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Everything posted by westy

  1. Does anybody have a picture of an E30 on BBS RSs'?
  2. Guess that would work, was thinking 3d ha.
  3. Impossible to measure accurately because you cant find the centre of the balljoints. The biggest difference between the e46 and the e30/36 arms is the length from the inner balljoint and the outer balljoint (30-40mm? longer). The e46 arms also have a hex shape that fits inside the lollipop, not round like e30/36.
  4. Yeah black leather.
  5. T bar or round? I have a round one for a box of Grolsch pick up.
  6. Sorted. Must have been computability problem, XP version running on W7?? Downloaded new copy and all's well.
  7. Bimmersport wont stop loading! Other websites are normal but any of these pages load fine but wont stop. Any ideas? And IE sux balls.
  8. Pretty sure it goes in there. Also unlikely that the inner guard could do that damage to the tyre.
  9. When you're polishing the rims do you get black stuff coming off? If so, then they are not clear coated. Be a bit surprised if they are.
  10. Agreed. Nice photography too. Badass.
  11. westy

    A few pics of mine

    Can say that again. Aaaanyway, car looks sharp and at least it has a full set of pedals.
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