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About Deano

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 08/18/1966

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  • Name
    Deano M
  • Location
  • Car
    1998 Toyota Hiace
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  • Interests
    surfing and golf<br />e21s and e30s

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  1. Hi Anyone interested in a job to help a friend with their 1998 E36 318ti Ive had a quick look and found no spark. Cranking fine. New battery As I dont live in Wellington anymore cant continue to diagnose and have no access to spares for swapsies or jig to pull fault codes I found oil down 1 and 2 spark plug recesses ( rocker cover gasket failing )..cleaned and still not firing Suspect coil pack Cash Text me on 021 230 4284 Cheers, Dean
  2. Still have the LSD diff $400 can freight cheaply anywhere in NZ
  3. This diff is still for sale and $400 is the price Diff is in Muritai, Wellington from Thursday so North Island Freight will be about $25 to a depot near you.
  4. Deano

    E12 complete

    Hi are you still interested in the sideloader LSD?
  5. Hi..moving to Welly so house up for Rent. If anyone looking or knows anyone looking then give me a ring on 021 230 4284 to discuss Cheers
  6. It is possible but the subframe requires modification. This diff is the medium case. To fit the E21 you will have to shave 2.5mm of the diff flanges and half shafts. The correct diff required is the small case sideloader and fits between the half shafts without mods.
  7. Still here. Have two types of output flanges with it. One set marries up to E21 half shafts and the other set is the standard larger diameter flanges for the E12 m535
  8. I have a medium case sideloader LSD 3.45:1
  9. Gotta go make an offer, would be awesome diff for race car...
  10. Ratio 3.45:1 probably from early M635 or M535 E12 Can freight cheaply around NZ
  11. I have an original twin in twin out boysen that looks good..in Chch though
  12. Hi I have a bare block from an E34 525 M20B25 plus other parts..021 230 4284, cheers, Dean
  13. Hey thanks guys..appreciated..
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