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About michhod

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 05/07/1962

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  • Name
    Michael Hodgson
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    factory issue
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    Motor sport

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  1. how much ya spend on the Pride of BMW Ag ltd.inc. this year Michael? "only $20 fella's" ...yes one litre of "thick" motor oil only!. ..fingers and toes xsed however goin' ford ?
  2. except its a convert...? https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-2404135845.htm?rsqid=7f31deb4b09a43d6b356e0ceb03e4383-002
  3. yeah good news... just failed a warrant of fitness (Vtnz) due excessive smoke (outta the exhaust) and oil leaks on the motor ?... 7000NZD's to sort issues out apparently. Damn and blast , everything that i've heard about these vehicles (550 e60) is coming true...they are weak, poorly made, and use inferior products and materials?... well, especially the motors.. no no hang on, yeah and the electrics..oh yeah and the sensors and don't forget battery leads...? So the question is how can an honest man sell it, without having to lie on behalf of BMW AG... '"cause they make weak, brittle, inferior, unreliable, cars these days".(thats only my opinion of cause). I mean how else could you explain it; a vehcle 12 years old with only 100000 ks, only really good for spare parts now. The bitch of cause, is that Ive recently spent, 500nzd on a spare wheel kit, so's i could run Michen sp4 tyres 1200nzd, and 1300nzd on a 100k service. The other bitch is that I've been nursing it really (well mostly) after learning of potential issue just after i'd purchased it Now lets have some fun and add that all up! 4000 + 7000 + 500 + 1200 + 1300 = 14000 New Zealand dollars...yes yes I know, ya can't really add servicing and tyre cost's as the they are acceptable(?!) expenses (running costs) of any vehicle...however that's 11ks in repairs in 2 years of ownership and only 20ks travelled which is totally unexceptable and outrageous for a vehicle of this ilk in my view. Yes indeed folks my 20 year love affair with bmw is about over... ...so the question also is what should I do: open the taps and run it til she blows, use it as a trade in ($7000 (been offered)) and keep my mouth shut?, set a fair price (private sale) and explain the issues... but the rub, what to get now? toyota, holden, ford, holy smokes! the thing cost me $17000 dec 2016 thats close to 90% devaluation? Anyway a rant for the ages (sorry folks)
  4. Bought my BMW E60 550i 17/12/2016 with 79000 ks on it... It now has 96000 on it and has cost $4235 in mainly electrical but also mechanical repairs... thats $9/day..$63/week..273/month and $3280/year... Well done BMW, ya winning..?
  5. " It's now a joke to join the side of the highway getting towed club". Yep ..it's a special moment all right when ya pride and joy's being loaded onto a flat deck ....bang on good times !?&*^%$?
  6. yeah...probably dodgy sensors and electronics!?&%#?
  7. um...these ones had a lot better electrics than the newer ones eh??
  8. um...what are the sensors and electrics like on these ones..?
  9. Are all E60's plagued with sensor and electrical issues or just mine!?*&%?
  10. michhod


    As a car nut, BMW enthusiest and motorsport fan,... wondering why manual sequential gearboxs aren't wildy used in modern hi performance road vehicles...
  11. nice and tidy there sir... http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1403309288.htm
  12. michhod

    Just Wondering

    Stuck in motor way traffic on the north shore recently..noticed the bus lane free and clear..so temped to jump on it. What happens if you accidentally find you're way on there..
  13. michhod

    Gull Onehunga

    Thank goodness for Gull in the marketplace...otherwise we'd all be paying a lot more for fuel from the main gouges I reckon.
  14. great wit ...34k looks http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/motorbikes/motorbikes/cruiser/auction-1304655624.htm
  15. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/interior/auction-1311671825.htm
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