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Everything posted by bmwsparkle

  1. I thought he just painted his red and put a brembo sticker on
  2. bmwsparkle

    Amway Crap

    Interesting. Ive noticed the amway crap has come back, and slowly invading people with less than half a brain in Palmerston North. If you dont know what it is, basically a pyrimad scheme where you pay outlandish entry fees and try and sell bullshit that you have to buy first, apparently "cutting out the middle man". Is it covering the whole of the bloody country? Know anyone else thats fallen for it? A few of my girlfriends friends have fallen into the trap and stupidly enough, tried to get me into it by contacting me tonight. I was waiting for it... The phone call basically went like this, (a guy I'd met once.) Him - "Hey Sparkle! Hows it going?" Me - "Yuh not bad thanks Russel, how are you?" Him "Good thanks! How was your weekend?" etc etc Him - "Now, just wanna chuck something out at you, me and some partners in Palmerston North are looking at creating a business oppurtunity and are looking for a couple of key partners to join" Me- "Oh really" Him - "Yuh! Does it sound like something you'd be interested in?" Me - "Depending on what you mean, what is the businness called?" Him - "?? Ltd. Its a Australian based company, web based, blah blah" Me "Oh right, so what does the business actually do Russel?" Him "Basically home items, and cutting out the middle man.." Me (interupting) - "So basicially Amway?" Him - "Uh yes, sort of, would you be interested?" Me - "No mate, I think its a crock of sh*t" Him - "How is it a crock of sh*t" Me - "How you go into a pyrimad scheme paying a huge amount of money, that the people at the top get, and you dont get anything out of it" Him - "Well thats not quite true, blah blah, get cheap BP card, only $105 joining fee" Me - (laughing) "So where does this $105 actually go?" Him - "It gets you setup as a business in NZ" Me - "Not something I'd be interested in mate" Him - "Oh so you're not interested in making money in your spare time?" Me (laughing) "Mate, Im not interested" Him - "Are any of your friends ambitious?" Me (laugh harder) "Yes Russel, a lot of my friends are ambitious, but theyre not stupid" Him - "oh ok then, well.." Me - "I appriciate your courage mate, but thats about it, seeya."
  3. depending if you paid someone to do it all or not I suppose, do it on your own and get hook ups for the top link and you'd be able to do it I rkn
  4. how couldnt you? boost boost boost.
  5. still a f**king steal i suppose.
  6. yuh. Bit outta my price range. $4300 on a M30 would be faster though.
  7. Is for a E23 7 series, bout 20cm too long for a E24, can probably be cut to fit if you want though. Sparkle
  8. Thats gay Josh. Hope that you're f**king over city hall to pay for the repairs.
  9. conrad, just outta interest, how much are you gonna pay max? Just so I know that Im out?
  10. yuh, had a regular one that came into z-one. They go pretty hard apparently. Do it. Cool cars.
  11. work/girlfriend, basically, my good internet friend.
  12. boring and economical dailys with high maitenece projects ftw. Its like having a reliable boring friend, and a hot pain in the arse girlfriend.
  13. ^ftw, or an E34 touring. Even better.
  14. that saab 900 aero turbs? Or has it sold? That xrx4i?
  15. was gonna post this up last night. f**k its a wikd project. Love it lots.
  16. diff would. No probs. And i noticed it comes with a gbox anyway.
  17. mint will. Def needed to be e30 series'd
  18. tough. Yeah M3 front bumper would look wikid. What sort of sh*t are you running? Enough to make it hop?
  19. might be keen for the wheels if you wanna sell seperate or swap for my E34 ones
  20. and heres me thinking it would be a fairly much bolt in, could use my gbox.
  21. to one of the palmy o'skool. HB big man.
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