shop-now/product/10-leather-fresh-repair-kit
  10. I’ve seen this car in person, it’s the real deal but needs ALOT of work to get it back to its former glory and fetch those M325i prices. Hasn't seen the road in 11+yrs, so it’s really a ground up build - surprisingly the body doesn’t have too much rust. With the prices of M20’s, Its more suited for a repower project.
  11. APT

    Car value

    Hey mate, PM me. Mines pretty much identical, higher kms but I’ve had mine valued for insurance purposes a couple of months back. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Followed you going up Siberia Hill a little while ago and remembered the plate, keep up the updates 😊
  13. Nice M3, makes me wish I never sold mine a couple of years ago. Odd question, do you live in Beachlands ?
  14. @Ghost Chip called the owner at 5.30pm yesterday and he said it was already sold. Not sure who got it. If anyones selling the seats let me know
  15. So you got it, what a deal it was !!! I was trying to buy this as well. Glad someone in the community got it in the end - make sure you keep us updated
  16. Welcome @E28E30 Your right, I didn’t even pick up on that red one missing the sunroof. There must be a few different combos around as my NZ New has a sunroof but doesn’t have headrests or high stop lamp.
  17. Why doesn’t this have a sunroof ? I thought all genuine M325i’s have them.
  18. My friends old car, he sold it 2 months ago.. Then that buyer sold it again - my friend had a feeling this would happen but is what it is. Imported via Hong Kong - car had a little rust issues here and there but in good condition overall. It was advertised for 28k now jacked to 48k because hes taken a deposit. Makes me happy keeping my E30 😎
  19. My cars twin! This car advertised came from Hastings to Auckland about May/June this year, it wasnt ever offically advertised on the market but i was in talks with the family before it was sold - I know how much he got it for ? Its crazy to think how much these are going for now, i sold my M325i Tech1s for about 5-6k around 2010.
  20. APT

    Andrews M325i

    Not sure what calipers are fitted, will have to check
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