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Everything posted by gjm

  1. The BT52 is a creation by award-winning Lego designer/builder, Luca Rusconi. He has his own website - http://www.roscopc.it. Lots more pics here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/32975211@N05/sets/72157624911905176 He makes build instructions available on Rebrickable. You need to register and log in, but can then often buy parts and/or instructions from individual builders listing there. Luca's page is https://rebrickable.com/users/RoscoPC ; click on MOCs (My Own Creations) to see more than a dozen other older F1 cars he has recreated in Lego.
  2. gjm

    Quick Questions

    <chuckes> You might be surprised!
  3. I did my own. While I did it alone, it'd be easier with two people. Just don't unroll the door before fitting it!
  4. gjm

    Quick Questions

    1990 E30 318i - rear disc or drum brakes? (Or could they have either...?) Car is about 120km away so I can't pop out and have a look, and RealOEM doesn't suggest one way or the other.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/434124760063540/permalink/1122021977940478/
  6. We'v all seen them. The irreverent, the humourous, the laugh out loud (whether deliberate or accidental... Let's see them, let's hear about them! I found this ad for Land Rover Discovery on a US-based website: "Meet Joe. Joe is a driving shed. Joe used to be a 1996 D1 with until I got my hands on it. With 250,000 on the clock, I simply can't kill this thing. I used it to open up and prove trails as an underdog measuring stick. It jumps real good. I've laid it on it's sides more times than I can count. It's only okay at smashing builders but it's really good at obliterating rotten trees. It even caught a falling tree once. A big one. I'm pretty sure it blew a head gasket a couple thousand miles ago but it only overheats when competing in tractor pulls. If driven right, you can make a Jeep driver on 38s jelly. There is a mouse living in it. The mouse's name is Clyde. Don't worry about the mouse. I'm not too sure I want to sell this thing now."
  7. gjm

    Gissa job!

    I saw there's a shortage of fruit pickers... Never picked Kiwis. Potatoes, brussels sprouts, apples, oranges...
  8. gjm

    Gissa job!

    How useless are recruitment agencies? 3 that I have spoken to this week, are now listing a role which nearly-perfectly matches my CV, and is certainly exactly what I have told them I am looking for. I spoke to them all on Monday or Tuesday; the role would have to have been submitted for listing yesterday. Not one of them has been in touch to say they have anything. Maybe they don't think I'm suitable? Another agent who I emailed on Tuesday with a request to 'call me ASAP' (I'd tried calling him) emailed yesterday morning - "I'll call back later today." First - why not call instead of emailing, and second - why didn't he actually call (or email again) at all? If the pay at Repco wasn't so totally, horribly atrocious I'd make a career of that! (Apparently buying a few $k of parts every week and selling them for profit on eBay is frowned on... ) <sigh> .... And - breathe. Apologies. Just needed to vent a little. Waiting to her about a great job in Newstead, and a friend is presenting my CV to his boss(es?) in Hawkes Bay today. And I'm writing something which I'll send to @Gabe79. It does get a little draining, spending 4+ hours every day searching, applying and chasing. It's harder work than going to work!
  9. As I did when suggesting the only thing we saw in a clothes shop that would look good on my wife was the sales assistant...?
  10. Certainly a lovely, uh... M3...
  11. More than $1, less than $10k (hopefully!) (Actually, I'm quite keen to have an idea of price, too.) And yes. Well, probably. Unless it's a like-for-like swap?
  12. gjm

    Bmw 633csi e24 1980

    I love these cars so much. I had a Delphin M635CSi (what seems like) many years ago. Fantastic.
  13. gjm


    Obviously should be better than that, regardless of gearbox. I'm assuming you have the 1.8 M10 engine? What gearbox do you have? How well-serviced has it been? First thing to check on a M10 with poor economy is for vacuum leaks. Without vacuum, the K-Jet will keep throwing fuel through as it thinks it is needed.
  14. gjm

    Gissa job!

    Yuss. And the guys I'd be working with are genuine car nuts - one is a successful ex-rally driver, the other drives a Skyline and races an AE86.
  15. gjm

    Gissa job!

    Round 4(17)... I have applications for roles being reviewed in Tauranga, Napier, Gisborne and east Hamilton. And if all that fails, a local Repco have offered me a job.
  16. I've used Greenlane Auto Panel Repairs who have been excellent. If you go to them, tell Raj that Graham recommended him.
  17. Likewise. And would probably have some aversion to my participating in any picking up... Probably. In the interests of a quiet life, I'm not testing the theory.
  18. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Not really a rant. I was offered a radar detector to 'assist' with monitoring activities n SH1 - vans and patrol cars love SH1. I did a bit of research to find out if what I was offered was in fact any good, and found the following on a forum: "My Wife got a ticket in Europe doing 140 mph through a construction zone by a speed camera mounted on a bulldozer. They have some shady stuff over there." Hahahahahahahahaha....
  19. gjm

    Gissa job!

    Over qualified. Too much experience. Likely to not find the role sufficiently challenging. Then... Lack of exposure. Insufficient experience. The guy at WINZ was great (I gave it more than 2 months before visiting.) and suggested I (we - Mrs M and I) were entitled to benefits I've never heard of. All I wanted was JAS (Job Seekers Allowance) to help witht he costs of running back and forth up, and down the country, for interviews and suchlike. Gabe - I've sent you a PM.
  20. I am assured by people with a lot more money than me that this sort of thing does work. Presumably with a small subset of society, but... Well, if you've got it... I guess.
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