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Racecar - What is it?

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I was talking to a guy thats spend a fair bit on his evo at work and we got into the discussion of why my racecar would be beaten by his evo...

He was very much of the opionion that because my car is a racecar = instantly faster than what it actually is... with answers like but it's a racecar...

When you think about things like tyres, many sports cars are coming out with semi-slicks as road tyres. Racecar owners upgrade to higher spec model brakes... i.e. rx-7, evo, gtr, etc...

I found it very intersting that his car is running basically motorsport spec shocks, brakes, mounts, bushes, and all it's really missing is the cage and stripped interior... But yet he was of the opinion that because my car is a racecar with it's koni shocks, single pot brakes, factory bushes, etc... it would be faster...

How many other find that because it's a "racecar" the term itself instantly puts it into the fast bracket? Espically when you consider most racecars arn't actually all that fast compared to some of the road cars out there.

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hmmm ...

it's a pretty dumb argument.

Unless a log bog, roll cage and 6 point harnesses make a car instantly faster than one without these things then yeah ....

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Race cars are faster because they have numbers.

Doesn’t a car have to race to be a race car?

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Lol,What a failure. Makes no sense at all

Going off his idea a 100hp civic racecar would beat a road going M3, Hmmm something wrong there!

Edited by braeden.

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Speaking of which, my road-going M3 would be many times faster than the 2002 on the track (haven't tried) ... and I suspect would still be faster following the 2002s turbo conversion.

IMHO, race car = stripped and/or roll cage, ie useless for anything else and intended for racing. Occasionally you see car's which meet this definition (eg Evo) which are road cars. They're not a race car per se, but they have race car performance.

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A mate of mine has an Evo 6.5 and it is definitely faster than the race car another mate has.

I guess a lot of people when they hear "race car" would automatically think of a stripped down shell with a fast engine and don't really think about all the different classes of racing and their restrictions.

I think in a straight line, it doesn't really matter if it's a race car or not.

But when it comes to handling and braking, I would imagine that race cars would be better than street cars more often than not.

[edit] I guess the Evo 6.5 is very close to being a race car, but is still classed as a street car

Edited by Wom

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* Power to weight

* Tires

* Roll cage tieing all points of a vehicle making the handling a lot more predictible

* Race tires vs road going semi slicks like what is on the CSL are different. Tire side and rubber compound are a lot different.

* Race spec hardware also puts up with repeditive punchment a lot more, such as brakes, tires, suspension, fluids.

It depends what hes talking about too.

His car would probably be a lot faster in a straight line but yours in the corners will most likely clean up.

My e46 for example vs a e30 m3. My car has more power, but the e30 is much lighter and far more nimble around corners. Even with a race going suspension setup and lots of grip. They generally out perform me in the twisties or atleast I have to put a lot more into keeping up where as the e30 m3 does it without too much drama.

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I will admit - you guys are right when people think race car is -" A car that goes at very fast speeds designed for use on race tracks"

yet you could have a 100hp civic as a race car but ergo that isnt going to beat a m3 street car.

i have mates that have Performace street cars up the wazzzo, and just from being in both a street and race car there are noticeable diffrences on how it performs

eg. mates 6.5 tommi that is designed for the track but street car and my mate evo 4 rs which is a street car designed as a race car

niether would compare to and actuall evo race car in weight/power ratio

but i belive race car - is a track bassed car

street car - everyday driver

simple but swwet

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Yeah, i get that a lot... my road car - Subaru Legacy RS - is much quicker than my E30 racecar, and everyone is continually telling me i should race that instead. But they dont seem to realise that would require caging it, and finding some series to race it in! The BMW is a racecar, sure, but it's still slow compared to most modern roadcars, and even all my mates cars. But it can be driven on a track, in a race event, so its still better :P

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Last track day I went to I got put in the "Racecar" category. With cars like 600hp GTR's, Various 400hp+ Evo's etc.

But the guy did give me a goodish reason for doing so. His main point was that I actually know how to drive and would suite driving with the more powerfull cars.

All I wanted to do was rape Integra and Civic Type R's all day though.

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My car isn't fast, and neither am I. But it has a cage and no interior. Is a "race car" still a race car if it's a garage queen?

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ive seen some pretty big upsets, my opinion is driver>car when it comes to speed (to a degree anyway)

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