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Everything posted by gjm

  1. We nearly bought a pale metallic blue 525iX Touring (automatic) a while ago, but the owner decided to keep it. I'd hoped to have a look at the drivetrain but never got the chance. Does the driven front axle run in front of the sump? Or is the sump specific to the iX? Could be a limitation wrt an engine swap.
  2. The engine in the MOIIST car is a TU - it has VANOS: 141kW(189hp)/5900rpm, 250NM(184lb.ft)/4200rpm
  3. I think they were 4.4 (M62) from 2000-2003, then the N62 from 2004-2006. The 4.6 (M62, Alpina-derived) was available from 2001-2003, then the N62 version from 2004-2006. After that the 4.8 became available. From what I've heard, the 4.4 was a bit of a workhorse, and the 4.6 was intended to be more sporty.
  4. Got home early to try and get something done. Felt exhausted - work has been too much this week. So sat and looked at the car instead. Through the rain which started as soon as I got home, just to ensure I wasn't going to get anything sorted.
  5. This can be a good step along the way. It's unfortunate... We all know that we should plan these things, but the time to do them tends to come along very quickly. Perhaps book in with crunchy for a time when he can help? All sorts of benefits to that - price, local supplier, etc.
  6. The new turbo for our 320d came from TurboDynamics in the UK. They charge around £750 for a complete turbo overhaul - that'll be NZ$1400, give or take. I've no axe to grind re the 'Pure' product - don't know it, hadn't heard of it - but the price is starting to look a little to good to be true. The price on the link @HaNs posted seems to be the going rate. (Until @crunchy has time to sort something!)
  7. New turbo for our 320d (from BMW) would be well over NZ$2k, plus $200+ for the installation kit.
  8. gjm

    M5 Rival

    Yup. And as Scott says, changing anything isn't easy. Even names/models for cars that appear to have been made up!
  9. gjm

    M5 Rival

    Of course - I wasn't being 'funny' about your post. Just highlighting the woeful ineptitude of NZTA.
  10. gjm

    M5 Rival

    Perhaps a little sensation in the headline! Scam? Maybe not... Although I'm sure that is possible, this won't be an isolated incident. As for "Dealership manager Wilson said: “I’m totally against these sorts of cars coming into the country“"... I see no issue with an older vehicle coming in to NZ provided it's history is known and recorded. The car discussed in the article wasn't necessarily used in a scam of any sort - it was just poorly and inaccurately recorded when entering the country - being listed as a 2013 model was more likely a NZTA cock-up than a nefarious attempt to pass it off as a newer model. The 2003 model is an R230 (and has twin headlights), the 2013 (model year) is a R231 and has a single headlight, carried forward from the R230 facelift in 2008. They're quite obviously different even at first glance. However, that's not knowledge a NZTA inspector is likely to have. You could have had a R230 first registered in 2013, but it would look very different to the first generation model from 2003. Unless it had been sitting somewhere, in which case it's obvious. Running a VIN check is pretty easy these days and should put a stop to anyone casually trying to make their car appear newer than it is.
  11. Reliability? Who cares? Photo from a friend in the Phillipines...
  12. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    $1200 for the plate is a rip-off. Where that leaves $795 for someone placing an order is a whole new game. The whole private plates thing in NZ is a rort. No competition, so prices are sky high.
  13. If you can post the list, that'd be good. Is that from CJ? (I used to take our 320d to Greg Hantz for servicing when I didn't have time.) Would you consider doing some of the smaller stuff yourself? The seats, if not damaged, can be a very rewarding thing to work on. The results are immediately evident and there's the 'I did that' satisfaction from it. Paintwork and trims can be done by a decent body shop. Despite having worked in Hamilton I don't know anyone down that way, but there must be someone. I joined DD in 2013 (I think! - seems like a long time ago) and worked from Anglesea Street for just over 12 months. Great team of people - great memories.
  14. Steve - did you used to be at DD, perhaps with Gary Ilton? I recognise your name... The E38 728i is a good car. Sadly it lives in the shadow of those E38s with V8 engines, but most of 200hp isn't to be sniffed at, and the 728i has the benefit of being (comparatively) economical. It's not a car where restoration costs will be recouped, but you have the best reason for doing it - it's a car you and your partner love. So that leaves the question of where and how to take care of things. How much could you, or would you be prepared to, do yourself?
  15. gjm

    M5 Rival

    I do prefer the earlier W124 and the later W211... (As I prefer the W126 and W220 to the W140.) From inside though, a W210 is probably a very nice car. Despite my years of Mercedes ownership, I don't think I have ever been in a W210.
  16. gjm

    M5 Rival

    The early W210s were not good. Quality control by accountant gave them a well-deserved poor reputation for quality. Any that are still around should be sorted. The engine is a gem and while it has an autobox, it is one BMW would have killed for. There is something odd about this one, though. First registered, and declared as 'NZ new' in 2013, yet delivered in March 1999. Carjam thinks it is a 2013 car. It is expensive, and without more knowledge of it's history it's tough to see the justification. I'm not a fan of the look of the interior (although it will be very comfortable and supportive), and even the pics show one of the rims to be kerbed.
  17. I think I bought the motivation and enthusiasm kit first... I think it is a value line kit? That'd explain why I made so much progress initially and now can't find them as they'll be at the back of the garage with all subsequent (unused) purchases in front of them.
  18. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    There's a dedicated Nikon sales NZ group. Not sure if that's the one you meany? The market will be small being NZ-based, which will probably translate to slower trade.
  19. Charlie has muddied the waters a little. Crunchy is Steve. He's a very busy chap as you've found. I'd suggest it is worth the wait. Buy in haste, repent at leisure has never been so true as when looking at forced induction options.
  20. Steve Murch at MSE may be able to help. He may raise his eyebrows at the phrase 'Stage 1' as that doesn't really say what you're after.
  21. Received a message from the seller... No contact details, but apparently someone was keen to swap with him for another car, but the potential swapper's car had a problem so it didn't go ahead.
  22. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Working too hard. Sooo tired. Actually had a half-decent start to today and planned to get outside and do something. Motivation was there and even the spirit was willing... The flesh was so weak. When it started to rain there was a definite mixed bag of relief that I had an excuse not to go and do something, and regret for not having got out sooner and got on with it.
  23. I've asked for a phone number. The seller has accepted my message, but hasn't responded with any contact details.
  24. I admit it. I have 'issues'. I see something that looks well-engineered, and it makes me feel all tingly. (Just tingly... Don't get carried away!) How about the CAE shifters? Not cheap, but what do you expect? Conrad Timms - m3motorsport.co.nz - makes some fabulous parts, too: Seen anything that fits in this category? The sort of thing you perhaps don't need, can't justify, but want.
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