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Posts posted by Neal

  1. Looks like the wife is sucking the life out of one mans dream .

    Regardless of taste it is indeed a sad moment. No doubt he'll be nuted after kid number 2 , the MR2 will be replaced by a people mover and his childhood collection wheatbix cards will be sold on TM to the highest bidder.

    One minute silence guys for a fellow man that has his dream sold.

  2. I think of the m badge / accessory in context with the vehicle that it's on.

    For some it means a sporting improvement over the standard car, others it might only be the hand built e28 & e34 M5's . Others it's the ltd versions of M cars that where sold for racing for Group N / A.

    However the article misses M-power branding which seem to be the motorsport branding now of more recent years and the M badge being mainly sports model versions of road cars.

  3. Wouldn't expect a speaker wire to pick up that much emf from having path next to Battery cable. RCA links possbily

    Things to check with engine running.

    1,(Check right speaker connections) Make sure that the speaker terminal / amp speaker terminals connections haven't been grounded if not then carry on with these steps

    2( Determining if noise is on amp output or input stage), Swap left and right front speaker terminals. Does the noise swap channels ? if yes do the next test, if no possible speaker to chasis short elsewhere between amp and speaker or amp has right channel problem.

    3,(Determinig if noise is RCA lead or head unit) Swap left front and right front RCA's , Does the noise swap channels ? if yes then your poblem is right channel RCA lead or head unit noise out of right channel..

    4,( Determing if noise is RCA lead or Head Unit output) Pop out head unit. Unplug right channel RCA.

    5, Plug left channel RCA into head unit Front Right. If the sound is clean then it's your right RCA. If not it's coming fron the Head unit right channel pre-out.

    6 , If it's the head unit then recheck all of your head unit wiring. If this is all ok then then noise supressors may help or rca line loop isolators.



  4. Huh?

    What do you mean "true BMW colours"?

    Any paint shop that does touch up colours in either bottle/brush or aerosol can can do "true BMW colours"

    Sh1t, i've got a mixing bank in my shed with all the tinters and i can make up "true BMW colours". All you need is tinters and the formula.

    OP, shop around before you go and get stung by a dealer.

    With all respect to people like yourself and people in the trade you'd know about the art of mixing paints and also the challenges matching some factory paint colours from various make (like current Kawasaki motorcycle paints with pearl effect for example).

    In my veiw the dealer sticks are cheap enough for touch ups and a bit safer than risking someone's version of a factory colour. I think it might have been under $50 last time.

  5. Nice looking TV . I brought one a 200hz LCD a few year back and find they aren't cracked up to what they are hyped to motion wise. Suspect plasma would would also be better than lcd/led for less motion blur.

    Check your blu rays for thanks picture setup (Dark Knight etc) and set your your new tv up and save to one of it's colour presets. You might find that your redish blacks become darker after.


    BTW, If you haven't already don't forget to run through your audio time alingnment on your home theater amp. Looks like your left front speaker is futher away from the TV than right front. Time alignment will have the effect of pulling the left speaker closer to the TV.

    Edit: Auto spell checker is changing "T H X" to "Thanks"

  6. What sort of interior damage are we talking about? A Holden Astra lease car we had, had the dashboard literally melt off in the sun in Auckland and was replaced with a new one (in a lighter colour ,funny enough).

    Singapore Humidity averages 79 to 82%, Auckland is 74 to 84%, Wellington 67 to 78% and Chirstchurch is 73 to 84%.

    The temperature here is lower, but that makes for MORE condensation, which is when damage occurs (like with a hot moist day and a cold evening).

    Plus, realistically, the cars are driven around with the climate air on all the time - that dries them out.

    I have yet to hear enough stories (first hand) about enough cars to make a singapore car sound any worse than a japanese one.

    Nobody seems to worry about the salt used on Japanese roads in winter though. Weird.

    I spent some time up at the northern end in Sembawang. Every day , Sun out morning , midday / early afternoon all hell would let loose with tropical rain and electrical storms , Two hours later all dry and sun out. It's the Tropics.

    The car that spent it's time in mainly in a car port had an interior that was completely gone to the point where the frabic had rotted and the foam was showing everywhere , the car stunk and the plastics where stuffed and the dash plastic as falling apart. A walk around the neighbourhood confirmed that this was a comon issue. The car concern was less than 5 years old.

    Yes the cars are higher spec'd and plenty of BMW 2.0 cars or smaller normally had almost every extra and normally leather. Remember that tax on cars there means they pay 3 times more for a new car and a basic car will cost you $50k. Bling is everything if you can afford a car there.

    I might have considered one from there before staying there , but I wouldn't now.

    BTW , Watch the S series Jags from there as there are many singapore spec ones without a heater.

  7. Not so sure about comparing Singapore humidity to Northland. Ive seen first hand cars only a few years old with interiors damaged beyond repair when staying with family up the northern end. Hate to think what happened to the electrics.

    Some of the cars a fine due to lives in air cond garages and parking buildings. But if it's spent a reasonable amount of time outside I wouldn't risk it.

  8. I'm on the fence on the manual verse DSG/SMG verse auto. I've owned manuals and recently SMG's, the wife auto's for cars and manual smg's on motorcycles.

    Each has there place and I don't nesscary believe that driving a manual makes for a better driver.

    On the commute a manual offers nothing for the driving experence. Espically when your clawing along slightly below first gear. But under light traffic going over an incline / twisty road the manual is perfect for control.

    Auto's are great for the comute and you get used to the behaviour of throttle position verse change points. You can put just as much thought into driving them. Best gearbox for towing. Only minus is they are crap going down inclines even in sports mode.

    However , I'm an SMG convert now. Super fast gear changes , Flat foot shifting brings a smile. Want a smoother gearchange , just lift slightly before changing. Hit heavy stop and go traffic , put it in auto mode. Track day , pull .5 to 1 meters on the manual car in front every gear change. I don't miss modulating a clutch pedal.

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