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About glen.riley.1990

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 10/04/1990

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  • Name
    Glen Riley
  • Location
  • Car
    1997 328i
  • Mods List
    Koni yellow shocks, M-Sport Springs, BBS RX 17x8, LSD on bedroom desk, zf 5-speed on garage floor
  • Car 2
    1994 ///M3

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  • Interests
    Mountain Biking
    Wake Boarding
    Snow Boarding

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  1. Thanks, i did find a BMW TIS system too which specifies a procedure for welding in the exact reinforcement plates! I have passed it on and am waiting on feedback on whether that will be acceptable. I intend to come back and post a resolution when / if i get to one.
  2. It’s being certified for an M60b40 engine swap + manual conversion with brake and suspension modifications to boot. He wanted to determine its not high tensile steel and or that there hasn’t been heat treatment applied to ensure correct consumables for welding process, and that no heat treatment or post cool is required. I agree with you, probably 99.5% certainty it is mild steel, and a bit frustrating that I can’t just take it to someone who knows what they are doing and be done with it (thin gauge is out of my capability, especially in a structural location). However I don’t have a lot of options for a certifier an around me, and I’m not inclined to swing backwards and forwards because I’ve been asked to clarify one thing. I’d rather that than have the cert rejected because I’ve welded to a significant structural component of the car and decided not to disclose it. thanks for the input, if it becomes insurmountable then I’ll consider traveling and swapping Certifier.
  3. Hi All, I have an E36 i'm planning to put through the LVVC for a motor swap, as part of that im looking to weld in the factory M3 rear subframe re-enforcement plates. The certifier is onboard with this but has asked me to confirm the plate and chassis steel on the car is mild steel. I have dropped BMW NZ a query and am awaiting a reply. Has anyone else done the same or similar (e46?) and gone through LVVC and have a suggestion or line on where to confirm the body material? i have found a few build threads on here, but nothing specifically on confirming the body / chassis material before welding to it. Next Stop will be to talk to panel beaters and / or repair certifiers if BMW is unable to provide a suitable statement/evidence for the certifier. Cheers G
  4. defiantly, I'm working through a similar thing with an e36 at the moment, albeit at a pretty slow rate, I'd be keen compare notes at some point.
  5. Hey mate, sorry for the slow reply. i have moved away from using the N62 pump and now have a dry sump setup. when i was looking at N62 sump i had gotten to the point of either using the M60 sprocket modified to fit the shaft (as the N62 has a different design chain and the sprocket wont work with the M60 crank sprocket )or a ISO chain sprocket modified to fit the shaft with the same approximate diameter as the N62 sprocket. The N62 sprocket is smaller, so would result in more oil delivery per engine RPM than the M60 sprocket. I believe the N62 pump is a 2 stage design with an internal relief when a certain oil pressure is reached due to Vanos on the newer engine, which means you might get away with the M60 sprocket. you could always measure oil volume per revolution of the pump to figure out the approximate size of sprocket you need on the newer pump to match the delivery volume of the old pump.
  6. I have just done the clearances on my E36, which i believe uses the same part numbers as an E30. Coombes Johnson in Hamilton was happy to supply singles, the sizes i needed were all EX Germany (3 weeks) @ $40 a piece. I ended up sourcing them online at $13US a piece + shipping. if you have the part numbers they are easy enough to find through any of the usual places. if you want any pointers send me a message. unfortunately none of the shims swapped out were that thick either.
  7. Hi All. Im looking to buy a ZF320 5 speed 'box out of an e36 328i / M3 and the like. Anything out there ? Cheers Glen
  8. yeah thats the goal, i have the N62 sump too, which so far looks to mate up with the M60 just fine. Its big though, it will be interesting to see how it fits in the car..
  9. a little, albeit very slow. i have machined up a set of spacers, and can mount the pump to the main caps on the M60. the next things i need to do are turn the oil pump drive shaft down to align the sprocket to the drive off the crank, then shorten the oil pump drive chain off the M60. organizing the oil feed to the block is also going to require some fiddling. having changed housing situation im aiming to make a bit more progress in the new year
  10. Thanks for the heads up Dan, The sensor in there was only 3 years old! so the insulation was actually ok. Had the car scanned and came up crank sensor, so pulled and replace and fixed the issue! Turns out the o-ring in my thermostat housing had gone hard and lost its seal. crank sensor vs antifreeze not so good!
  11. Hey Guys, i get the feeling my crank position sensor is on the way out but would rather get the car scanned first before replacing stuff willy nilly. e36 328i has started dying mid drive, car is manual (converted from auto but have had a couple years driving with no issues) so it bump starts its self and carries on just fine (runs perfectly when not killing the engine.). tach signal drops very quickly when this happens, it looses about 1000 revs in the fraction of a second the motor is not going. if foot is on the clutch it dies out completely. the only thing that makes any sense to me is the crank position sensor going bad, or the DME is losing power, or has fried something in the DME. feedback on issue and / or reference to person or shop with a code reader in rotorua appreciated!
  12. its in my dads garage up in Auckland, i'll ask him to get a photo of it if he can. Cheers
  13. Hi Peter I have a remus universal box welded the the end of a 328i rear section, sound from the outside was ok but it had a cabin drone at 1800-2000 rpm (open road cruise). i pulled it off as i was doing alot of open road commuting. you might get away with it in a manual car or by adding a couple of resonators, any interest ?
  14. few quick movers, post updated. Hey Barry, Have already had an off on shocks sorry. Replied Hi Paul, Have already had an offer of the wheel sorry. Cheers G
  15. Hey Guys, moving house so clearing a bit of stuff out of the garage. happy to ship smaller stuff but would prefer pick up from Rotorua on larger items, i will be traveling to auckland and Tauranga from Rotorua in the near is future, so might be able to get gear between those areas. Sold Pending Payment $50 E36 coupe door cards, front and rear. ok condition, the vinyl is lifting around the pockets and one of the rears might need the insert re-gluing. the bits the clips attach to on the door card have separated and i don't have all of them so you will have to re-se some of another set of door cards. $50 E36 coupe rear seat including seat belts, backs in good condition, bolsters are for the later type (didn't fit my 94 m3). the bench is ok, but has what looks like a ciggy hole on the left side. sold pending payment $50 E36 3 spoke wheel with airbag sold pending Payment $50 E36 motorsport rear shocks - Boge PN 1-0391-27-260-b, they were pulled from a 328i motorsport and replaced with KONIs, unsure of Ks but both have gas pressure as well as rebound + compression damping, not leaking. I have a few other bits locked up in a garage so havent got photos, let me know if any interest in; -zf auto box, torque converter, flex plate and shifter from nz new 328i 190kms ish when pulled out, working perfectly when removed but probably good practice to flush it. -E36 328i Auto Drive shaft -E36 med case open diff center, suite 3.07-2.93 or lower diffs. -E36 sedan black leather front seats, full electric, not heated.
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