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Everything posted by westy

  1. westy

    The bastard child.

    ^There's a pic of that earlier in the thread. Looks alright, but not what I'm after.
  2. Woo Hoo. That is all
  3. westy

    The bastard child.

    So, for anyone who gives a sh*t, this is how the flares are created. The std flare is cut off and the inner and outer skins are welded to each other. See above photo too. This is the flare transferred to steel from the mdf template. A length of 4mm wire is then welded to the inside edge. It has to be one piece and you need to be carefull as you bend it to shape. It forms an even curve and reinforces the edge of the flare. This is it tacked. It must be fully welded before it's put back on the car. This is the back. You can see the holes transferred from the template too. So you can fix it to the car and begin welding. Massage it a little to make it nice After welding and starting to clean it up Right, way ya go. I expect to see flares on all your cars by this time tomorrow.
  4. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you etc etc
  5. westy

    The bastard child.

    Jesus built my hotrod.
  6. westy

    The bastard child.

    That piece of 3mm customwood screwed to the side?? ha. Just a template for the steel piece.
  7. westy

    The bastard child.

    Picked up a bonnet stay! Whilst I initially enjoyed having the bonnet smack me in the head, it eventually got annoying. Also means i have pics of the bay with engine. Behold the pos camera... New brake lines and hvac cover
  8. Vaag. These would look all kinds of awesome on the fag, I mean Cab.
  9. Well, if there're orange then disregard...
  10. Keep them for when you get sick of those other ones. Serious
  11. Sweet as. Nice tidy late model.
  12. I'm not so much concerned with distorting the tube as I am with destroying the internals of the shock with the heat generated. Also, are you saying you have had a Koni insert fitted to the 325 shock body? This would have meant cuting the body to remove and replace the insert yes?
  13. Whats peoples take on welding non-insert shock bodys, E36/46 style?
  14. Might do it for you, but doesn't do it for everybody and some dont have big interweb connections. Hello!
  15. westy

    Andrews E30 Sedan

    Damn that is nice. Especially since a: I dont like Allpenises and b: I dont like 4 doors ha.
  16. You're shittin me right? E36 tourings are the devil spawn.
  17. westy

    The bastard child.

    Flares are getting better but still not there yet.
  18. When they start doing sprints again instead of the "driver training" I'll rejoin.
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