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Everything posted by westy

  1. westy

    HB Jock

    HB to a good bastard.
  2. westy


    So... I wonder if kidnapping is a worse crime than tagging?
  3. Silverdale radiators. Round 3hundy. Check Trade me.
  4. westy


    Shits gettin weird...
  5. Ok, you bring it up here and I'll drive it up and down my road and we'll see how optimal it is.
  6. They are close enough to not make any difference.,
  7. Dude, wtf, wrong and you know it.
  8. That shut line always annoyed me also but I think the new look might be a bit 'snoutie'. Like a piggie pig pig at a trough. Oink oink.
  9. Opinions? It's a 4WD, thus I hate it.
  10. westy

    Opt out

    18 ha. You win.
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