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New(ish) to NZ, rekindling relationship with BMW...

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Hi all,

We arrived in NZ at the end of June last year, staying at a friends house for a few weeks before renting near Clevedon, south-east of Auckland.

We're long-term German car fans having had many Mercedes, BMWs, VWs and Audis. My first BMW was an E21 323i, followed later by a 840Ci. (My brother had the 850 - interesting comparison.) My wife drove an E30 320i coupe for several years.

Work for me was very slow to be sorted. We didn't want to jump into daily life straight away but after a few months here, we decided it was time. And Telecom laid off 140 or so IT Project Managers... My field. That didn't help at all, and marked the start of a long slog, and money worries, before I found work in Hamilton.

It's a nice drive south, but quite a distance, and my Merc really isn't suitably economical! I've been looking for cheap (try living for 14 months with no income!), economical, sensible, practical yet fun wheels for a while and have found a 2002 E46 320d Touring which would suit. (A 520d might be better, but beggars can't be choosers.) I'm aware that there can be a number of issues with the M47TUD engine, but also that it is a good engine provided it is looked after.

So, it's an older car. It will doubtless need some attention. So the first of (doubtless) many questions is: who are the good guys for looking after 10-15 year old BMW diesels? I've been on many forums in the past, especially while in the UK, so 'normal' rules apply - let me know the good'uns here perhaps, but PM (in confidence) details of anyone to avoid!

Long term I may look to make some minor changes to the car and engine, but these will be more around maintaining reliability and power, and increasing economy. I know it could be tuned and tweaked, but 120km each way to work means this isn't really a car to 'play' with too much. ;)

Thanks folks.


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SD European down in Horotiu are supposed to be good. BM Workshop up here in Botany is awesome too.

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SD European down in Horotiu are supposed to be good. BM Workshop up here in Botany is awesome too.

I pass SD twice a day... Definitely an option. :)

Servicing and similar in Hamilton has benefits as I'm here all day, every day. However, I've no plans to sell the Merc so it could be used if a BMW is 'in' somewhere in Auckland. (Mrs M has seen a 318i Touring that she rather fancies - we'll need to get some money saved first, though.)

On the Hamilton end, I found details of European Specialists Ltd at 7B Tasman Road, Hillcrest Auto Services at 50 Riverlea Road, and Greg Hantz Autos at 36 King Street. I've not gone looking for Auckland-based specialists yet.

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Just walked up to Greg Hantz - he's maybe 10 minutes alk from work. He was very helpful.

Several BMWs of different ages around including an E23, couple of E36s, and an E34 (might have been an E39 - I didn't look closely enough) Touring. Other cars including a Mk 5 or 6 Golf, and a Japanese SUV. So, a BMW specialist, but not exclusively BMW. Makes sense.

Happily spent a few minutes chatting and giving me some pointers.

Edited by gjm

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Hope everything works out for you..as for `try living for 14 months with no income...` , mate, I fantasise about giving that a go !!

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Hope everything works out for you..as for `try living for 14 months with no income...` , mate, I fantasise about giving that a go !!

Aye... Seemed like a good idea at the time! It's the little things that cause problems. Y'know, rent, petrol, food, electricity... :rolleyes:

Fingers crossed that's all behind us now.

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Welcome to the forum, well as you guessed the e31 sparked my interests. I'm in love with mine. Not sure why, have not been able to drive it yet... well for more than a day...

Can't really help out with any advise on purchase of a diesel... but don't forget those v8 s are quiet economical on the long road. And the 520d is working hard, if you go 2l diesel keep her lighter STD 3 series or you fuel will not be that cheap.

I did the Hamilton trip regularly in my 535 and found I averaged about 8l per 100 if I just set the cruise and relaxed. Put your foot down and obviously she drinks but under no pressure I still believe the larger petrol engine in more economical after diesel tax. OK OK, maybe not more economical but almost the same price and sounds way nicer.

Says me who drives around in a 2.5 diesel Ute... perhaps I should go sleep instead... I offered no real advice, just a welcome and love team 8ers

Best of luck finding a car, sorry to hear the hard times... hopefully it all tracks good.

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E31s are great cars. I forgot earlier to mention I had an E34 M635CSi - the 8-series was a good successor, in my opinion. Neither is something I'd want to consider, from an economy perspective, for a daily 250km round trip, though!

I've managed to get my W201 Mercedes down to 9l per 100km, but it'd be incredibly hard to better that, in that car. Having spoken to a former owner of an E46 320d (saloon) I'm likely to better 5l per 100km; maybe it was a tall story, but he claimed he had once seen below 4l per 100km. That'd be nice, but I'm not holding my breath!

Regardless - many thanks for the welcome. :)

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^ cheers! Did you get the 320D touring? it has been withdrawn from trademe....

Errmm... Yes. Well, tonight.

I'll 'fess up. I registered because I'd seen it and hoped for some more info, then saw it listed in the TM section.

It looks to be in generally good condition, and the description appears very fair, with the possible exception of the potentially misleading distance travelled info. (Why do we measure in kms, and talk about mileage?) The odometer is in miles, not kms. (I wonder how that fits, or has fitted, with RUC...?)

I wasn't quickly or readily able to check swirl flaps or engine breathers, hence my question in maintenance. The battery probably needs replacing - it's a BMW battery and could possibly even be original. The centre console cubby sliding cover is broken. The rims are a little curbed. The drivers door window is a little slow to rise.

But that is about it. Yes, it is a high mileage car, and frankly I'm a little concerned about the service intervals - I get the impression that the service indicator has been adhered to, which in my opinion is not often enough. But it's a reasonably eyes open purchase and the price leaves enough for a turbo rebuild if necessary.

Everything seemed to work. It sounded a bit like a tractor, but a 3-year old 320d that I drove in the UK sounded very similar. Driving it isn't an isolated environment like, say, a Mercedes or an Audi A6, but road and engine noise isn't especially intrusive. There's no smoke that I could see, no real lag, and it feels eager when driven. Huge pile of receipts, including details of a recent ecu replacement, front lower arm replacement, and much other stuff. Actually, I found details of at least two if not three instances of front lower arm or bush work.

It drives well, brakes to a standstill in a straight line, doesn't rattle or bang over bumps, doesn't shake or unduly vibrate, and there are no odd knocking noises.

Fingers crossed!

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Heh, if the battery is working and holds it's charge, why replace?

as for the maintenance items, I would like to know that too.

RUC is calculated in KMs and noted in Miles I suppose. (can the OBC switch between the two? )

If the soon to be ex-owner was truthful about the highway miles story, i think you may have less impact wear than you may think.

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The battery change would wait a while... I was told that if you leave the car for a week or so, it can be slow to crank. Of course, this could just point to a 'leak' somewhere, but I suspect that a BMW-badged battery may be an old one.

I was wondering if someone may have simply taken the number from the odometer and used that when paying RUC. Naughty, if so, but among the paperwork are several RUC sheets. I'll check them; the car really does appear to have a few thousand kms to go before it needs doing again.

Transmission fluid and filter are things I'll also look at changing ASAP. There's no mention of it ever having been done, and the seller tells me a garage effectively dissuaded him from having it changed, citing "sealed for life" and "it's your risk", or similar. Sounds like a job they didn't want to do.

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Hi all,

We arrived in NZ at the end of June last year, staying at a friends house for a few weeks before renting near Clevedon, south-east of Auckland.

We're long-term German car fans having had many Mercedes, BMWs, VWs and Audis. My first BMW was an E21 323i, followed later by a 840Ci. (My brother had the 850 - interesting comparison.) My wife drove an E30 320i coupe for several years.

Work for me was very slow to be sorted. We didn't want to jump into daily life straight away but after a few months here, we decided it was time. And Telecom laid off 140 or so IT Project Managers... My field. That didn't help at all, and marked the start of a long slog, and money worries, before I found work in Hamilton.

It's a nice drive south, but quite a distance, and my Merc really isn't suitably economical! I've been looking for cheap (try living for 14 months with no income!), economical, sensible, practical yet fun wheels for a while and have found a 2002 E46 320d Touring which would suit. (A 520d might be better, but beggars can't be choosers.) I'm aware that there can be a number of issues with the M47TUD engine, but also that it is a good engine provided it is looked after.

So, it's an older car. It will doubtless need some attention. So the first of (doubtless) many questions is: who are the good guys for looking after 10-15 year old BMW diesels? I've been on many forums in the past, especially while in the UK, so 'normal' rules apply - let me know the good'uns here perhaps, but PM (in confidence) details of anyone to avoid!

Long term I may look to make some minor changes to the car and engine, but these will be more around maintaining reliability and power, and increasing economy. I know it could be tuned and tweaked, but 120km each way to work means this isn't really a car to 'play' with too much. ;)

Thanks folks.


Welcome. First off, great name, possibly the best name on the forum, AFAIK you make number 3 Graham, other ways of spelling it are incorrect.

Why not just move to Hamilton, its no less a shithole than Auckland, probably cheaper to live etc.

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I spent a good two years in Rototuna, one of the better places to live in Hamilton. would highly recommend a place there.

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It's a little more complicated than that in the short term, but yes - we will look to move. We have a 13-year old daughter who is at school here and in trying to minimise disruption to her education (again) we're likely to stay where we are for another 9 or 10 months. In the meantime we're looking at schools for teenage girls in the Hamilton area (an activity which sounds so much worse when I write it down) and having decided where she'll move to, we'll plan where we will live around that.

Unfortunately that may mean we need room for a horse or two, a couple of dairy beef, chickens, an orchard, a large barn (or two - can't have enough barns), great views, and so on.

So I'm saving up.

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didnt know 190E came in a 3.0L, thought the biggest was the 2.6 DOHC engine.

In anycase, i had one, and the E30 i had at the same time was much much more efficient. But the Merc more luxurious. Much rather an E30 to throw around though

Well that post didnt help at all

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The battery change would wait a while... I was told that if you leave the car for a week or so, it can be slow to crank. Of course, this could just point to a 'leak' somewhere, but I suspect that a BMW-badged battery may be an old one.

I was wondering if someone may have simply taken the number from the odometer and used that when paying RUC. Naughty, if so, but among the paperwork are several RUC sheets. I'll check them; the car really does appear to have a few thousand kms to go before it needs doing again.

Transmission fluid and filter are things I'll also look at changing ASAP. There's no mention of it ever having been done, and the seller tells me a garage effectively dissuaded him from having it changed, citing "sealed for life" and "it's your risk", or similar. Sounds like a job they didn't want to do.

Yes, standard story for gearboxes and diffs is "sealed for life". The life is just shortened by not changing the oil. Case in point - the E36 Auto Japan import has a Jatco box. It's sealed for life if it's in a BMW, it's not if the same box is in a Nissan.

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didnt know 190E came in a 3.0L, thought the biggest was the 2.6 DOHC engine.

In anycase, i had one, and the E30 i had at the same time was much much more efficient. But the Merc more luxurious. Much rather an E30 to throw around though

Well that post didnt help at all

You're absolutely right. The 2.6 was the largest engine fitted to the W201 190E (if you ignore the AMG and Carlsson versions). But it is the M103 engine, and was fitted as a 2.6 and 3.0 in the W124 E-class, and (typically) as a 3.0 in the W126 (although some countries got the 2.6, too).

However, the block is identical in terms of appearance. Short of checking the engine number, it is impossible to tell a 2.6 and 3.0 block apart. Yup.... Mine (now) has a 3.0 block. :D It may get the crank from a US-market 350SDL in due course, at which point it'll become a 3.4. :D :D :D

The Merc is definitely more luxurious than the BMW, be it a E30, E36 or E46. It is so easy, so comfortable, and generally so nice to drive... On a road that isn't too twisty or demanding. That's when the BMW steps in.

Yes, standard story for gearboxes and diffs is "sealed for life". The life is just shortened by not changing the oil. Case in point - the E36 Auto Japan import has a Jatco box. It's sealed for life if it's in a BMW, it's not if the same box is in a Nissan.

Both will be sorted ASAP. The gearchange, up and down is pretty smooth, but I've seen what can happen when those fluids aren't sorted.

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Heh, if the battery is working and holds it's charge, why replace?

as for the maintenance items, I would like to know that too.

RUC is calculated in KMs and noted in Miles I suppose. (can the OBC switch between the two? )

If the soon to be ex-owner was truthful about the highway miles story, i think you may have less impact wear than you may think.

Picked it up last night. Something I noticed then, and again this morning, is just the slightest notchiness in steering around straight ahead. Could be alignment, or could be indicative of having spent a lot of time on the motorway.

It's not significant, and I doubt a problem.

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I'll spend a bit of time collecting my thoughts and start a(nother) "I've got a new car" thread. :)

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Work for me was very slow to be sorted. We didn't want to jump into daily life straight away but after a few months here, we decided it was time. And Telecom laid off 140 or so IT Project Managers... My field. That didn't help at all, and marked the start of a long slog, and money worries, before I found work in Hamilton.

Thanks folks.



Yeah .. I worked for Telecom and was part of the layoffs in May .. fun times for a month or two but managed to find a position in an area inside Telecom I've been wanting to move into for a long time. The opportunity even turned into a step up in job so all good.

Not having work or instability sucks .. especially when your looking to sort out your life plans. So I feel for ya!.

Did you end up at Genesis ? there were a lot of positions in Hamilton that the company was struggling to fill for a while. It was earlier a tough market for a while.

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Yeah .. I worked for Telecom and was part of the layoffs in May .. fun times for a month or two but managed to find a position in an area inside Telecom I've been wanting to move into for a long time. The opportunity even turned into a step up in job so all good.

Not having work or instability sucks .. especially when your looking to sort out your life plans. So I feel for ya!.

Did you end up at Genesis ? there were a lot of positions in Hamilton that the company was struggling to fill for a while. It was earlier a tough market for a while.

Sorry to hear you were involved, but sounds as though it turned out well.

The bizzarest (is that a word?) thing happened. After searching for so long, and particularly given I was assured there was no work in IT in Hamilton, I was offered three jobs in less than a week. Datacom turned me down for the role I applied for, but the PMO Director asked to see me personally, offering me a choice of full-time role or directly contracting with them. A small IT services company in Hamilton practically begged me to join them, and Dimension Data offered me a job as a Senior PM.

I took the DD job. They offered me a really good salary (especially for Hamilton) and a friendly lower pressure working environment. The other services company looked fabulous but could only immediately offer a short-term contract. Nothing against Datacom, but having tried the into Auckland commute a couple of times, I really didn't fancy it. Hamilton is only about 10-15 minutes further, despite being 3 times the distance.

Datacom have asked me, more than once, how I'm getting on and invited me to contact them if I want to change. :D

Edited by gjm

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Good to hear that you`re sorted...best of luck.

Thanks Ray.

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