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Considering buying this..

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Hey folks,

I'm considering buying this;


I'm fairly new to bimmers, so I don't know exactly what I'm looking at here. Anyone care to share their thoughts on them?

The SMG is a big attraction, mainly for the wank factor hahah. I've never driven em though, how are they? Most other BMW's with this feature seem to be 10k+ more.

Any reason why this may be so cheap?

Secondly, anyone heard of the seller before?

As it's in Auckland I may even see if some folks want to take a look at it for me hahah!


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Looks nice. Always fascinates me though when they get advertised as '1 owner' - at best that means its 1 owner since it arrived in NZ. Ex Singapore import, came into NZ June 2006...........

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SMG is a feature that's normally in m3s which is a different class of car. A few 330i models have it but I wouldn't go for it personally. Think it's silly.

And that price tag is ridiculous even with the low kms, and Singapore imports tend to develop electrical problems due to their hot climate.

I'd stay away personally

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Save yourself 6k & buy Qube's car...........haha.

Edit - or this one - less wank factor, but probably a better car, cheaper, & NZ new........I'd still be comfortable enough with the kms its done - (wank factor & black paint is sometimes a bit overrated apparently...........)

http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-606701513.htm Quite sweet really, & only 2 owners.

Edited by Blue-540i

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Prefacelift sedan is ugly!

And black paint is so so necessary lol

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His car's pretty nice. I'm not sure those rims match my personal tastes hahah. Easily changed though I suppose. I should also probably sell my current ride before I go and buy another, so his may not be floating about when I'm looking to buy.

Wonder if he has any interior pics n pics of it outside.

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Not a good look having the oil pressure light on... Price???

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Not a good look having the oil pressure light on... Price???

Hmmmm - nice spotting!!!! And yea, its definitely running when pic was taken, as rpm needle ain't on zero!! Whether it's pressure or level, neither spells good really. :rolleyes::o

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yellow light is low oil level. Red light is oil pressure. But it could just be a faulty oil level sensor or car was running (hence engine is at running temperature) then turned off then back on for the photo hence light being on. But seems like rear lights aren't working too haha

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Bad: Ugly non Motorsport bodykit and ugly wheels, silver, grey interior with wood grain trim, no sunroof

Good: still a bmw, good 3L engine..

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^^ The kit is a deal breaker for me. either standard or full blown aftermarket kit please.

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The facelift standard kit is so ugly.. Prefacelift standard is still okay though

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Prefacelift sedan is ugly!

I'm just not sure how anyone can be as wrong as you are here...

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Just get a E39 M5 and be done with it.

Or a E30 M3.

Personally. Maunal > Walking > Automatic > crawling through glass with cock out > SMG

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Me saying that preface sedans are ugly is an opinion. Nothing to do with right or wrong.. Maybe it goes against your opinion (and maybe others too) but doesn't make it "wrong" per se. I just don't think tech 2 kit looks good on a pfl. Prefer tech 1 or standard on pfl and facelift must be tech 2 imo..

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I was actually looking at that 330ci SMG too but concluded I should steer clear. I would stay away from SMG unless you have warranty or have bucket loads of cash. Personally think SMG is an awesome concept but there are plenty of horror stories online if you just google "SMG M3 reliability" :ph34r: Also prefacelift E46 ftw!

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Just get a E39 M5 and be done with it.

Or a E30 M3.

Personally. Maunal > Walking > Automatic > crawling through glass with cock out > SMG

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last line should become a quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautifull mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Me saying that preface sedans are ugly is an opinion. Nothing to do with right or wrong.. Maybe it goes against your opinion (and maybe others too) but doesn't make it "wrong" per se. I just don't think tech 2 kit looks good on a pfl. Prefer tech 1 or standard on pfl and facelift must be tech 2 imo..

No, 'wrong' is quite appropriate. This is because my opinion is always right. You will come to realise this.

Also, where's my farking spell-check gone?

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Personally think SMG is an awesome concept but there are plenty of horror stories online if you just google "SMG M3 reliability" :ph34r: Also prefacelift E46 ftw!

I wouldn't take that as proof - If you google 'cough and high fever' you'll discover you've got AIDS.

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Personally. Maunal > Walking > Automatic > crawling through glass with cock out > SMG

Curious - why?

Also, which car features option 4? I reckon I know some guys who'd be into that sorta thing.

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