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Everything posted by ThreeOneEight

  1. My 61 year old father drives a boat-tailed 1920s Austin Seven race car whilst wearing a WWI style flying helmet(on the odd weekend only, fortunately). I'm not sure what is more embarrassing, that or the guy in the Mercedes.
  2. Those huge side skirts make it look like a hover-craft.
  3. Has it been converted to Manual? Only that looks suspiciously PRND321-ish in the interior photo!
  4. Would he consider a Volvo XC90? I found them pleasant to drive if not as sporty as an X5. But certainly a league or two above one of those awful American Jeep things!
  5. Isn't the diesel often considered "the best of the kind" in each BMW range these days, bar M models? Or has fuel economy just become so important that we automatically rate it ahead of V8 petrol power in logical terms?
  6. As someone explained, it is Goldman Sachs JB Were... I can't keep up with all these corporate merger names, they get longer and longer. And her advice was to NOT get a 'noob' or an 'uber 1337'... Her reasons being the young ones can be too pushy, and the older ones too complacent. I'm not sure how correct she is, perhaps you can't be so subjective in investing. However she is disturbingly wealthy so must be on to something.
  7. Looking over this thread again, I was trying to work out what this new 6 Series reminded me of. It's the 1991 Mazda MS-8, and that is not a good thing!
  8. I have it on good authority that the powers that be will be allowing cars originally registered with black plates to use them again, if the car has been re-vinned or re-registered with newer plates. This will not apply to cars that never wore black plates originally. But it is great for the owners of pre- 1987 classics who dislike the un-classic look of white plates. I'm not sure but it may also allow 1987 and onwards cars to re-register their original white NZ plate numbers too. Nice to see something being done for classic car owners who care about originality.
  9. No worries Ryan. Stick to drawing ugly buildings, though!
  10. Thanks- they are three of the coolest young ladies you will ever meet, have known them since I was knee- high. I'm sure they would be more bemused, than offended... much as I am. I'm more worried that perhaps Ryan fancies me... he never called me ugly!
  11. Well, we did seriously consider Photoshopping ourselves wearing suits onto a photograph of yachts we don't even own- such is the trend, evidently. But then, the sun came out, and we instead decided to go to the beach again.
  12. ThreeOneEight

    Sir Ed is dead

    A state funeral for him seems like much better value than Eden Park. At least we can say he's gone to the one place higher than Mt Everest.
  13. I had a late model Corolla and it had the worst build quality of any car I have owned. And I have owned French and Italian cars, too. It's a myth of reliability, like Fisher & Paykel. My list would be: Lotus Elise. It reminded us of what we nearly forgot about with the EVO/AMG lardass techno generation- light weight. Porsche 911. A mad combination of a fundamentally flawed drivetrain layout, coupled with amazing German engineering. Still a winning combination, 45 years on. Fiat 130 Coupe, on looks alone. No one else loves it though. The original Mini. And the first VTEC Hondas.
  14. That's been on for almost a year!
  15. E30. A good condition, manual E30 is never going to lose value. Whereas in a few years, the Subaru will be worth almost nothing. And as it already has relatively high mileage, I doubt it is a bulletproof investment. Get a detachable tow bar and a bike rack for the E30.
  16. I like big flaps, and I cannot lie!
  17. They are a wonderful accessory for the countryside dweller, thank you very much.
  18. I loved the Fiat Coupe. But perhaps he was better in a smaller, 'Acquired taste' operation rather than a big, conservative player like BMW. Either way, his designs have still sold. And I think the Z4 M Coupe is the horniest looking car this side of $150,000.
  19. The 535iS is too fast for SLAB eligibility anyway! My mud flaps scrape on my driveway at standard height :S
  20. Pamela Anderson drives one, specially ordered with cloth trim on account of her vegetarianism.
  21. No, there are three kinds! Very confusing. The ML class is the X5 sized model, the GL class the new-looking but bigger than ML sized SUV, and the Gelandewagen (or simply, G-class), which is the old- school boxy looking one shown above. Someone down my street has a new GL55 and it is absolutely massive, even parked next to the behemoth Audi Q7. Normal cars may be getting smaller, but SUVs are not! ML Class: GL Class: G Class:
  22. I think it's in my brother's garage somewhere. If I can find it, free (bar postage and packaging).
  23. I took the exact same setup off my car and replaced it with a factory one! I found it a bit noisy, seeing as the M40 has a fairly 'gravelly' engine note already, how do you find it?
  24. Nice. That's some pretty commodious garaging you appear to have there!
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