cliffdunedin 8 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 Cliffdunedin- I think you'd be surprised at how much 'behind the scenes' activity goes on in attempts to control these low quality or inappropriate threads. I can fully understand and appreciate the effort and work the mods have to do...just since joining Bimmersprt several months ago, i have noticed some inconsistencies(sp) with closed threads and from what Glenn has said is mainly due to bickering!! Trouble is some of those threads are informative to guys new or reasonably new to BMW's like myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cliffdunedin 8 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 @CliffDunedin, I don't think you realise the extent of what goes on behind the scenes - in the Moderator's only forum - to control unruly members and keep the peace on this forum. We're all volunteers, helping out to ensure everyone can enjoy the site. You seem like someone who likes to continually question authority, and that's all well and good, but we're just following the rules as set out by the administrators. So if you don't like it, get out. Martin luthor king once said a speech about, questioning authority when it needs to be questioned!! and my bold highlighted part points out a point why i started this thread!! Don't get me wrong, this is an awesome forum and you guys do a great job...i just say it how i see it!! Rant for the day over!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nobimmer 694 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 My penis is bigger than yours. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellicose 9 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 (edited) My penis is bigger than yours. So flop it out and prove it then PS: Ashkan, did ya get the car home ok? Edited July 4, 2010 by bellicose Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pureboiracer 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 what did i miss??? something good by the sounds of it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mynbmr 225 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 My penis is bigger than yours. My mum used to say '' Big tree scratch small branches tickle'' lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pureboiracer 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 just found the mentioned threads... why do i always miss the good sh.t? ohh and bimmersport seems to have crashed and burned a long time ago so i dont know why everyone is still so anal about what people post... ohwell. m 2c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Driftit 2142 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 sh*t thread about illegal stuff that was pretty well explained before it was locked. Why cry about it? Get over it and get on with it rather than cry about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*Glenn* 856 Report post Posted July 4, 2010 On a related matter, I posted a thread in off topic last week with a somewhat humourous video (or so I thought) and it was deleted a couple of hours later with no explanation. I assume because the mod who got rid of it thought it was stupid/not funny. There was no offensive material in the video. There have been countless threads over the last couple of years I've been on here of far less quality. I don't care, but if it was considered to be spam then just give me the heads up so I stop "spamming" in the future. That wasn't me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 I think some people don't understand the definition of a forum moderator. What the mod says goes, end of story. This isn't High school where you can have a parent complain to the principle about a teacher and how you disagree. This is an internet forum created and run by people who can choose to moderate it as they please. If you can't take the heat, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cliffdunedin 8 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 I think some people don't understand the definition of a forum moderator. What the mod says goes, end of story. This isn't High school where you can have a parent complain to the principle about a teacher and how you disagree. This is an internet forum created and run by people who can choose to moderate it as they please. If you can't take the heat, Your theory/opinion sounds like the old adage, of the boy picked on at school who goes off to join the i said in previous posts that perhaps there is a better way of stopping the crappy threads or posts, then just closing them when infact some threads have decent info/conversations going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Driftit 2142 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 None of the threads you are having a cry about had any decent info in them. You don't have to visit the forum if it is not to your liking. The forum will continue to be moderated in this way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DRTDVL 0 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 Personally i would have thought it would have been a better idea to message the mod's/admin group as a whole to address the problem rather airing a vent on the forum for everyone to see. Including new members which could cause them to not longer wish to be members, due to the perceived attitudes/feel of the club. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martyyyn 102 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 Your theory/opinion sounds like the old adage, of the boy picked on at school who goes off to join the i said in previous posts that perhaps there is a better way of stopping the crappy threads or posts, then just closing them when infact some threads have decent info/conversations going on.Ive kept quite until now, but Ive had enough.You Cliff, along with the Shady's, the Andy's, the Fonzy's and the e30ftmfw's of this world are the reason why I quit moderating and contributing last year. People who cant be fcuked reading or adherring to the rules, argue with mods, argue with senior members and then have the balls to start throwing themselves about telling everyone how it should be run. If I had the ban stick the lot of you wouldnt have lasted five minutes. Sure the membership numbers wouldve been lower, but we wouldve looked after the quality people whilst we had them rather than watch them walk away leaving only the muppets to post stupid pointless thread after stupid pointless thread. When I think back over the years and remember the brilliant people who have left because of the likes of you lot it makes me sick. What a waste of what used to be a brilliant forum. There, I said it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tony2657 5 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 I agree with Heath. So far 20 members have helped to sustain this thread. Enough already!. Clearly it was started to provoke a reaction and we all got sucked in. Can I suggest we all shut up now and leave Cliff to play alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cliffdunedin 8 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 People who cant be fcuked reading or adherring to the rules, argue with mods, argue with senior members and then have the balls to start throwing themselves about telling everyone how it should be run. There, I said it. Dude its an open forum!!! Are you not breaking one of the rules yourself by calling people out...also the rules you just went on about are often broken in this forum by senior members and occasionally some mods My whole rant was re: why in the past several days so many threads were closed...which i got an answer, and should of been the end of it...I understand i broke the rules questioning the moderators, but it was never aimed at anyone in particular, just curious why!? Just thought i'd point out these specific points of interest which appears to have been neglected by many: 2. Attacking new members – For Bimmersport and New Zealand’s BMW community to thrive, all new-comers are welcome and older members ganging up on them will not be tolerated. 2. Personal Attacks – Play the ball not the man, Bimmersport has some great heated debates but you must keep to the topic, not resort to personal insults. I think nuff said... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BimmerzE36 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 (edited) I agree with Heath. So far 20 members have helped to sustain this thread. Enough already!. Clearly it was started to provoke a reaction and we all got sucked in. Can I suggest we all shut up now and leave Cliff to play alone. Wow wow, whats with everybody ganging up on Cliff now.. ? All the mans trying to do is prove a valid point, which in my eyes and a lot of others will agree when I say this "he already has".. From where I understand a lot of seniors have already been pissed enough, Last night I spoke with Ray and even he has noticed this bull and had his fair bit of "talk" with me for calling him "mate". Obviously our reactions are pissing people off.. Some members take things too far, they have "no" respect, I mean C'mon you dont even know Me or Cliff , Heino or anybody else for that matter, and without anything you guys start swearing, and provoke us and we start throwing fesses at each other till all hell breaks lose and a moderator has to come down and close the topic. I have seen many forums die because of poor moderators, Now I'm in no way talking about Glenn, whos a more then fair moderator You don't have to visit the forum if it is not to your liking. The forum will continue to be moderated in this way. I didnt want to say this, but keep up that attitude and moderating skills and sooner or later there will be no one to moderate your forum mate. For the record being, I have a lot of respect for the people who contribute and run this forum, Sponsors and everyone else ....I NEVER caused or meant to cause anybody any trouble until some of YOU decided to jump me like a pack of sheep and start provoking me. And for that now some seniors like Brent or Ray thinks Im causing all this and lost a lot of respect in their eyes. I never started any illegal threads, Im not selling drugs..I just asked information on Tints and the Law... It was closed and I kept quite. Bottom Line: Mates, calm down. Typing and swearing in front of the screen at people you dont even know is very easy, the real sh.t starts flying with my baseball bat when you do that to me in person for no reason... And thats why Cliff had to question the authority, as his previous quote from Martin Luther King " you have the right to question authority when you think it needs to be questioned, and whens that? times like this. Sorry to everyone for any trouble, theres no need to continue this discussion, No reason to talk of me or my actions.. you want me to leave, I'll leave...... Edited July 5, 2010 by BimmerzE36 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellicose 9 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 Some members take things too far, they have "no" respect the real sh.t starts flying with my baseball bat when you do that to me in person for no reason... Sorry to everyone for any trouble, theres no need to continue this discussion, No reason to talk of me or my actions.. you want me to leave, I'll leave...... 1, Think about that statement of not showing respect, if your posts weren't deleted we could all see your kind of respect. 2, PM me ya address then. 3, Later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark 178 Report post Posted July 5, 2010 (edited) Every 3 or 4 months, like clockwork, a relatively new member starts a thread like this, and they all end the same way: The mods have a discussion about the member(s) in question and decide the best course of action to take. Usually we let it die down, we let a few big egos deflate and everything returns to normal. Unfortunately this won't be the last thread of this type. I am closing this thread because there will never be an agreement reached between the two sides here. Debate will continue to rage like a particulary heated episode of "Neighbours at War". For your own sake, please do not start another thread questioning this decision. If you have an issue with the way this forum is moderated, contact the moderators directly via PM. Otherwise, play nice... stay on topic and please, for the sake of my and others' sanity: a) Search before posting and b ) Don't discuss illegal activities. Remember, we're here to talk about one common interest - BMW's... let's keep it that way. CLOSED. Edited July 5, 2010 by _Mark_ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites