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Everything posted by gjm

  1. (Apologies if you did this!) Did you ensure you got the correct gears? There are two types of odo - Motometer, and VDO. The fascia of the dash isn't sufficient as it is possible (and not uncommon) to replace the entire odo unit with a working one, so a Motometer odo could be found in a VDO-labelled dash. And vice versa.
  2. Not everyone's cup of tea, but a lot of people use Facebook. I suggest this might be a good place to collate those specifically-BMW groups that can be useful... (Not the Euro pages, for example). E30 Owners NZ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/e30ownersnz/?ref=br_rs E30 Car Club NZ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/935587709854090/?ref=br_rs E30 Classifieds NZ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1293538293995670/?ref=br_rs
  3. I admin this one - it's the E30 Classifieds NZ group.
  4. I'm sure they're lovely inside, and probably good to drive. I just can't get over the hideous looks, and the memory of an owner who had one 'because it's really expensive and no-one else can afford it.' Seriously. Prize cock, that guy...
  5. Not this one? 612hp, 1000Nm torque... Not sure I'd want to work on it at home.
  6. We found Thames OK... Almost everything you need is there, although the only large supermarket is Pak'n'Save (if that sort of thing is important). There's all the usual amenities - cinema, pubs/bars, restaurants, DIY, car parts... But it's not Auckland. TBH, we found Thames too busy for us! But we're confirmed country folk these days.
  7. I'm happy to have a look and see what I can do. I've had some success with buying suspension direct form Germany. Your biggest issues are: Source taxation Shipping costs NZ (local) taxation
  8. Checking a few details of annual charges for rego on some of our fleet, reveals some 'interesting' details. 1990 325i - $117.77 1995 318i - $99.02 1997 318Ti - $76.91 2002 320d - $155.69 OK - the diesel carries a surcharge (which could be argued about given the whole diesel car taxation bundled with commercial vehicles situation) but I really can't see why the two 318-engined cars should be different! The Ti actually has a larger engine, but is cheaper on rego. Of course, it's not helped when looking to renew online:
  9. IE do some good kit. Check locally first... It may be cheaper to have something made in NZ. The parts shipped from IE will be NZ $550+ before you receive it.
  10. gjm

    Gissa job!

    I've been working on a list today.
  11. gjm

    Gissa job!

    OK - they have said 'no'. Turns out the 'interview' prep I was given by the agent was substantially inaccurate - "it's not an interview, it's just a chat to see if you could work together" - and having just 20 minutes on the phone doesn't leave much time to recover when you realise that's the case. Apparently my leadership style isn't what they are looking for: I was told they look for a 'carrot' rather than 'stick' approach and despite it being just a chat, briefly described that. The interview ended before I could recover my position but I emailed, expressing thanks for the interviewers time and offering to more fully describe my leadership style (something I knew was necessary). No reply, other than via the agent to say my leadership style was 'too friendly' and that a stronger approach would be needed. I don't thin the agent even realised he was contradicting himself. I asked the agent to follow up and he all-but refused, saying it'd not make any difference. The call - chat, interview - is my responsibility, but I can't help feeling a little misled. I will follow up, but don't know if it'll go anywhere. In the meantime... Anyone know anything about Gisborne as an area to live?
  12. Yup. I lost half of a friends engine stand that way.
  13. What's a single car battery worth these days?
  14. We spent a lot of time considering Thames as somewhere to live, but haven't moved there (or anywhere!) Happy to try to answer questions.
  15. Unfortunately you're over 1000km and an expensive ferry trip from me, or I'd be all over the doors.
  16. gjm

    Gissa job!

    No news. But maybe that's good news? They've not said 'no'!
  17. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    USPS aren't good, but NZ Post is appalling. I've had shipments from the US tracked as in NZ, showing in NZ for more than a week, while NZ Post still says it has 'left overseas airport'. Local shipments don't even show as picked up from a Post Shop for a few days, when suddenly they are delivered; I've even had thanks for delivery before the tracking has updated to show an item has been collected. Management of packages coming into NZ is terrible. If you have the temerity to import something valued at over $400 (but less than $1000) NZ Post expect you to have a shipping agent to handle any fees and suchlike. It's almost as though they don't know what to do with it. You'll get a letter asking you to pay, then they seem to expect you'll collect the parcel. If it is to be delivered, it can take 2-3 weeks for it to arrive, after any duties have been paid.
  18. Ethanol is a good fuel. It burns well, and cleanly, and in a car set up to use it, it is superior to unleaded fuel. You do normally use more fuel when running ethanol than you would if using 'conventional' petrol. (There's another discussion about octane levels, energy delivered and heat, but we'll skip that for now.) However, there are many different (synthetic) elastomers that are lumped into the category of "rubber" used in O-rings, seals and hoses. Two of these, most commonly used in motor vehicles, and which do not significantly deteriorate with petrol exposure, are Buna and Viton. Viton is more expensive. Buna can deteriorate with heat while Viton is more resilient. Viton also survives exposure to Ethyl Alcohol, while Buna does not. Care to guess which material was most widely used by the motor industry? Typically, the biggest issue isn't elastomer (rubber) deterioration - it is the cleaning effect of ethanol that causes problems, exacerbated by old hoses which should probably be replaced anyway. These things do have a limited lifespan, after all.
  19. gjm

    Gissa job!

    Update... First application - 64 other people also applied for the role, including 2 who proved to be an exact fit in terms of experience and industry sector. This reveals the issues with applying via an agency - they'll send through the 'best fit' but won't typically look into why the (apparent?) 'best fit' is available, or if someone else might do a better job. Ho hum. They could well be right, and they do have to start somewhere. Second role - I tried to discuss the role with the recruiter who clearly didn't understand my concerns over scope (given the information provide re scale and scope). As it turned out, my concerns described exactly what the company wanted, which was completely contrary to the description of the role. Third... "Can you program?" (I've been applying for infrastructure, not development roles.) "Yes. [I can and have.] What language would you like me to use?" "What have you used most recently?" "VB, for custom automated report creation." "Oh... We're looking for recent Visual C scripting experience..." This was for an infrastructure management role, with no mention at any point of any programming being required. I asked prior to interview, and was told it wasn't a pre-requisite. So... Back to the role in Taranaki. Phone interview yesterday morning. A half hour which really isn't long enough to even concisely get a full picture across. Still, it seemed to go well, and I should hear something more tomorrow. Next step will be a visit to HQ in New Plymouth and an in-depth interview, involving HR. They pay for the flights... Keep your fingers crossed, eh?
  20. gjm

    e46 Fan Blower

    I second the 'use a quality hedgehog' - I tried a cheap one and it lasted about 3 months. I bought main from a BMW main dealer - faster turnaround, and the difference in price wasn't significant. The bolts/screws that secure it are torx head. I bought a set of tools from Repco (I think) - green handled ones. The correct size torx tool was exactly the right length. Once upside in the footwell with your head positioned just so, your feet somewhere else while swearing about the seat and questioning the heritage of whoever decided this was a good place to put something that fails...
  21. gjm

    Gissa job!

    Thanks Dave. Got to be worth a go!
  22. gjm

    Gissa job!

    In all seriousness, I heard t day that as of next Friday, I am no longer gainfully employed. One dream realised - I have time to do stuff, without worrying about what is waiting for me when I get back! Sadly, I can't actually afford to do anything... If anyone knows of anyone looking for IT management skills, please let me know. (Pretty please! )
  23. gjm

    Botany Motor Worx Ltd

    It's sad (for us) that you're closing, but there comes a time... Hope you'll hang around here, and that you'll enjoy time away from the workshop.
  24. gjm

    E46 318ci

    N46, like most engines, have some issues. High oil consumption is often due to use of lower quality motor oil - BMW recommended oil must be used or valve stem seals and piston rings suffer. Vibration can be reduced or solved through Vanos overhaul and clean. Engine noise relating to timing chain tensioner or stretched timing chain - this can be disastrous. Requires attention at least every 100,000 km. Leaking valve cover gasket can need changing as often as every 50,000 km. The vacuum pump can also need changing. Check any service history you get with the car, and sort these things first.
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