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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Sorry for bumping this as it seems like a good time to do so as the Castrol stuff officially ran out from the dealerships a few months back and there’s now only the Shell/BMW stuff left. I have had some first hand experience now with this new dealership 10W-60 and I am at two minds about it as it seems to act slightly differently depending on if your motor has high km or low km. On the high km s54 it seems to be the same engine temperature wise, no discernable difference except for a slightly raised temperature under hard driving. On the low km s54 it was immediately clear that the engine ran much hotter even in normal conditions but about the same under hard driving although the temp rose a lot quicker than before. I have been doing a bit more research and I originally thought that the latest Castrol Edge 10W-60 sn with Titanium FST sold locally in NZ (in repco ect) might be the same product sold in the UK approved for BMW M motors - which is named Castrol Edge 10W-60 Supercar with Titanium FST there. In the UK Castrol Edge with titanium FST isn’t sold in 10W-60 weight, only in the “supercar” range which is also a Castrol Edge product with Titanium FST. Looking at the specs between the NZ product and the UK supercar product they do appear similar. Deciding to find out once and for all I decided to email Castrol NZ to find out. It appears the current NZ product isn’t the same as the UK supercar product sold there approved for the M motors. But it seems this approved product may yet come into NZ. Reply from Castrol NZ below:
  2. 1 point
    Finally the cooler pipes arrived. Everything installed Now for some test driving
  3. 1 point
    I've been working on a list today.
  4. 1 point
    The IT industry is incredibly short staffed at the moment. When don’t you directly approach recruiters and organisations of a certain size and see what shakes out? Even a six month contract would give you some breathing space.
  5. 1 point
    Found it. 8Jx17 and a bit rough, but here you go. ET20
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    One of the components was fried, sent it away to Christchurch to get fix. Aside from the hit on my wallet it was easy!
  8. 1 point
    Why are you committing such crime against this beautiful machine?!
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I believe the two are basically the same product actually. Here's some specs: TWS (for M) : Now known as TWS Edge Professional Relative density @ 20.0 deg C = 0.865 Viscosity at 40 deg C = 163.1 Viscosity at 100 deg C = 24.3 Viscosity Index = 181 Flash Point (closed) deg C = 198 Pour point deg C = -42 TBN = 8.1 http://www.tds.castrol.co.nz/pdf/10709_Edge%20Professional%20TWS%2010W-60.pdf http://msdspds.castrol.com/bpglis/FusionPDS.nsf/Files/6FDB8BF64A70767380257B520054A718/$File/BPXE-96ZTLQ.pdf Compare that to the Titanium: http://www.tds.castrol.co.nz/pdf/10806_EDGE%2010W-60%20SN.pdf Almost exactly the same specification. Now if you really want to get to the bottom of it all, why don't you PM the guy (Doug Hillary is his name) that developed it for Castrol himself directly on this forum below LOL (seems from what he says, it was developed and then branded separately, one for BMW and one for Castrol itself): http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2988455
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