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boy racers gone too far?

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Saw it on TV last night...damn disgusting what that group of youths did. Police will react with zero tolerance in Christchurch and in other cities too now

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wow what an ambush. i guess there finally tired of the cops gettin in their way and did something about it

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Are these guys actually brain dead? They derserve all they get WHEN found out.

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f**kheads. I don't care about the language.

This is why it is so hard to legally modify a car.

Edited by bravo

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f**kheads. I don't care about the language.

This is why it is so hard to legally modify a car.


This is also why I never ever drive my car in chch at night, and try to avoid it during the day. The police will target me even though I have nothing to do with boy racers

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Whats up with christchurch??? Half the countries boy racer tickets!! That's commitment.

Don't mean to generalize but that place is def odd. Played lots of gigs there and almost without fail there's someone fighting or looking for one, and that can be afternoon, evening or morning. Out of control.

Might be urban legend but i've heard that when the dalai lama (sp?) was in nz and they flew into chch, he wouldn't step on to the runway (usually kiss' ground or something) and they boarded plane and flew off again. That's a severe disturbance in the force...

Bad form on the ambush, maybe they will be tried for terrorism like the guys up in Tuhoe? Seems like it was deliberate, and premeditated attack on police. Wouldn't that be a terrorist act?


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You've got to wonder what they're thinking. What sensible reasons would they have to aggravate the police. Now, as the police officer said, they are gonna come down on them "like a tonne of bricks".


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Until Government get serious with this problem, then it will continue. These boy racers obviously are no better than thugs given their behavior as reported on the news. I think that creative solutions are needed and unfortunately our Government is not very good at coming up with anything that is not based on something that hasn't already been tried in the U.K or other european countries and based on previous research. There are a lot of things that could be tried ranging from placing curfews on young drivers, confiscating and selling or destroying cars early on, providing incentive schemes for good road behaviour as well as demerits (eg, no tickets in in a year provides discount on registration), early jail or detention for repeat offenders, limiting or forbidding modifications on cars owned or driven by young drivers, etc etc. Not all these ideas would work or would even be desirable - but my point is that government agencies (including to a degree the Police) seem to be sitting on their hands on this issue. The transport ministers response was particularly weak on the Christchurch issue. One does not need to travel down to Christchurch to ascertain the scale of the problem - it is already apparent that something needs to be tried now.

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That f**king disgusts me to no end. Absolutely no respect for anyone whatsoever.

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Did they think they were cool?

Exactly what I was going to say. I have such strong feelings on these subjects.

This is yet another case where it ruins the name of mature younger drivers. I'm actually starting to think we're now a minority compared to the idiots on the road.

Seriously, attacking a police officer? What d*ckheads think thats cool? Somebody needs to teach them what respect is. Respect for the law, and for the public.

I by no means am an angel myself but I have respect for the people that put their lives on the line everyday trying to keep NZ on the straight.

But remember they keep digging themselfs into a bigger hole.

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i have respect for the law but know some very dirty cops who will do anything to get there quota up so im on the fence with this no sides taken

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Guest FrantiC

That is incredibly pathetic. They have pretty much made it ALOT more worse for themselves. It's morons like them and their stupid acts that ruin it for the rest of us!

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If they manage to find the pratt who was shooting, I'm hoping it will be attempted murder charges (assuming it was actually how the article was written). Enjoy your 7-10 years in the cell with Bubba. I'm sure he will make you feel right at home at shower time...

Seriously, what the hell did they think they were doing? Waste of valuable oxygen the lot of them.

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If it's the people I think did it, it's a small kinda 'FTP' group, nissians. The other 250 cars there would have just been tag-a-longs. It's actually unbelieveable that they have gotten this far, shame and way, way, over the top. It's not about the cars, they don't race, just skid and annoy people. Castration for population control, weeding out the bad trash blood is what the world needs. Too many hopeless people doing all the breeding.

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Yep, it's pretty hectic in Christchurch now. I was out briefly last night on my way to a mates place and the police were everywhere. They have inflamed the situation and everyone with modified cars is going to suffer.

Thankfully I remain "under the radar" as my car is not considered under the "boy racer" category however it's a sad state when it has reached the stage it has now.

In my view as mentioned before I think the city council needs to be creative. Continually coming down on these kids does not seem to be doing anything other than inflaming the situation even further. I am not talking about the guys that were trying to hurt the police officer (they should get a right hiding) but more about the ones who are enjoying their cars at the expense of the public.

In my view these people need a place to enjoy their cars far from the city in a controlled and safe environment. Surely the cost of stepping up the police at night will amount to the same as opening up a skid pad / drag strip in controlled environment where people can go enjoy themselves in a safety and away from the public.

As a small analogy, I think the skate park on Moorhouse is a brilliant example of how this method works perfectly. Prior to that park skate boarders were pissing off the public left right and center but when they were shown some consideration I think the problem is gone.

Or if thats too extreme, perhaps start encouraging people to get into racing at Ruapuna or something where they can put their cars to good use.

My 2c anyhow.

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They have inflamed the situation and everyone with modified cars is going to suffer


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Atta, your comments about giving these idiots somewhere to be idiotic are valid. But, this has been tried in the past when the Pegasus Bay Drag Racing Club set up a burnout pad for boy racers to go and destroy tyres willy nilly. Unfortunately no one attended because, I believe, once a previously illegal activity is condoned it's no longer "cool".

Perhaps turning a blind eye to these morons much like a mother ignores her child throwing a tantrum is the solution here? A ban on media coverage perhaps? It is illegal for the media to run stories on suicides in an attempt to stop copycats. Why not make it the same for boy racers?

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...Perhaps turning a blind eye to these morons much like a mother ignores her child throwing a tantrum is the solution here? A ban on media coverage perhaps? It is illegal for the media to run stories on suicides in an attempt to stop copycats. Why not make it the same for boy racers?

What about the law abiding people that have to suffer in the meantime? Surely you cant be serious? I get what you mean here but I dont think ignoring the problem will make it go away.

Edited by ducatiss

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I'm not suggesting the Police ignore the problem. Merely the media. It's clear that the increased media coverage of boy-racer related incidents has inflated the egos of these morons and encouraged them to continue. By all means let the Police lay the smackdown in the meantime! :)

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have you noticed on the news when its boy racer related they always use the same footage from years ago

eg the civic doing burn outs with people ridding on the back, god knows how many times they've reused that lol

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