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Everything posted by Gus

  1. Gus

    Wagon Anyone?

    and....maybe cheaper http://www.bmwclub.org.nz/marketplace/inde...hp?showtopic=52
  2. Gus

    Clean your intake

    add another 10-20k from central auckland to andys house
  3. Gus

    Clean your intake

    make any difference?
  4. dont blame me! YOU wore the school girl outfit
  5. Gus

    Diff for sale

    wouldnt you spend more time changing gear 0-100? would be interested to see measure accleration times in a 325
  6. yeah i got about 2 gigs worth and sh*t loads of e30 pics too....im trying to give up
  7. its ok its just one mans opinion and isnt the smart in the cool section? and in all honesty..instead of a csl...how bout buying an e46 m3 and spending the $50k or so price difference on mods badass
  8. not tonite but have seen it before...awesome vid....one day
  9. Gus

    E30 320i

    ryan ill give ya $50 if you help me push it off a cliff
  10. Gus

    I need help

    f**ked gearbox from attempted burnouts? time for a manual swap could be something else
  11. hmm....old school titties so good
  12. titties! but no seriously....can someone hook me up with a pic of mtech 1 and 16" alpinas? cheers
  13. Gus

    M-Tec II Cancer

    i would imagine factory kitted cars would have taken steps to reduce this....rubber weather proofing and the like..that looks nasty
  14. yeah they for wingmirror.
  15. dude you got a picture of it with a sunroof...and you say it doesnt have one wasted sam...you seem to be an m325 guru...send me some links gus got ideas
  16. more similar to mutter...very well produced...just bought Herzleid yesterday too...i likey
  17. Gus


    but they unpainted....just need the motor i think...shoulda been more specific....i not sure if its the motor or something else....ideas are needed
  18. after very long wait....the 4th Rammstein album reise, reise was released on monday...awesome cd. highlights for me songs 1, 5 and 11. am considering buying a headunit just to listen to it! advice to people....buy!
  19. haha big man...konis coming my way shortly....and ive gotta short shift...and leather recaros
  20. Gus


    my RH wingmirror isnt working....any ideas? graeme i may be heading your way soon
  21. Gus

    Tyre Placement

    from michelin: The driver will have no chance of controlling the rear, and will be tempted to accelerate further, which will amplify the spin effect. Only an experienced driver will be able to recover from this dangerous situation... oh no....evil oversteer nanna drivers (including most of nz)
  22. drove a facelift 318 the other day...i much prefer to pre facelift
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