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About 3shmawy

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Car
    325i e30
  • Car 2
    E46 318ci
  • Car 3
    E46 330i

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  1. A bit of a long shot but I'm running out of ideas. I'm currently looking for a garage/workshop space to rent in wellington. I will be using this space to store and work on my e46 over summer. So if anyone has or knows someone that has like a shared workshop or garage or even a private garage; please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi guys, I’m currently looking for a small/shared workshop space to rent for a month or so to work on my car. I’m looking for something cheap and in auckland . I’ve been looking on trademe and Facebook marketplace but cant seem to find anything so any help would be greatly appreciated. cheers
  3. Hello there, I am currently on the hunt for a cheap daily. I am looking for something with current WOF and REGO ans something that won’t be needing a lot of work to maybe be a little nice. obviously needs to be running and driving. I am located in Auckland but anywhere in the north island shouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately I am on a pretty low budget of around $3000, not really expecting something perfect at that price range so not pretty fussed about the condition as long as it meets my requirements stated above and is in dailiable condition. Looking forward to seeing what out there. Cheers, Stay safe.
  4. Hello there, this is my first post on the forum so please excuse me if i do any mistakes. I was looking for an e36 coupe manual. it would have to be in a good condition. cheers.
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