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Although i am on the network i am sure things will be sorted sooner or later. Seen this today and thought it was pretty clever and they might make a couple of $$ in the process.

>>Trademe link<<

Edited by M-Spec

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Guest Simon*

Boy am I glad I stuck to the CDMA telecom network.

I thought they were phasing that out very soon John. The plan is to be XT or nothing

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^Same here, I made the switch from CDMA to Vodafone couple weeks back.Very pleased.Have found the reception better in Taranaki

Edited by braeden.

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I thought they were phasing that out very soon John. The plan is to be XT or nothing


I would go vodafone, But everyone around here is telecom. Suckkks.

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I thought they were phasing that out very soon John. The plan is to be XT or nothing

They better f**king not.

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getting phased out this year isint it?

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Maybe they should phase out XT rather than CDMA haha

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CDMA is supposed to be phased out next year or 2012 depending on what you read.

In the meantime it certainly the smarter choice if you live in affected areas of the XT f**k up.

They'll fix it eventually - they have to really.

Vodafone bosses must be uncorking the champagne at the moment hoping for as many outages as possible. Corporate clients will put up with teething problems for awhile, but not forever.

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They'll probably greatly improve XT when the CDMA goes offline and no longer costs them money to have....

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I was chatting to a Fonterra staff member today - apparently they have ditched XT in favour of Vodafone nationwide.

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I was chatting to a Fonterra staff member today - apparently they have ditched XT in favour of Vodafone nationwide.

No one has told me and I deal with Fonterra staff most days. Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I go in to get some more abuse.

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I see 2 execs fell on their swords today lol.

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CDMA is supposed to be phased out next year or 2012 depending on what you read.

I wonder what Telstra will do with their cell service then because they piggy back off the Telecom CDMA as far as I'm aware

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I heard on the radio tonight that allot of people on XT are now having problems with there pre-pay credit disappearing.

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I wonder what Telstra will do with their cell service then because they piggy back off the Telecom CDMA as far as I'm aware

I read the other day that they have already signed with Vodafone as a network provider.

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Brilliant, the 2nd one is better, checkout how many questions on those auctions, never seen so many!

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XT is the shittest service I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Crap service and when something does go wrong (extremely often) the mentally retarded robotic customer service reps in manilla are pathetically bad. If you ask them a question that isn't asked of them in their training manual, they just give you a generic answer which obviously has NO relevance to your problem.

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Once Telescum CDMA is dropped I'm just going to stay with Vodafone. Teething problems or not, they have a pretty pisspoor set up. especially from the customer service side of things as I am finding out now.

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I'm a Telecom CDMA customer as Vodafone made a f**king huge balls-up with my ph accounts a few years ago. They had a go at fixing the problem but it was a half-arsed attempt so I left.

I've been a happy Telecom customer since, but have been putting off the move to XT - thank god.

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I read the other day that they have already signed with Vodafone as a network provider.

hmm, I wonder if they'll make me buy a new phone or they'll hook one up for free

coz if they go with Vodafone then the phone will need a sim card ... unless they've found a way around that

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