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Women selling BMW held at knifepoint by test driver

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A woman selling her car on Trade Me was slashed with a hunting knife when a prospective buyer allegedly stole her car during a test drive.

Detective Sergeant Robert Scott said the woman met a prospective buyer of her "fairly expensive" BMW sports car and took him for a test drive yesterday morning in central Christchurch.

During the drive, the man, described as about 20 and Asian, allegedly produced the knife from a leather sheath and held the blade to the woman's throat.

In the struggle, the woman was slashed across the forearm.

"It was a fairly gutsy effort, really. It was a substantial knife. It was quite a brave move on her part," Scott said.

She got out of the car on the corner of Montreal and Caton streets, Addington, and called police while the man sped off.

A man was arrested minutes later in the Blenheim Road-Wharenui Road area by a police photographer.

The woman was treated at the scene by ambulance staff for minor injuries.

A man is due to appear in the Christchurch District Court today charged with aggravated robbery.

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Glad he was caught so quick!

Brave woman - well done.

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Only a BMW driver would fight to save their car like that!! Haha!

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sounds like gangs are back in force this year, either that or everyones taken too much p over the festive season and now they're all angry and violent. I hope these recent violent attacks blow over, otherwise the 'FEAR' could stick around and thats another notch away from NZ's normally safe environment where you can walk along milford beach in the dark without getting hit with a baseball bat and soon we'll all be carrying guns for safety.

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I would believe that, I had 2 people try to hijack my car from me today on Massey Rd near the airport! Long story but im alive and I have my car!

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You OK Shelly ???

Edited by botanymotorworx

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Yeh im fine, they didnt touch me at all, they just wanted my car, I refused to stop and get out, they were pretty angry. They had a latesh model turbo starlet or corolla not completely sure as I think they both look the same, gun metal and black coloured, chunky muscley black guys in white singlets and hats on. Say around 25 years old. They followed me from Otahuhu and waited for a red light.

Yesterday I got an email warning females in NZ to watch out as its happening alot in car parks, people stick a receipt or paper on your rear windscreen and wait nearby, you get in your car turn it on look behind to reverse and see the paper, so you get out to remove it meanwhile somebody is jumping in your car and speeding off taking you out at the same time.

So it looks like Hijacking is alive and kicking at the moment.

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Thats pretty rank. Poor woman. Violence is taking over NZ, and not necessarily gangs either.... EX BF's, murderers, randoms. Christchurch is in the media the most I've noticed.

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A friend of mine recently had an attempted hijacking, this time it was a he though, and he was surrounded by four people, he had to drive over a few feet to get away, 2 smashed windows and a lot of dents from a bat! Wtf is going on in nz at the moment?!

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Alot of scum bags out there! Take care out there folks, you either fight back or give em your car.

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Alot of scum bags out there! Take care out there folks, you either fight back or give em your car.

Or a bullet

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Poor lady, luckily she made it out ok. Damn scumbags.

I would believe that, I had 2 people try to hijack my car from me today on Massey Rd near the airport! Long story but im alive and I have my car!

Glad you're ok! Have heard of that happening to others as well, we should all get into the habit of locking our doors.

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On wednesday morning I had someone try to cut into my lane on Great South Rd in Penrose going north, turning left into Church St. Anyone that drives that in the mornings will know that lots of wankers sit in the right lane until right before the intersection to save 10 seconds or so and then swerve across three lanes.

He was right beside me when he put his indicator on and accelerated, I just hit the horn, there was less than a car length between me and the person in front of me and we were only doing about 20kmh. He moved across so that the left side of his car was just in my lane, and then realised I wasn't going to let him in.

He followed me for about 2kms, I saw that the next set of lights was red, I rolled slowly up to them, just as we both came to a stop about 10m behind the lines he got out of his car, I know the phases of the lights well and figured they would change soon, just as he got up to the car I yelled out of my window that was open a few cm that it was too early for him to be awake and he should go back to bed until his dole money is ready to be picked up. I then jumped forwards a few metres, as I was slowing down again (and with him running after me) the lights turned green, so I just took off, went around through a few side streets (I know the area well) and didn't see the guy again.

I feel sorry for the lady with the BMW, just happy she isn't badly injured

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the e34 hartge 535i i just sold , was a stolen recovered car a few years ago when i got it from the auctions , rang the old owner to see if he had a spare key .

told me his wife was filling up with gas , went to pay and her freind was in the car had aknife held to her and told to get out , then they drove off with the car .

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Yeah I have seen this happen a few times in Queen street. Felt real bad for some young dude driving his Dad's pride and joy Ford Falcon (Real old shape cool looking). Some big islander just opened his door, ripped him out jumped in, beat on the passengers till they ditched then took off. No insurance. Kid was driving it as a reward for passing his exams. All happened so fast nobody got a chance to help.

Make sure your doors are always locked.

Are Tazers legal in NZ? Might be a good idea to carry one? Or Mase.

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Are Tazers legal in NZ? Might be a good idea to carry one? Or Mase.

No they are not unfortunately

An alluminium baseball bat is tho....just make sure you have a ball & a glove in the car as well tho...otherwise its an offensive weapon

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They'd need a bloody big car for me not to use them as a Judder bar.


Would be a pretty good option.

Its terrible that this is happening in New Zealand, When I went to South Africa things like this were very common at lights and you had to be aware of your self. People would approch the car either begging for cash or trying to sell water.

My hosts advice was not no make eye contact, keep driving, and don't open your window! Scary country but very cool wildlife etc.Kruger national park = Best 3days of sight seeing ever.

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Have told wife/daughter when driving, doors must be locked and if you have to just run them over.

If you go to the courts, trial by jury of your own peers.

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Some James Bond gadgets would come in handy...

140 dB external siren,

Electrified door handles,

Pneumatic door poppers so powerful that can knock hijackers back 20 feet.

some like that~!

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A mate of mine who used to live in S.A. had a flame thrower over his sills! Seriously!

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It's times like these I'm glad I live in a small town.

Christchurch was in the paper recently for being the most dangerous city in NZ.

Have also been to South Africa, scary stuff at times (and I was only in Cape Town).

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