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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/23 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Yeah I will be honest and say I am not likely to ever join another series with my car. The change in safety regulations and track cost increases have put an already expensive sport even further out of reach. There are far fewer track days thanks to the closure of Puke and sale of Hampton and Taupo. And Playday On Track has pretty much been killed off due to this. Even silly things like I am not able to go passenger in a car without a roll cage to teach them how to get around the track anymore. But if I did want to take a passenger in a car with a roll cage they are required to have the same safety gear as me including Hans device. Just so you are aware. It is not as easy as it once was.
  2. 1 point
    Check cv joints for play and wheel bearings. Driveshaft centre hanger, guibo.. In fact, f**k it Nick, pull the whole thing apart 😆
  3. 1 point
    They built a great highway to get past it
  4. 1 point
    @C-130 Hercules what type of racing is he going to be doing? Many series require safety gear over and above the suit boots and helmet. MSNZ mandate fire proof undies for most series, and HANS is needed by many (a good idea tbh). This is another big cost to racing having all the safety gear (don’t forget the 5kg fire extinguisher for the pits, 1kg in the car, etc) it’s a big investment up front to try something you might not get along with. My gear has been sitting in the wardrobe in-used for a long time, happy to lend out my HANS which will fit any suitable helmet. Or any other stuff he might need (probs not the undies though..).
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I actually just received this a few hours ago too. https://mailchi.mp/racetech/free-freight-december-16829944?e=29ee258ff0
  7. 1 point
    I'm pleased it's going well for you Taylor, albeit a few coils and a RLS... great photos. Keen to keep updated, and yes there is always something... but I think you've started from an OK base 😎 Cheers.
  8. 1 point
    One of your pics is coming up fine, should be enough to start the discussion with anyone interested. I get your regret, it would be an impossible decision for me to split that from an otherwise good looking M3 vert, the chances of picking up another hardtop in the future is approaching zero. Regardless, if it has to go, GLWS.
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