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E30 325i Rag-Top

Use Of The Word "Raped" In Posts

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I hate to come across as a whinging Pom, but I have noticed that the word "raped" is being used in posts to describe items on a regular basis now.

It might be just me, in which case I will shut up and put up, but is this word not completely offensive due to the crime to which it relates? To me personally rape is the worst possible crime, due to it's nature and the effects the victims have to live with for the rest of their lives.

To start using this word as an adjective is almost making light of this crime, and de-sensitising people to it. Can we please not use it on these forums?

Mods - is this something we can do automatically please?

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There is something quite offensive about the way "raped" is bandied about all over the place.

Which is odd for me?!? Not being a big fan of excessive censership and all.

The Yanks are chronic on it.

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Guest Simon*

Agree. Don't like it at all

Will be stamping it out in future

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I've never found it offensive. Provided it's in the correct context . In my view, moaning about it due to the fact that it also describes a particularly vile type of crime, is a tad PC.

However, if enough find it offensive its a 2minute job to add it to the auto-censor list.

From my experience it's in fairly common general use in social situations.

Should we also stop calling things "gay" and "homo" as they may be offensive to homosexuals? Or the word "murder" i.e. "I got murdered at the strip on the Jag Club Drag day"?

I know I'm being picky, but I think we all know that the term isn't being used in an insensitive way, in which case, as adults we can choose not to take offence.

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Guest Simon*

Graham I don't have a problem with swearing although I tone it down for the forum but misuse of the "raped" (which is not even a swear word) leaves a sour taste in my mouth

You're right that we could overcensor everything but in this case I'm in the "we don't need it" camp

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Any suggestions as to what alternative word can be inserted for the auto-censor?

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^ bung as ow.

Seriously I am not sure..maybe just add some *** thingys

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I would have thought people would have found using "gay" or "homo" more offensive as they are (in my opinion) more derogatory than "raped"

That's just me though and I'm not saying I think those terms should be censored.

Edited by deane30

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Guest Simon*

f**ked! :D

Just jokes - how about "buggered" <-- that's the old school "raped" anyhow ;)

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asterisking out letters of swear words has always baffled me. Does the word hurt your eyes and by asterisking it, all of a sudden it is no longer offensive??? Surely a word so offensive as to require censoring from text should be entirely removed? As asterisking a few letters still leaves no doubt as to what word was being said.

It's like whispering when you swear - it makes it sound as though you are trying to be in-offensive, but in reality you are still cursing.

How is f**ked better than f ucked?

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Jake "the Muss" Heke

Lol, was driving down the road and some chap “uncle bullied†my car with his Hilux :lol:

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Ravaged works.

Totally ravaged my car at the drag strip yesterday.

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Rooted is kinda like "broked" though

I rooted my car. Its liek somethings broken..

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I think the use of any bad language on the boards "inapropriate" You dont need bad language to express yourself.

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shouldn't it be "ravished"??? ;)

Ravaged is closer to the way people use raped on the forums

Ravaged = destroyed/ annihilated

Ravished = sexually assaulted

Just my 2c

Edit: bravo beat me to it

Edited by jordy

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Any suggestions as to what alternative word can be inserted for the auto-censor?


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Considering it was probably one of my posts this morning that sparked this thread....I vote censor it out.

BTW Jon, I edited that post. Sorry mate for any offense caused.

Guess got to look it at the perspective if there was someone who had been raped on the forums and how offended they would be.

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Cane Caned Caning???

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