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Everything posted by alex

  1. With a few less over the top parts that could look VERY cool!
  2. alex

    New M3

    Still disappointed by the design, every other aspect of it will be amazing but i just feel BMW have let themselves down with this one in the whole design side of things
  3. Looking good man, keep us posted, i love seeing progress
  4. looking good man, if you dont decide to lower it, you could always try and find an m5 kit for it, but one or the other!
  5. alex


    Im pretty sure its meant to be M325i, but i'm not exactly the E30 go to guy..
  6. alex

    Girls having fun!

    some people are really bored..
  7. Thanks for the stats hybrid, always wanted to know
  8. alex

    No More 'E'

    omg go into the hundreds
  9. alex

    Map where you live

    ok sorry figured it out, i was being dumb..
  10. alex

    Map where you live

    Damnit, i've forgotten how to place the marker, when you've found your house, how do you actually place the marker ?
  11. alex

    Map where you live

    Its good, im already part of one for m3forum.com
  12. alex

    Phone choice

    Get my phone ! http://www.vodafone.co.nz/mobiles/gen/mobi...t=mobiles&ss=3g Mmmm, i love the 3.2MP camera and 2x optical zoom
  13. alex


    Yeah agreed, they're getting worse as they go on..
  14. alex


    Looks pretty gay actually..
  15. yeh its a shocker, my old car was $60 a tank at the most... Now the biggest i've got is $92.. It hurts. This is for the same mileage too..
  16. alex

    e30 Limo

    Thats so awesome ! wonder what the inside is like..
  17. alex

    Today's Pics

    nice photo of that e46, it's like my favourite car, i'm in love with it, i saw it oh high street last saturday
  18. alex

    1994 M3

    Nice car Same as mine apart from the mags
  19. Screw that. You can always get food, these aren't exactly the most abundant of seats on the market!
  20. Hahahahah, i don't even know what that is..
  21. hahaha, it was so lame! but still quite funny :pimp:
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