bigrob 0 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 To those who know- can someone explain the reason why these ships are always carrying such large quantities of this oil/crude diesel, is it all used up by the time they get to the next port or what? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1rotty 40 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 According to a guy on TV just now-a lot carry surplus as it doubles as ballast Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creaver 55 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 I could think of much better things to provide ballast... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polley 916 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 I could think of much better things to provide ballast...They already have huge seawater ballast tanks. Using fuel as ballast is actually quite convenient. Just dont run it up on some rocks... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bmw.maniac 1 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 I read "NSURANCE COVER The stricken ship is covered for up to $5 billion in insurance claims - with up to a fifth of that set aside for pollution liability. Owners of the Rena, Costamare Inc, are part of the world's biggest group of ship insurers and have organised substantial legal cover for the ship's captain and crew. Costamare arranged legal cover through its insurer P & I Services' New Zealand representative Alastair Irving, including for the lawyer Paul Mabey, QC, counsel for the ship's captain. Irving said the crew were being "well-supported" by the owner, who was extremely concerned for their welfare. He stressed the ship had "substantial" insurance, including both hull and machinery and liability insurance." Screw fining/imprisoning the captain, I hope Tauranga CC steps up to the plate and sues the sh*t out of Costamare, especially if the captain was drunk. Someone (even if it is the insurance company) needs to pay big time for this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Docile 64 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 ^VICARIOUS LIABILITY Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_ethrty-Andy_ 2144 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 hmmm lets just wait till Labour put out some statement blaming the National party for the captain being drunk or whatever Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacko 2199 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 This is ripped from another forum, but is brilliant and sums the state of NZ up nicely... From another forum (Wings Over NZ) : "If Crumpy was still around, he would have grabbed Scotty and a HiLux, and had the whole schmozzle sorted out well before now!" The response was even better: Unfortunatly not. He would now need to complete a Polytech course to gain accreditation, sit through a SiteSafe presentation, consult with MAF, SIPS, The Waitangi Tribunal, various Whanau, the Green Party, Forest and Bird, Greenpeace and the local Territorial Authorities; formulate an 800-page action plan, have it checked by Price Waterhouse and various expert Lawyers, present it to all interested parties at a Marae meeting, acknowledge their objections to various points in the plan, sit through various court hearings while these objections are resolved, re-present the plan, rewrite it after it has been rejected to correct any spelling mistakes, resubmit, chose a motto in Maori for the project, apply for funding, hire staff on an equal-opportunity female-friendly basis with at least 10% of the successful applicants being paraplegics, and finally . . . watch the ship sink of its own volition while all this is going on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
briancol 3 Report post Posted October 12, 2011 hmmm lets just wait till Labour put out some statement blaming the National party for the captain being drunk or whatever I feel for John Key at the moment. There have been 3 major disasters in NZ in the last twelve months. The Christchurch earthquakes, Pike River, and now the Rena grounding. Already Phil Cough and his Labour Party are throwing the blame at National to try and earn brownie points for the next election. I know it's politics, but if he was any sort of a man he would be standing alongside John Key and doing whatever he could to help clean up this mess instead of his continual criticism. No wonder he is so low in the polls. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bmw.maniac 1 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Already Phil Cough and his Labour Party are throwing the blame at National to try and earn brownie points for the next election. Hardly. I think it's quite valid after the slow response (4 days for some sort of significant action is just not good enough in any situation). You would think that an effective quick response would be second nature to this govt by now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotwire 352 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 ^^^^^ Yup. Not taking Gough's side but in this case the buck stops with the current government's complete lack of initiative. You would have thought with an election looming they would have been proactive & had their spin doctors working overtime in gaining brownie points for their actions in adressing the situation. He, Key, is paid the bucks to run the country & ought to have pulled whatever strings required (with other applicable ministers help) to get the required help & insist on an instant response from the ships owners/insurers etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
briancol 3 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Key did the right thing. Hre called in the experts straight away. Is it his fault that the pumping barge was being repaired at the same time. I think not, it was just an unfortunate circumstance. Politicians know NOTHING about salvaging a stranded ship, that's why the experts were called in. If someone here can tell me what more he could have done then go ahead and tell me or are you just going to be like all the Labour and Greenies and be like sheep and repeat every derogatory thing you hear without delving deeper into the subject and find out the real truth. Funny how no one on this forum is pointing the finger at the captian and officers of the boat who are the real culprits Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silver Fox 43 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Key did the right thing. Hre called in the experts straight away. Is it his fault that the pumping barge was being repaired at the same time. I think not, it was just an unfortunate circumstance. Politicians know NOTHING about salvaging a stranded ship, that's why the experts were called in. If someone here can tell me what more he could have done then go ahead and tell me or are you just going to be like all the Labour and Greenies and be like sheep and repeat every derogatory thing you hear without delving deeper into the subject and find out the real truth. Funny how no one on this forum is pointing the finger at the captian and officers of the boat who are the real culprits +1 agree completely Brian for once, the site of Goff pretending to help clean up with no protective gear and in civvies was laughable.This is one for the experts, you have to remove the sentiment I'm afraid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5amchris 45 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 I agree but could they have not started to offload the containers? like said somewhere in the post NZ + AUS have copters that can lift them up and back to dock. It was fine for the first 2 days? even if it was 100 containers it all helps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ari Gold Report post Posted October 13, 2011 I agree but could they have not started to offload the containers? like said somewhere in the post NZ + AUS have copters that can lift them up and back to dock. It was fine for the first 2 days? even if it was 100 containers it all helps. No, we don't. You know the biggest load any chopper can handle is 40 tonnes right? How much do you think a fully laden TEU (of which there were 1300 or so on board) weighs? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antil33t 90 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Apparently it's pretty difficult getting containers off because of the swells... and because the ships on a piss angle... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polley 916 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 (edited) It can also upset the balance of the ship, and risk capsizing it. Edited October 13, 2011 by polley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bmw.maniac 1 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Winston would have got things done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
allan 295 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 All arguements aside their is one hell of a mess to clean up ever body has to agree on that!. So forget the polly anne's having a go at each other to score points that is only a red herring. All hands to the pumps, pun intended and get the mess cleaned up no point in bitching about it now get it sorted. Then Go the captain and other's who can be held responsible for it. Couldn't help myself after all I've said when I say this just a bit of a laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacko 2199 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M5V8 337 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 love it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike 1 Report post Posted October 13, 2011 No, we don't. haha I never knew we had so many marine salvage experts on this board. I'm not either but I was curious and found the gruntiest chopper ever can only lift 20tn. Most of 'heavy-lift' choppers are around the 10tn mark. An empty container weighs between 2-4tn, and full they can weight up to 30tn. so if there's more than 6tn of cargo theres no way they can helicopter it off. And then theres the problem of having someone actually rigging the thing up in the choppers downwash, on a tilting boat, in bad weather. f**k that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polley 916 Report post Posted October 14, 2011 (edited) Dad was out there again taking some salvors out. It's completely listed over to the other side and the rails etc are under water, front compartments are flooded, boulbous bow is pushed right in. It's leaking f**k all oil now, dad reckons he saw heaps of birds and fish out there haha .. Salvors lost a bunch of gear when the ship listed over to the other side.. Got some photos, should have them up tomorrow. Hopefully be able to tag a long at some point and check it out, but most times he only gets 1 hour notice to be out there. Edited October 14, 2011 by polley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael. 2313 Report post Posted October 14, 2011 Interesting ^ Hopefully you get those pictures! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucan 196 Report post Posted October 14, 2011 The oil hasn't even been pumped off the boat yet? WTF. Also why wasn't the slick contained as soon as it ran aground, did they expect a little oil in the water to be OK? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites