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Insurance - 20 year old

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So finally got my e30 road worthy again but i have no insurance can anyone recommend any insurance companies that would take me on board? I know there is NAC - but heard they charge an arm&leg :S

Ive listed my specs below for comparison of your car and insurance companies you've used. BTW im 20 with no crash history or any speeding tickets/fines in the past, also have had my full license for over 3 years now.


M20 2.7 stroker

Headers/exhaust system

Adjustable Suspension

Hartge Wheels

Tech 2 kit etc etc etc.

Secondly what price range would you recommend insuring my car for ? Cheers Guys/Gals

Edited by APT

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Try AMI. they're a bit wankery when it comes to bigger engines though. - see, really unreasonable.

otherwise CLIC? bit like NAC though.

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No car is only used in the weekends, not even every weekend

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I'm 18, full license. Insured on 530i, Merc and Porsche through a Lumley commercial policy as an unnamed driver. In the policy you're allowed to drive the cars privately and the prices are fair. For 3 drivers of the cars with an excess of 1K it's about 4k per year... boosted up a bit because of the unnamed U25s on it so could potentially be a lot lower with you.

Edited by Tristan

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How does it look any different than any other M20 and how will an insurance assessor know any different??

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Its on the cert plate, Just tried online quotes for NAC and classic car.. So will wait and see

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m20 2.7 were stock weren't they :P

Be polite and act mature when you ring them up. Got quoted 1.2k anually full cover for an ITR dc2 with AMI. They are reasonable from what i've experienced.

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Don't bother with Clic. When I tried them they said any under 25s won't be insured over 1.8 litres. And I'm fairly sure they're a subsidiary of Tower so I'm assuming the same deal there.

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you'll find that classic covers straight up policy is no under 25's, although there are ways around this if you know someone with an existing policy that is also under 25.

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While in e30 ownership starting at 17, i've been with AMI, State and NAC.

Firstly AMI for one year, with excess ~1250 iirc. However at the end of the year the premiums went up about 30% so moved to State. Was there for two years. In that time had 2x claims. Were great both times. Excess was $1000. However again, at the end of the second year premiums went up 25% so moved to NAC, who insure me for ~$9k, 21y, full for the same as I was at State ~960pa. However this was all for a daily. If you do sub 5000km a year, go for a 'classic' type cover as i've heard they're a lot cheaper.

$960 may seem like a lot, but it was the cheapest of the insurance companies who would insure me and cheaper that not having insurance

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NAC does $8000 cover for my racecar for $800 so I wouldn't say they are that pricey. That seems pretty standard for an U21 for an $8000. car

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What would I be looking at no crash or speed history. But I was to use my E30 Series car as a daily driver too....

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Give State a call, they don't care so much about CC as long as it has no turbo :)

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I was insured (still am) with Clic when i had my little e30 wich was a 320i. They are the only company that would insure me.

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Try a broker

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Don't bother with Clic. When I tried them they said any under 25s won't be insured over 1.8 litres. And I'm fairly sure they're a subsidiary of Tower so I'm assuming the same deal there.

I got a 2.6 insured with them sweet as? they're actually a subsidiary of AMI.

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Got a quote from NAC $1300 annualy, full cover insured sum of $10000. Opinions ?

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I don't even have insurance for my E30 :( better get it done asap when i get back. have you tried State? but i think they're fussy about Mods on cars..

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I got a 2.6 insured with them sweet as? they're actually a subsidiary of AMI.

When I rang, the woman wouldn't have a bar of it. And woops, knew it was a subsidiary of something.

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NAC pays out Market value only but i have estimated my car to be $10000 for mods and a bit of sentimental value.- obviously not sale price.

Is it still worth it putting 10K as the estimated value then ? or should i just bump it down to a price someone would realistically purchase it for ? if they are not going to pay me out what i would like for it.

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Put 10K as your initial value and then get the quote for that and if it seems bit hefty then value the car at a lower price and see if that makes the premium more appealing.

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My initial quote was at 10K. Dont know if it seems logical paying that much for something i dont even drive once a week at times.

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